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Everything posted by WalkingCivilWar

  1. I saw the game (live) and I agree with Kev. But had I not seen it I’d still agree with Kev. The misery and abject hopelessness and despair is suffocating. We lost a game of footy today. We won the previous three, we may win the next three. And just as the venters are entitled to vent, so too are the folks who find the venting stifling and uber-negative and an overwhelming drain. Everyone/entitled/opinion etc. PS you’ve yet to show me where I potted Tom Fullarton. You accused me of such, remember? So… show me.
  2. Sticking up for Goody’s coaching is one thing, being called “champion Goody nuffies” is another.
  3. Kolt was injured. That’s why he was subbed out.
  4. Why wouldn’t we have praised his selection and coaching decisions this week? His selection and coaching decisions resulted in three consecutive wins before today. Hashtag you need to park your hindsight.
  5. YOLO! I’ll sleep when I’m dead 🤪 Thats actually a dumb saying. Folks who say this clearly haven’t grasped the concept of sleep, nor death 🙃 I slept for maybe two hours last night. Not staying in Perth tonight, got an 11:45pm flight home with Mrs Frittata. Neither of us will have slept in more than 24 hours so it’s a good thing *we’re gonna win today; it’ll make the trip home bearable. *yeah, I said WE’RE GONNA WIN, coz we are K? K!
  6. Not showing off (except totes showing off so much it’s not funny) I got a video message from Melky yesterday. He is supremely confident (but not cocky or arrogant) about today. So rest at ease, fellow DL-ers and Demons tragics… if Melks is confident, so too should we be. PS Red Bull and toothpaste don’t go together 😐
  7. GAME-DAY? More like… GAME-YAY! We’ve got this. We’ve got this so much, it hurts. Hurts the Dockers, that is 😜 Us by my boy Melks - 18 pts CARNA MIGHTY DEES!!! GIVE ‘EM HELL!!! ❤️💙🫶🏼❤️💙
  8. When it’s against Collingwood it’s buckets of fun!
  9. And just to top off the Ginny show, he drops the F bomb 😂
  10. Spewing there’s only a little over a minute remaining. This is so much fun!!!
  11. 10 goals up! Happy happy joy joy. 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳
  12. Zephs will be waiting a looooooong time 😂
  13. Sweet baby Jesus this is awesome. PLEASE KEEP IT UP, HAWKS!!!
  14. Early days yes but Hawthorn are full of confidence and Collingwood ain’t. It’s a thing of beauty. 😅
  15. The Suns trail by three goals. It’s a shame Ben King has scored one behind from four shots on goal. 😑
  16. Lachie has stagnated on 199 games for months. 😭
  17. Even if someone (patiently) explained it to him it’d take a while for him to comprehend it, à la the intercept mark… https://www.reddit.com/r/AFL/comments/n6v7zi/bt_learns_what_an_intercept_mark_is/
  18. Finally! Something Essendon fans and I agree on 🤣
  19. Jack saying Hello to free WIFI 🤣 This was taken half an hour ago in the Virgin lounge at the airport by a DA member. I thought they flew out yesterday but they’re boarding to leave now. Then straight to the captain’s run. GO YOU MIGHTY DEES! PS how lucky are the players that I’m not on their flight 😂
  20. Dostoevsky wouldn’t barrack for Essendon 🤨
  21. Brad Scott wants to kill somebody 😂 Seriously, it’s hilarious. The journos aren’t even deterred in the slightest and he’s gotta sit there and cop the questions 🤣
  22. Just go into your account and delete pics (attachments) that you no longer need 👍🏽 This frees up space.
  23. Yeah I just think the NON-MFC thread is not the place to discuss this, especially in the middle of a thrilling game. Maybe it’s just me 🤷‍♀️
  24. You took one for the team! Hats off to you!
  25. I DID!!! Then I saw this… And I dared to dream. 🤩 Thank you @ANG13 I would’ve missed the sheer euphoria of seeing Essendon pipped at the post! 🥳👊🏼💛❤️💙
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