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Everything posted by WalkingCivilWar

  1. You don’t know if this was or wasn’t the case any more than any of us do. I believe it WAS the case, you clearly believe it wasn’t. Please don’t label what I believe as “absolute nonsense” Besides that, (insert the obligatory everyone’s entitled to their opinion) how about exercising a little sensitivity? This incident has affected people in a variety of ways and to a variety of levels. I personally have been and still am deeply affected by it. Just a suggestion but maybe you should read the room. And of course the also-obligatory… IMVFHO
  2. 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮 Not only is this a crock of sch!tt but in light of Kozzie’s huge brigade of little fans it makes me so angry. Yesterday (like at any and every event) I couldn’t count the number of little kids with 36 on their jumpers. Kids idolise Kozzie. We sold bracelets like these… The Kozzie ones went in the blink of an eye. I meet a lot of little Dees and always ask “who’s your favourite player?” Max and Tracc figure strongly but hands down Kozzie is the name I hear most. This sort of talk is disgusting. How dare this nasty person drag Kozzie down to that thug Maynard’s level.
  3. [censored] it all. [censored] I hate that filthy pack of [censored] thugs.
  4. Hawks are so impressive. They’re desperate and determined and so full of belief. Please footy gods, let this happen.
  5. Yes, you should’ve! I’m always happy to meet fellow DL-ers ❤️💙 Thank you for supporting us this morning, very much appreciated. The same goes to everyone else who came to sample our fare. We did really well, so much better than we expected given the weather forecast. Even the couple of random showers didn’t deter folks in the queue… Dees fans are made of tough stuff 👊🏼
  6. Hawks will get our hopes up and might even get within a couple of goals in the final quarter, but Collingwood will win coz Collingwood.
  7. You were supposed to turn your clock back an hour, not a year, ol’ crankypants 😁
  8. I don’t know about parking around Gosch’s except to say being early on a Sunday morning you should have a good chance of getting a park. But a better idea is to park at a train station and PT it to Richmond train station. Maybe not if you’re on the Sunbury line though coz of the dreaded two words… replacement [censored] buses 🤬 I really hope we get a decent turnout, in the absence of a traditional Family Day this is one of the events we heavily rely on for fundraising. So y’all drag yer sorry arzes outta bed and get on down here! K? K.🥰
  9. Come on doggies!!! You can do this!
  10. The weather forecast will likely put some folks off attending *cough* soft as melted butter *cough* 😅 Come and enjoy the winning vibes regardless of the weather! And if it is cold and wet, what better way to warm up than with a hot snag (with or without onions) in bread? Answer: there is no better way 😃 Show our players how proud you are of them (coz you are proud of them, right?) and enjoy the company of other Dees peeps. See you there!!! ❤️💙👊🏼❤️💙
  11. I thought he only looked embalmed. Anyways I’ve shown it to Fritta’s mum and she finds it hilarious 😆
  12. Besides the point I know but this Strocher character sounds like an awesome guy! 🤮
  13. On Demonland, I only share the shareable bits 😉
  14. Ugh like Essendon aren’t revolting enough without those hideous guernseys. Why the double sash? Actually the real question is why do I care. Anyways Todd Goldstein needs to change to ankle socks, the long socks add to the overgrown clown look.
  15. I thought so too, DeeMee. I was padded up ready to go in to bat for Axis, thinking it was tongue in cheek, but it’s not, so the others were right in terms of how they’ve responded. FWIW: I do think umpiring is hella important, which was the point of Axis’ original comment.
  16. Apologies if this has already been discussed, but Crows fans still booing Ricky is ridiculous. In the six years since leaving them they’ve not played finals, and he’s now a Premiership player for us. Why would they want to routinely remind themselves of that?!
  17. At a vending machine at Adelaide airport this morning and I hear a big boomin’ voice coming from behind… “Well, hello! How’s my Demon Lady, this morning?” (Clearly he’d forgotten my name 😁) It was Chocco and he was chock-full of chuffiness 😅 He said, “How good was that win, eh?!” I said, “We’re taking eight points back to Melbz so yeah, it was real good!” He then got in the boarding queue, grinning like a Cheshire cat. In stark contrast, I saw Laurie and Schache further back in the queue. They both nodded and waved but without a smile in sight. They looked miserable, but that might just be coz they realised they were on the same flight as me. 🤭 #stalkerBeEverywhere
  18. Yes but… ‘Michelangelo Rucci’ Cool name so all G. Also… there’s nothing wrong with Vinnies, they’ve been dressing me for years. Also, also… what’s a villy???
  19. Half of Adelaide actIng like it’s Taylor Swift, Ed Sheeran, Elton John and Pink in one big mega-show. The other half are all, oh that football thing is on now, is it? What’s it called… The Gathering? (A woman actually said that to me. 😅)
  20. Unfortunately he’s not at all interested in footy. Not one of my sons is even slightly interested in footy. I must’ve done something heinous in a previous life, maybe mass murder. They’re hipsters and I’m a loudmouth bogan mum, apparently. 🙄 This morning at 3:30am no one I know was awake so I sent a flurry of excited Go Dees messages to my firstborn who lives in Poland. He responded… 😅
  21. As long as my precious hens are being fed, he can do whatever he likes in the interim. 😁
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