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Everything posted by WalkingCivilWar

  1. But it’s different when you’re the grandparent right? Aren’t kids generally well-behaved with grandparents despite being little [censored] at home?
  2. All of the above. But that was as a little kid with big brothers. Windy Hill was about the only ground they wouldn’t take me to. My mum wouldn’t allow it. The things I used to see and hear that my brothers would tell me to keep quiet about would have her rolling in her grave, even now. Princes Park was our most frequented ground, my brothers being diehard Carlton fans. One time I was caught up in a crowd crush at a Carlton vs Collingwood match when oppo fans were brawling at a narrow exit. I passed out and came to in the hands of the St John’s Ambulance ppl. I had bruised ribs and a broken toe yet my mum never found out about it. 😁
  3. The fans? Yes. Especially Port. But in every other respect Geelong is hands down the worst. Apart from being put in a sh!ttty part of the ground, not being allocated enough tickets, the tickets costing twice what we pay for interstate matches and the overall horribleness of being at that godforsaken cow paddock, the ground staff are extremely rude. Any other ground and both banner crews wait together in the race in perfect harmony. Last year at Geelong we were made to wait around the corner in a freezing narrow breezeway for ages under the watchful eye of a very loud and very little man. Yelling at us to move out of the way every time one of those ride-on buggy things came past, must’ve made him feel 10 feet tall. It’s like, dude, you put us here in the first place. Quit your barking. 😁 Then they snap at us while we’re on the ground, telling us to hurry when it’s them who’ve kept us waiting. In contrast, their counterparts at Adelaide Oval are the best.
  4. I have, actually. Once you get past the changing dirty nappies phase It seems it’s smooth sailing for the rest of the journey! That is, if you lay the right foundations. 😉 I have three beautiful sons who have been nothing but an absolute joy to raise. I’m ridiculously proud of the men they’ve become. I manufacture great humans, even if I do say so myself. 😁 just a crying shame none of them like footy 😭
  5. I’m actually not going tonight. ☹️ I have to do that thing, what’s it called again, oh yeah… parenting. 😁 My son is performing at his school music festival tonight and really wants me to be there. Besides that, it’s his 18th birthday today. If I had to choose one match I can’t attend this’d be it. I’m not exactly lamenting being unable to go to Mordor to be treated like scum by the most unwelcoming ground staff on the planet in the most inhospitable arena on the planet with the most hostile hosts on the planet.
  6. Thanks a bunch Andy, coz who doesn’t luvs them a good ol’ fashioned hearty pre-lunch cry every now and then, amirite?! 🥺😭🙃
  7. Oh boy. I’m currently in an alternate universe. I don’t know what’s real and what isn’t. Moreover, I don’t care. I need sleep. Lots of it. Give Mrs dw my best wishes. 🥰
  8. STOP POSTING GROSS THOUGHTS AND I’LL STOP YELLING AT YOU!!! Anyways, unless up-skirting in public restrooms is considered photography then I’d hazard a guess that BBO isn’t into photography.
  9. What’s it got to do with you anyways? If 12345_54321 takes issue with anything I’ve said I’m sure he’d address it with me directly. Why does he need a mouthpiece? And who assigned you for the gig? We both know your agenda. Please take your bitterness and resentment elsewhere.
  10. Please excuse my ignorance, but who or what is “Badloss”??!! Also, when do you turn 8?
  11. All good DZ and Jaded. The comment made by the Almighty Dazzling one was fairly and squarely directed at me. Subtlety’s not his forte. LOL, suggesting a poster is owed an apology for being doubted re their intel, especially when the poster has got it wrong in the past. Imagine an apology being issued every time that happened. 🤣 We’d need a dedicated thread for it and it would rival the No T$ thread in terms of length. Hells, we’d need an entire separate website. 😁😁😁 pfft some people. 🙄
  12. LOL if this actually was an accepted excuse. Unless of course Geelong players are the human equivalent of seahorses. Short of that, the dog ate my homework would be a better excuse.
  13. I remember this. Bloke should check the use-by date of his sauce. Methinks it might be off. Time to hit the shops and get a new one. 😁
  14. The sexting was two-way. They were adults. Tim and he wife worked things out. End of story. Also, what’s a hooby, Deeves????😂
  15. I’d forgotten all about this. And now he’s their captain. All good, it was years ago, he’s changed his ways, blah blah blah, whatever. Meanwhile Tim Paine is stripped of his captaincy and made to feel like the scum of the earth because he sent d*** pics to a consenting adult six years ago. Moreover, that’s the captaincy he was unexpectedly thrown into when our then captain, vice-captain and coach decided to cheat on the world stage. Cool. 🙄
  16. Stuart Broad would have to be the uncoolest cricketer ever. Stokes and Bairstow have both definitely head-butted someone in a pub at least once. Jimmy Anderson will be 41 next month. He’s been playing Test match cricket for 20 years. How on earth does his back hold up? When will Travis Head 86 that awful moustache? I wish we had this level of commentary in footy. Kumar and Tubby are chef’s kiss. Never mind me, just thinking aloud. 🙃
  17. Interesting, but not surprising. Even if they had the fixture sorted now they wouldn’t release it. Why give us the chance to book flights on a particular day when they can make us stay for four days (three nights)?
  18. Ima start a “That’s sh!tt For Footy” group. Anyone want to join?
  19. For all intents and purposes, it may as well be during Easter. The school holidays will ensure we’re all bled dry. I’m sure folks in Adelaide are rapt to host it again but for many of us it’s beyond reach.
  20. I heard it was April 4 - 7 which is Easter. Anyways even if it is the week after, it’s still during school holidays. Airfares and accommodation will skyrocket, it will be worse than last year. Rex currently have flights to Adelaide during that period starting from $79. But we don’t know on which day the Dees will be playing and by the time we find out there’s no way flights with any carrier will be affordable. The AFL are absolutely killing any sort of incentive for fans to attend matches. I’ll be attending no matter what, but it’s probably gonna be like this year: in a car, there and back on the same day, which sucks.
  21. Gather Round 2024 during the Easter holidays… just great. 🤬
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