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Everything posted by ucanchoose

  1. Well the time has come to make the trek across the nullabor (or more correctly the Great Australian Bight!). The belief we can win has waned a little with the loss of Meesen, who I thought was having a breakout year. However I am still hopeful of a victory, and some sleep on the way home tonight. I'd better get the wife a mother's day present while I'm at it (or will a demon victory be enough ;-) Melbourne by a Davey goal after the siren from the pocket!!!!!
  2. We have been improving, and with Robbo back with have just a hint of structure at the forward end. West Coast don't have much of a forward line, really, and our backline is in the better half of the comp already. Something's wrong with Kerr, so that helps our cause and I really don't feel my threat from the rest of the team ( except for the Q Stick). Maybe the travel might be a good thing for the team, who can tell? So as you are all waking up on Sunday morning, think of me, flying across the Great Australian Bight, full of nerves for the day ahead. Melbourne by 17 points!
  3. That left foot snap by newton would have been handy last weekend
  4. watts with the roving goal. Man this guy has some footy smarts
  5. Watt a goal. Give that man a melbourne shirt
  6. Yeah I'm flying over for the game sunday morning. Coming straight home that night. Sitting at the city end. Might be a bit boring on my own. Oh well, such is life :-)
  7. Well I was right above it, and could see it coming a mile away. Knew instantly this would happen. He should have known better, and could have been better positioned in my opinion
  8. I took my family. Rugged up well and had a good time, like always. It wasn't too bad actually. A lot better than the Geelong game last year
  9. Booked as well. Looks like there might be a good gathering this time. Went last year and was on my own which was bit of downer.
  10. It wasn't the end of the world, really, but is sure annoyed me, and more importantly, my wife, here's an excerpt of my email Anyway on Sunday the two security guards posted in this section would not allow anybody to stand behind the black barrier and watch the game. In fact they weren't even allowing people to stand there and make a phone call to meet up with friends, or for one distressing group, allow tourists who were obviously from another country to stand there for a couple of minutes and take a photo of the ground while the action was taking place. My wife was told to sit down or move, while watching the children who were walking around the unused bar area. There behaviour was quite abrupt and in my opinion and others in the area way over the top. It was actually distressing some people.
  11. I'm looking for a way to complain about the behaviour of the security guards on the top level of the ponsford stand last sunday. Anybody have any ideas.
  12. Went out there for a look, got a speeding fine, came home. Bastards had ambushed another one on my way back
  13. How much does it cost to get in if i'm a melbourne member?
  14. Although is performance was average, what about Brian Taylor on the sunday freo game? Argumentative idiot, You could cut the atmosphere with a knife.
  15. http://www.theage.com.au/national/collingw...o7.html?page=-1 This guy was a complete idiot, on bail for a previous offense!!! And it was his brothers in the fight too, notice the fact they have a different surname - consistant with being a Collingwood supporter
  16. I was going to post about this earlier. We were walking outside gate 4 when it occurred. Scum Collingwood supporters were saying that Jones started it, which isn't possible. A disgrace to take my wife, and two young kids to feel threatened. My wife doesn't want to go to a collingwood game anymore - that's sad. On another note, they won the game by 50 points and still booed the umpires all the way off the ground. What a pile of scumbags they really are.
  17. I dunno how many of you were at the game. But Morton runs around without an opponent for large stretches of the game and nobody passes the bloody ball to him. I try not to swear at the football because I have the kids (and the wife has taken to coming as well, which is a big surprise) but I had to let out a big one a couple of times when players wouldn't lift their eyes 30m upfield. There, I've said my piece
  18. If we have 25k before a ball is bounced and the sponsorship money as well, does that propel us up the endangered species list above the Kangaroos and Port? Jimmy and the boys really have pulled about a dozen rabbits out of the hat. Hope it continues
  19. Congratulations Gippy. I have 2 little demons of mine own that bring a world of joy to the football.
  20. At least we looked semi ok. Try being adelaide today!!!
  21. Two positives. 1. We aren't playing Geelong 2. We aren't Adelaide
  22. If wonna was out there he would have snuck one in the last, we would have won and everybody would be crowing. Fine line between pleasure and pain
  23. Finally for the AFL after what seems like years of blunders, common sense has finally prevailed.
  24. Thanks Chook, $183 dollars return, fly in sunday morning, fly out sunday night for work on monday. should be good. Can't wait. Better buy the wife something special for mothers day now!!!
  25. No I mean mothers day against the eagles at subi.
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