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Everything posted by WalkingCivilWar

  1. SHOW SCOTT’S MUG!!! pretty please.
  2. If Geelong win this I’ll vomit
  3. Please footy gods… Geelong to lose by a point. Or just lose.
  4. This is full-on crazy frenetic footy.
  5. And you’re dead right. Time to tune into the other match now.
  6. I think of that moment every time I watch him play. 😝
  7. As far as we know they’re releasing all rounds BAR the final round (Round 24) which is expected to be released in *four weeks. *Four AFL weeks, not to be confused with four everyone else weeks 🙄
  8. Rounds 16 - 23 details (dates/times) will be revealed next Tuesday.
  9. Good luck with that! Hashtag Needle/haystack
  10. I do. You make it sound like a bad thing. 😁
  11. Short answer: Cry Long answer: Cry a lot
  12. Raining as we speak. Make poncho your friend!
  13. Haha someone has defaced this Welcome Baggers sign… What a legend! I hope she wasn’t caught on security cameras. Or he. She or he. who knows.
  14. Definitely can do. Poetic licence may see you swap out the giant Tmac head for a giant Rooey head since the giant Tmac head has seen a lot of love and is now a little worse for wear. Or if you decide to make it a comedy, we have giant Grundy heads, hardly used, almost brand new.
  15. You write it, I’ll proofread it. We’ll split the $$$ 70/30. You’re fine with 30% right??! 😉
  16. Or was it his wrist or forearm? Even he’s not sure 🙄 when asked immediately after the match which part of his hand/arm touched the ball he said the worst possible answer which was “… Uhm…”
  17. @davejemmolly If you and your family are seated near bay M33, your kids are very welcome to come to the front of our bay before the game to grab flags (we have a variety of sizes), handheld banners or a giant head to wave during the match. As long as they’re returned after the match (we once had a kid who got halfway to Jolimont station carrying a giant Tmac head because he sincerely thought he could keep it. Bless). Same goes for everyone who sits in our bay or an adjoining one. I’m only singling out Dave because he and his family are visiting from Perth. GO THE MIGHTY DEES! ❤️💙❤️💙❤️💙❤️💙
  18. “throw a stone into a crowd of dogs, and the hit dog will holler.” I never named anyone.
  19. I dunno. I’m not the one who was schooled 😉
  20. Well ya kept this quiet! Where were you 11 hours ago? I could’ve used your help when I was floundering. We could’ve avoided “four pages of outrage” to use the words of MoonFace or Moonboot or whatever his name is. Kidding, of course. It’s great your kids had such a fun time getting autographs and pics. Enjoy the rest of your visit to Melbourne and especially a win tomorrow night! ❤️💙
  21. I heard that, it was during the SEN interview with Dwayne, and I was surprised because everyone at the Club calls him Leb, including the coaches. He told me no one calls him The Duke. Maybe deep down he’d prefer The Duke. 🤷‍♀️
  22. 🙋‍♀️ I’m right here, you know. JK. 😁 I started this thread because there was nobody else reporting from Gosch’s. I make a point each time of prefacing a training report with variations of ‘I couldn’t do a training report to save my [censored] life.’ I’m not the cause of the angst. No, the angst stems from a poster who whinged about the lack of an insightful report, and worse still, the goon who applauded it. And now some old bloke I don’t even know is whining about four pages of ‘outrage,’ yep outrage that wouldn’t have happened HAD THE WHINGER NOT WHINGED AND HIS GOON NOT APPLAUDED IT. Geez Louise. What a shemozzle. A fiasco. A debacle. Call it what you will, but ima do the exact same thing next week if for no other reason than to get under the skin of the old bloke, the whinger, and his goon. 🥳
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