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Everything posted by Jjrogan

  1. As this thread opened, it should be pointed out some are down 50 percent in the last 24 hours. No doubt also a life changer if you jump on the wrong one (or any). Not really a store of value (currency) as much as a gambling fad. Play on.
  2. Actually, this is exactly what happened. Mid 2018, it started getting a lot of attention that the Eagles had a persistent bias for home decisions and a conscious effort was made by the afl umpiring department to look into it. Since then the numbers have dropped a lot such that now theres no persistent statistical bias in the decisions for any team over a period of time (but thats no fun. Whinging is fun) Some days you're the bug, some days you're the windshield.
  3. I thought Salem was the best player on the ground today and an absolute star under wet slippery conditions. (That Walsh kid goes alright too) His foot passing was elite but a number of times effective handpassess through traffic whilst under pressure were brilliant. If he gets get 25-30 touches every week he's a sneaky top 3 Brownlow chance.
  4. 6 Salem 5. Lever 4. Mcdonald 3. Jordan 2. Langdon 1. Spargo
  5. 2+ goals, 10-15 touches, a few free kicks and maybe a contested mark or two. Cause thats an average game from Ben Brown based on career performances. Admittedly, all reports are he's taken a big leap forward this year so intriguing to see. Hope he gets a few weeks to show it.
  6. Maybe just me, but I feel when we do get our hands on it, our centre mids do look for that extra handball to a player in space or trying to hit a player running a fraction more than the opposition. Some would it call it being cute and perhaps means we dont 'win' a clearance when we could. I'm generally ok with it, as others have suggested it's what you do with the clearance that ultimately matters. What's not great is when they do get clear, our starting centre mids are below average kicks. Not an urgent need, but another elite kick through our midfield would make us very damaging.
  7. Forward intensity was excellent all night from Spargo. Really finding his niche which is great to see for a 4 th year player.
  8. 6 Tmac 5 Oliver 4 May 3 Salem 2 Harmes 1 Spargo. Second and third efforts were outstanding all night, particularly in the last.
  9. Gawn has Brownlow votes against him in 2017 and 2019 (v west coast). He may have played an ok game or two against Max in 2016 but more recently he's been soundly beaten.
  10. If Gawn is fully fit, he will give Hickey an absolute bath around the ground. Huge class difference. But Gawn's been copping some serious whacks in marking contests in recent weeks. Its not ok to strike a guy in the jaw with a fist but its ok to use your forearm and slam his head the guise of spoiling??? The umps need to pay attention.
  11. The match committee has been reticent to make changes all year and doubt they will to a team 7-0. I think baker and tomlinson will be the only outs to make way for sparrow and weed. Im not as down on the game as most. North had a game plan and executed to amazing precision in that first half. Melbourne readjusted and won the 2nd half by 50 points. That's impressive from the coaching and playing group imo. sort of win that give the club belief and confidence and a wake up call that nothing is easy or a gimme.
  12. Baker has been putrid entering 50. He's a total liability with the ball in his hands meanwhile north are hitting target after target. Pray he doesnt touch it next half and we might have a chance.
  13. I'll set the over/under on the game time it takes for concern about his lack of tackling and pressure at 4 minutes. Luckily, he replaces Melksham whose line is usually set at 2 minutes. 3/4 goals a game is his key benchmark imo.
  14. This is exactly right. And if you have a look at the "1st round" picks available in those drafts we might realistically have taken, its a whole bag of nothing. Lever in the hand was worth 2 in the bush unquestionably.
  15. I agree. Constant rule changes. Longer quarters. Been ok. Sure they've missed some howlers but that happens every single year in every sport that has ever existed. They're professionals but so are the players and they [censored] up all the time (and by a lot more). Just because you're paid to do something doesnt mean you wont make mistakes. But its easy and carthartic to whinge so play on i guess.
  16. Not once, but twice he was at the end of a 'fast break' for a goal. Gets to so many contests for a ruckman he will be unstoppable in a few years time if not sooner
  17. I would. Perhaps i was being a little generous with his goals (19 in 13 games last year) but all im suggesting is that if he kicks his two and contributes a bit here and there thats all we should be expecting to get. Maybe he lays a tackle. Maybe he doesnt. (6 in 13 games last year). I see Ben Brown a match winner brought in for these mature elite defences and for me he is unquestionably the better option, especially since Goodwin has declared them both fit. And agreed with most that we cant bring in both this week.
  18. I like the guy, but I hope all the people automatically putting Weid in for his one day out in the vfl s ok for a 11 disposal, 3 mark, 2.1 goal performance if he gets selected. Thats basically been his output bar a handful of games in his 40 odd game career and there's no reason to expect more. So please no slagging him off for dropped marks or being ineffective when the ball hits the deck!!!
  19. David Mundy is on the other side of 35 and still considered elite by the coaches. Respect.
  20. ok, Weid had a day out today, but from all reports did not get near it last week. I dont see how he has enough runs or consistency on the board to merit selection over a coleman medalist playing against the men of Richmond. No one would suggest he is the better player or have more upside. If both are fully fit, he cant be picked first imo.
  21. When you read other supporters' opinions, the one thing that stands out is the almost universal praise and consideration for Gawn. Very, very few players get that level of respect from opposition fans. He is a class above and the best for a generation at least.
  22. G train played a year or two down back early in his career iirc .
  23. Forward or not, beside the point i think. Showing so much potential in the ruck and stoppages, I suspect he'll be a top 3 ruckman once his career blossoms. Imperative to sign him for a long term extension. 17 other clubs would happily pay overs to have a footballer like him on their list.
  24. Bad joke. Better said, playing North will boost everyone's percentage and scoring stats this year.
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