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Everything posted by WalkingCivilWar

  1. No more chit-chats with Maysie in the goal-square. 🙁
  2. At least Jane’s son is a footy fan. My three boys are hipster [censored]-ers who think only the biggest bogans are into footy. All good though, I’m proud of my boganism and I only pay $1 for a coffee (at 7/11. It’s fine once you get it past the gag reflex) whereas they pay $6 for a skinny, soy, almond, whatever, whatever latte. Joke’s on them. 😁
  3. He is. Yesterday I saw videos of him on a treadmill and he’s running really well. The treadmill appears to be an ordinary one but as Pauline explained, it has these jets of air coming up from below that you can’t see that are adjustable and that give the effect of a certain percentage of his body weight being used. Right now while he’s running he’s effectively bearing 80% of his body weight, which is more advanced than expected at this point in time. He’ll soon be at 100%. Again, ahead of time. As I’ve mentioned before, the Frittata clan have this genetic thing of healing way ahead of time and healing really well. Besides that, Bayley is a coach’s dream. He strictly abides by everything he is told, almost to a point of obsession. He also has a fierce determination to be back to 100% fit. He’s currently super happy about his level and speed of recovery. He almost wills himself better. It’s so impressive to see.
  4. Shoutout to half of row G in the bay next to us (Richmond reprobates) who were ejected during the last quarter by the police. Directing a “w&nker” chant at Ryan isn’t the way to get our attention, we ignored the undesirables. So the bottom-feeders decided to abuse the Dees supporters around them, yelling profanities and showing the middle finger en masse. Classy bunch. NICE GOING, CHUMPS. 😃
  5. Uhm I think you meant to post this in the “insanely [censored] brilliant 90s music” thread. Along with… … and every Prodge track ever recorded.
  6. She ate her weight’s worth of skittles and jumbo marshmallows behind the goals today, washed down with three Red Bulls and two large double shot coffees and now will likely be awake until Wednesday. Cheesy early 90s huh? So much cheese, so little time. For starters… I could post in this thread every single day for the rest of my life and even a few years of the afterlife and still not exhaust the supply of cheese.
  7. He’ll be back, OD. He’ll be back to play in Sydney, round 24.
  8. Oh dear sweet deluded R. How many times must you be told that Adelaide is NOT an exotic part of the world. JK. I know where you are and it’s indeed an exotic part of the world. Anyways, please Uber a woo-hoo bird to the ‘G this arvo. We all know woo-hoos go for the Dees.
  9. To be fair, they do look very alike. 😁
  10. Hope your day gets so much better, FD. BTW, what size jocks do you wear? Asking for a mobile phone company. 😁
  11. We’ll win today. It’ll be a resounding win. It’ll be a memorable win. We won’t lose another match this year. We’ll finish second on the ladder at the end of H&A and our first final will be at the ‘G vs Brisbane and we’ll make Zorko cry, again. Why? Because I said so, and that’s as good a reason as any. GO THE MIGHTY DEES! ❤️💙 PS: some DA peeps are watching the Casey match today. They just reported seeing Clarry running, and running very well. They say he looks great. Spargypants is also there.
  12. In late 2021 the fine folks of Demonland said we should barrack for Essendon vs I can’t remember who because it helped our ladder position. As hard as it was, I did exactly that. But in the third quarter I caught myself whispering “come on Jake” when Stringer was lining up for goal. I realised it was only a matter of time before I’d be calling him “Jakey” so I immediately stopped barracking for them. One can only do so much for one’s team.
  14. Far out, footy messes with your head. Usually watching Papley I’m thinking of how much I can’t stand his annoying mug. Just now I yelled out “Yes! Go Paps!!” Come round 24 and I’ll be back to wishing him a pregame injury. It’s exhausting!
  15. Ugh I’m gonna be sick 🤮 COME ON SWANS FFS!!!!!
  16. LOL. Sounds like it, right?! Except… No. I love Joeboy but he’s a little harsh for mine.
  17. It wouldn’t be the same watching through nets. ☹️ Incidentally, pre-game goal kicking practice is when many mishaps occur, despite the net. Firstly, the balls are coming hard and fast and repeatedly. You’d be amazed at how many of them go over the net or on either side. But the main reason is because we’re not watching the players. We get all the gear out and set up our area etc. and for the most part have our backs to them. All good, concussion protocols don’t apply to the CS. 😊
  18. This seems too good to be true. All the results so far favouring us. We’ll win comfortably tomorrow and Essendon will be thoroughly humiliated and that’s a great footy weekend. ❤️💙
  19. We do have a massive Gussy fan who wears a replica Gussy helmet during every match. Pretty pointless though, he’s been hit on the head with it on and without and he says there was no difference. I was lucky not to have suffered a very bad outcome. The ball hit the mini banner I was holding aloft and because I was pulling it taut it lessened the impact to my head. There’s been way worse things that’ve happened to others: one of our CS members once saw the ball coming at warp speed and reflexively put her arm in front of her then 10yo daughter’s face to protect her and ended up with a broken wrist. Also, folks who wear glasses are sitting ducks. 😑
  20. All good, FB. I come from a diehard Carlton family and most of my friends are Carlton. I didn’t join in our WhatsApp chat last night as I usually do during Carlton matches but when I did after the match there was a bunch of questionable stuff flying around. Apparently they won the grand final last night, and the Ashes, and they found a cure for cancer. 😁
  21. It was late when I was chatting with a bunch of crazy blues fans so I got the numbers wrong. Or they got it wrong in their post-win euphoria last night. Probs a combination of the two.
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