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Everything posted by BDA

  1. No premier gets an easy draw and anyways we are better off with a difficult fixture list. Toughens us up for finals. And remember we beat all the Top 8 last year other than the umpire influenced loss to the Doggies at the G. It's the lesser teams we struggled against.
  2. That would be good. An after the siren goal to win it would be better
  3. Bring it on i say Assuming a reasonable run with injuries i expect to finish with 19 or 20 wins. Can't see anyone beating us tbh but we're bound to have 1 or 2 off days i suppose
  4. I really like the Port fixture in Alice Springs
  5. This Clayton Oliver podcast popped into my feed. He is in relaxed form and gives some insights into his early career and from the Grand Final. Credit to Dylan Buckley (I've never listened to his podcast before) he is a good interviewer.
  6. I'd love to head to Alice. Would prefer to have better opposition that the Suns though. Us v Lions would be a great option
  7. The one pointless aspect of the day were the 2 screens set-up at ground level on the far side of the ground. Far too small to be of any use. Perhaps a condensed replay as well, there were parts which cut quite easily be cut.
  8. “worrying scenes”…“Lever collapses” The media do like to sensationalise
  9. I got to the G just before midday. Didn’t see a Dees goal until almost 1pm! The crowd were subdued until then but once the 3rd qtr turnaround commenced everyone was right into it cheering every goal to the rafters. Best rendition of Grand Old Flag at the siren ever. Everyone’s lungs were bursting belting it out. A lot of mentions of winning it at the G in 22. I think is a genuine motivator for this group. We’ll be firm favorites. Looking forward to it See you all in 2022. Go Dees
  10. Great reception for Chunk and Nev. absolute champions the both of them
  11. Fair play to Robbo. His band are pretty tight. Much better than I expected
  12. I get that. I would just prefer the first game wasn't scheduled for a Wednesday night. Anyways, i've said my piece over a number of posts. Nevertheless, I'll be there to see the flag unfurled. Go Dees
  13. It's going to be a beautiful day. Perfect weather, the G full of the faithful and premiership cup restored to its rightful place. And I expect the red and blue to take over Swan St for the day
  14. I'd like to beat Hawkthorn in a granny just to see the looks on the faces of Dermie, Dunstall and every other arrogant Hawthorn supporter
  15. I don't know for sure but i reckon it'll have an impact. There is a reason why games aren't played on a Wednesday night. People have to work on the following day. I'm an early riser and typically getting into the work day from 6.30am. I have to be pretty clear headed as well so no beers for me. The thing i don;t get Balls, is why it has to be Wednesday night. Why aren't we in the Friday night slot? As premiers we should have dibs on that slot but instead it's given to Collingwood? Why can't they play on the Wednesday night?
  16. The club agreed to it and i don't understand why. If money was the driver (highly likely) then why not push for the Friday night game. We are well within our rights to make that demand. Not a good decision by the club at all
  17. I don't like it. The club should want as many fans at the G as possible when we unfurl the flag. Playing on Wednesday night will deter some people and reduce crowd numbers i reckon. There'll be plenty of time for blockbusters during the rest of the season. I'm going to look on the bright though. At least its not on a Monday night
  18. Playing this game on Wednesday night is absolute rubbish. Goddam AFL. And i'm surprised we agreed to it
  19. We'll improve because BB has found his groove and will be more effective next year and because the younger players will all get better, particularly Dogga, Kozzie, Rivers and Bowey I think the only unknown at this stage is the impact of Burgo's departure. I think he is an outstanding high performance manager. Not sure if the new guy will be as good
  20. "Grand Old Flag" is perfectly fine. No need for any other song to be played
  21. The article is very light on detail. Is he ok?
  22. Still early days but early signs positive that Omicron will be milder than Delta I like John Campbell a UK medical professional and lecturer. He delivers it straight and unvarnished https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ls7zy6_0Z2s
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