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Everything posted by WalkingCivilWar

  1. Work???? I’m lucky just to be walking around today. I’m sore all over and bruised in the weirdest places, from freezing my saturated @zz off and wielding heavy wet props with zero feeling in my purple hands, dancing to our awesome drum (played by a 10yo boy, mind you) jumping around with same-level nuffies, falling over and falling off (kids- never stand on wet slippery seats no matter how excited you are) and the long walk home coz I missed the last bus. But you know what??!! I WOULDN’T CHANGE A FREAKING THING. Beating Essendon is worth every bruise, every sore muscle, and frostbitten toes. 😁🥳🕺🪩🥰
  2. Funny you should mention his hair, Jaded. Ryan, our awesome chant-leader, was told by security at a match earlier this year that Williamson had officially complained about Ryan calling him “Haircut.” 😂 Ryan has been pulled up on many occasions for ‘umpire abuse’ something we’re forbidden to do. It’s due to the usual non-complimentary descriptions, but never something like “Haircut” 😅😅😅
  3. Avos are reserved for Essendon only. $50 - $80 for Collingwood (depending on level of hate at the time) and $20 for all others. 👍🏽
  4. He trained as per usual. Nothing out of the ordinary.
  5. I just remembered… I lost $100 on that game!!! MONEY WELL SPENT!!!
  6. I’m still giddy with delight, Lex. So yeah, these comments are going down a treat. Woke up this morning to the realisation that it wasn’t a dream and we had indeed beaten the great pretenders last night. So good. So, so good.🤌 Last night was just like last time we played them, except this time there was no 8-hour drive home afterwards and this time WE WON 🥳🥳🥳
  7. I’m right here ya know, Zephs! 🤨
  8. Go home, Andy. You’re drunk. 😅
  9. Oh, I know everything is not “all dandy” but for god’s sake, we just beat Essendon. ESSENDON! Can’t everything else wait until tomorrow? Unfortunately you’re right about not being alone in “calling out HP’s game” immediately after a stirring win but I’m appealing to you in the hope that you’ll listen, unlike the usuals who I know for sure won’t.
  10. SAME!!!!! I’m not even halfway home yet, I’ve got a grand total of NO voice, I’m literally wet through to the bone, freezing my @zz off and in a carriage full of red n black sadsacks AND I’M LOVING EVERY SINGLE MINUTE OF IT 🥳🥳🥳 Ima watch the replay when I get home coz I know I won’t be able to sleep. WE DID IT! WE BEAT ESSENDON!!!
  11. Awww who hurt you, fellah? You’re entitled to your opinion etc. but you can’t afford us the joy of beating that revolting team even just for tonight?? If you’re truly a Melbourne supporter you’d be enjoying the win right now. Bash HP all you like (you’re gonna anyways) but right or wrong, can’t you just leave it alone for tonight?????
  12. Right???? What tf is wrong with some people????!!!! They must need someone to belittle to make themselves feel big. Seems HP is their guy, for now anyways. Miserable [censored]-ers
  13. Could NOT have said it better myself! Thank you James!!!! I hope all the Goody-bashers enjoy a big fat serving of humble pie, even better… a cold and lumpy serving. PS PLEASE KEEP ON POSTING. We need to hear more from folks like you. Unfortunately the misery-guts, doom n gloom-mongers on here are the most vocal. They know who they are and we know who they are and in the words of one of my heroes… they can “get stuffed.” YEAH THE MIGHTY [censored] DEES!
  14. Yes you CAN, Daniel. Why can’t we win???? Come on… start believing and it’ll happen. Personally I’m totes looking forward to losing $100 (which I can ill afford) tonight. Moreover, I’d gleefully lose $1000 if it means we beat those bastards, except my son draws the line at a week of nothing but Vegemite sandwiches for brekky, lunch and dinner, he ain’t doing a month. #SpoiltBrat 😁
  15. Is he even a Melbourne supporter??! Nah, I know he is… Nibs is his favourite player, that’s more than enough. ❤️💙
  16. Uhm… YES HE DOES! I’ll even throw in a foot-rub and a charcuterie and a bottle of *Penfolds Bin 95 'Grange' Shiraz 1998 (Magnum) in the limo. *clueless about wine so hadda Google ‘most expensive wine’ and this one goes for $2,350 a pop! The website says ‘free delivery’!!!! I should bloody think so! At that price I’d expect Brad Pitt to deliver it. 😅
  17. I’ll do that. And I’ll have a limousine parked out front of yours every GameDay for him.
  18. Confidence/Delusion… it’s all the same right? 😁 Seriously MD, you just have to BELIEVE. I genuinely believe we’ll beat them, I really do. Our boys are riding a wave of confidence and belief and their players have probably let doubt creep in. Reason being, before they beat Collingwood everyone was saying they haven’t beaten any of the top sides. They beat Collingwood and that boosted their confidence… muchly 😡 After watching Collingwood last night, you can’t tell me Essendon are still feeling so invincible. We need to capitalise on that self-doubt, and I believe we will. WE CAN (AND WILL) DO THIS!!!
  19. Same, Ang! I’m always chill af. I only have my weight’s worth of coffee and Red Bull and a carton of cigarettes because that’s how I roll. 😀
  20. Pffft Essendon Shmessendon GIVE ‘EM HELL, DEES!!! Confidence and belief. We can do this! Us by a Matty J (21 pts) ❤️💙👊🏼
  21. Max isn’t injured. He just has another gig…
  22. 🎶 Oh the premiership’s a cakewalk 🎶 HUGE LOLZ 😂😂😂
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