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Everything posted by Spargonicus

  1. I would like to know the answer to this too. Why are we getting outmarked all around the ground (or am I just imagining that?)
  2. We've all acknowledged our work rate around the ground isn't where it was / needs to be. But what about marking? Why are we getting outmarked all around the ground again? I realise May, TMac are solid markers, but surely that can't account for it...is it just the lack of confidence and belief that we can also see with the fumbling?
  3. 'Aggegious' = Adj. When one egregious circumstance is looking like turning into a series of very unfortunate occurrences; ongoing, aggregating egregiousnesses; see Melbourne Demons season 2022 in-between rounds 12 and 13.
  4. Pretty sure drinking is verboten and consequence is game ban. If you don't follow through, no-one takes it seriously and culture of high standards and selflessness starts to unravel.
  5. Yep - their tackling was way better - in frequency and effect. It creates so much perceived pressure too, hence a higher number of poor decisions from our team.
  6. Boys are clearly down on confidence. Comes back in bursts of scoring, but yeah, fumbles and poor decision-making. And to be fair, Freo and Swans brought the heat - their tackling was impressive last night - no room. Hunt back to HBF, Hibbo back, May back - starts to look a lot better. Tomlinson stays in if Petty too banged up. BBB stays in with Mitch Brown. Gus back to wing. walking back to the city last night the Swans fans were shocking - gloating. I don’t mind celebration, anthem singing, what have you, but after a game, we all go home without getting stuck in to oppo supporters. Very poor. looking forward to this team getting its groove back.
  7. Hey thanks for this podcast episode. I really enjoyed the analysis, especially of how our injuries had knock-on effects, leading to filling gaps, which then had their own knock-on effects. I had a bit of insomnia last night and this was excellent! Our team was kind of like a house of cards, wasn't it?
  8. look, you wouldn't want to hold too many political rallies there...
  9. I agree it was a decent crowd and atmosphere. We can't underestimate the effect of covid on reduced numbers. I'm finding the same with other group hobbies - music ensembles and local social events (I live in a regional area). A bunch of people are just choosing not to at the moment, especially older peeps. But hopefully things will keep improving.
  10. Thanks - I appreciate the effort that went into this post. (Let alone the wit) My wife and I had covid last week, so that's two people who weren't there. I was gutted.
  11. It's always advisable to stop the runs...
  12. We'll stomp all over them. Dogs by 53.
  13. Ok, this is weird. Should I wait until 4 December when I'll get backstage passes?
  14. Yep - Q39. Damn. Will it be like watching little fleas on the grass?
  15. I agree. I just don't get the absolute hate for BT pretty much across the board. I realise I'm in the tiny minority here. I'd put Brayshaw way below BT - just so annoying with that gravelly, uber-bloke-ish commentary completely lacking any insight or even humour. The 'Bang bang' call in the GF was his only good moment in the whole season that I can remember. At least BT has humour, just don't expect insight from him - he can leave that to the others like Daisy.
  16. Having a few Friday tipples of gin - gimlets to be precise. Nice floral and spice notes with a good lashing of dog’s hide...
  17. I've avoided reading the Doggies fans pages lately, to leave them in peace and just enjoy the positive vibes here. But I couldn't resist a quick look today and this cracked me up:
  18. I used to have a Panasonic that had 'Turbo Rewind' - went like 4 times faster or something. I was amazed it never shredded the older tapes. Also, my Melbourne 'Fuchsia' Gin just arrived - 2 bottles. Not GF merch specifically, but very welcome. Might have a mid-week tipple tonight - is that wrong?
  19. I was forward squatting with you my friend.
  20. I agree that Gawny exaggerated the momentum of the tackle a bit, and then hit his head as kind of an instant karma. Then, Caleb was a bit of an aggressive goose in response to Gawn's overacting goose, and then the Melbourne Demons showed no mercy from that point on. The Bont v. Oliver one wasn't great. I think it's borderline fine/1 week suspension, for mine. But maybe in a GF it gets under the radar. I think the Trac v. Bont one is in the same category. Borderline, but both should get off without further issues.
  21. Agree with much of the sentiment here. In many ways I am fulfilled and I wouldn't have wanted this year to pan out any other way - it was glorious to watch. But not being able to go crazy in the streets of Melbourne and soak it up is disappointing. Hopefully we'll get to relive it at the G before next season. That will definitely help. And while I am fulfilled, the team has the chance to keep winning over the next few years, so my minimum requirement is that they stay focused, keep the hunger and play footy that we all can enjoy for a while yet. Is my MFCSS cured? Maybe, maybe. We'll see. Many neutral supporters commented on the attractive style of football both teams played - so here's hoping the rivalry continues. The style is a far cry from the horrible 'flooding' of the 2005 Swans flag. That was a bad patch for the AFL. Don't get me wrong, they were an impressive team, but urgh. We owe a lot to Roos and his defence first mentality, of course, but it's not the best spectacle.
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