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Everything posted by WalkingCivilWar

  1. I’m praying like a madman to the footy gods. Making all manner of promises if Collingwood lose. 🙏
  2. Can’t watch this shiiiit. Of course Collingwood will be carried over the line, coz Collingwood. Sucks so much Incidentally, after that last goal the long Collingwood chant struck up. There was seven minutes left on the clock, six points up, yet no one will pull them up for going too early. Just sayin’ 😁
  3. Cox started that melee. The big [censored]. God how I hope they lose this game
  4. Tex Walker is a ⭐️ Seems he just can’t miss set shots. It’s a joy to behold, especially vs Collingwood.
  5. I wasn’t offended. And as far as I know ppl can quote any post regardless of to whom it’s ‘directed.’ Your comment doesn’t ‘remain relevant’ because it wasn’t relevant to begin with. Finally, don’t tell me to relax.
  6. 60,000+ ppl on a cold Sunday afternoon vs an interstate side. No wonder the AFL love when Collingwood are up and about.
  7. The post was made when the crows were well and truly being pumped and had only registered 1.7 to Collingwood’s lots. AT THE TIME it appeared a thumping of Adelaide was on the cards.
  8. GO CROWS!!!!! To hell with how the outcome of this match affects our ladder position, I flatly refuse to barrack for Collingwood. Tex’s HUGE goal though. 🤌
  9. Just a mum thing I guess. I’ve since found out he actually wasn’t fined. I’ve told her this but it seems the horse has already bolted and he’s copped a telling off already. Soz Bayley. 😬 All good, I’m sure there was some other reason for a good ‘talking to,’ there always is. 😂
  10. Never mind the fine, Fritta has a bigger concern: I just spoke to his mum and the fine was news to her. He hadn’t told her, despite having been with her as recently as this morning. Be afraid, Fritta. Be very afraid 😂😂😂 Hell hath no fury like a Paulsy scorned. 😜
  11. How’s that attractive game plan looking now? 😂
  12. Isn’t cheering for the bombers part of the death ride, though? I’m confused.
  13. Perilously close to a 186 point loss. A couple of misses just now will put the kybosh on that
  14. If not for Jayden (🥺) I’d be relishing this thumping of West Coast.
  15. Of course he wouldn’t be having fun, dees189227. He dearly wanted to stay with us. He didn’t want to go to them. The fact that he now plays in such a pathetic side would only serve to make him more unhappy.
  16. And this is how it will always be, unfortunately.
  17. Remember the circle of parity? You simply can’t use the argument “They beat (insert team name) so they’ll beat us.”
  18. That should’ve been play on. This is so frustrating to watch.
  19. GO SAINTS!!!! Am I the only one watching this match? 😁
  20. By anyone other than MFC fans… Robbie F. ☹️
  21. Andy, surely we don’t tolerate personal attacks on our own players (?) The above is a horrible insult and has ZERO to do with footy. I was gonna just report this but I feel it needs calling out publicly otherwise it will never end. @Demonland
  22. Don’t know if anyone has touched on it (coz can’t bear to read the bile on this embarrassing thread) but wanted to give a huge shoutout to everyone who attended the match last night. Thank you for being there to support our boys, who I’m sure are just as disappointed as we are. I couldn’t attend since I was at my son’s school concert but even in hindsight I wish I could’ve been there, especially since we lost, coz that’s when our players need us most. Oh and also because apart from your own kid’s five minutes on stage, two hours of everyone else’s kids performing is akin to torture. My ears are still bleeding. 😭
  23. Tried to read this thread (ever keen to learn) but couldn’t get past the second page. The usual culprits with their ridiculous comments (eg: Smith can’t play football… 🤮 and that’s just one of many, many examples of BS). The post above pretty much says it all (thanks Layz) about some of the nasty people on here. I have a theory that gets stronger by the day: DL has some failed aspirants, people who always dreamed of making it in the AFL but weren’t quite good enough. The bitterness is channeled towards DL in the form of bagging our players, oftentimes personally and mostly unjustified. Just my take on what I read here all too often. Anyways, onto our next challenge… GO DEES!!! ❤️💙
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