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Everything posted by BDA

  1. Just noticed that as well. I'm looking forward to heading over to Footscray for the season opener and enjoying a few beers on Barkly Street afterwards
  2. I want a Saturday afternoon game so i can bring my son along. Next preference is Friday night so i can have a few beers and not have to worry about work. Wednesday night sucks
  3. I reckon the toughest match-up for us, if they continue to develop as i expect, are the Swans. They have bags of talent, are well coached and are always hard to beat.
  4. I reckon Goody' and his speech will get the biggest cheer this Sunday
  5. I think he would say that at this point Omicron is a known unknown
  6. The patients Coetzee observed the milder symptoms in were relatively young and healthy. She didn’t know what impact the new strain would have on older or people with co-morbidities (as she didn’t have such patients). Until the impact on such people is known she said it’s not possible to tell whether this strain is less lethal.
  7. Sydney will finish higher than 7th. They'll definitely finish higher than Essendon and quite possibly Geelong GWS to finish tenth is a big call. They'll finish in the 8 (hopefully at the expense Essendon or Geelong)
  8. We're a great chance to win it this year We were stitched by the draw last season (and every season for that matter). We deserve a favorable run this year. We were better than Adelaide but they got the soft draw, we got a very tough draw and the Crows home advantage did the rest. We were just running on empty. Still get annoyed thinking about that PF loss. I'm glad Todd Patterson gets a mention. His drafting has been Jason Tayloresque. Hanks, McNamara, Bannon will be great players for us for years to come.
  9. Viruses tend to evolve to become less lethal. I hope this is the case with Omicron
  10. I reckon this timeless classic should be our pregame go to motivational song of choice next season
  11. The song sounds pretty lame to me as well Skuit but I’m no fan of musicals so not the best judge. But I don’t think its about the song. It’s about the lady who sings the song. She overcame her fears, seized the moment and sang her heart out. Perfectly analogous to what we subsequently produced in the granny. Maybe Goody could have played ACDC and got the same result. But he didn't, he played "This is Me" and the team produced a scintillating performance. I reckon he knew what he was doing and got the desired reaction from the team
  12. Danish Gold. Horrid. I had a serious constitution for beer as a young man but i couldn't abide by this stuff. The only beer that tasted worse the more of it you drank. It was cheap so I tried hard to acquire the taste but to no avail. The thoughts of it now is enough to make me grimace
  13. I'm going to boo Lachie Hunter when he stages for his free against Spargo and kicks the goal. And boo him everytime he touches the ball thereafter
  14. Geelong to defy gravity yet again, finish top 4 and exit the finals in straight sets.
  15. If this variant arose in a low vaccinated population then more likely that current vaccines will still be effective against it. I think this is the case in southern Africa The mutation which I worry about is the one that arises in vaccinated populations and has mutated to avoid the vaccine. The vaccines are leaky so a vaccine resistant mutation is quite likely
  16. Journalists aren't renowned for getting their facts right
  17. I love this quote from Jim Stynes. Maxy certainly does it his own way. Jim could tell Maxy would be different “Wouldn’t it be great to get someone who’s doing it a bit ... differently? I did it a bit differently – why can’t you? You’re a different sort of guy. You’re your own man,” encouraged the former champion, in his purring Irish brogue. “You do it your way, son.”
  18. The calibre of our political elite isn’t great but by international standards we’ve done pretty well with respect to Covid. Yes there have been stuff-ups. The hotel quarantine debacle and slow vaccine roll-out the obvious examples but we’ve done much better than most. I will say that people are tired and angry (might explain why we’re all fired up here this morning). Going back to lock downs is not an option and I believe the protests will swell if the Vic govt tries to do so. A younger colleague of mine is struggling because his dad had a heart attack due to stress from trying to make ends meet. They own a restaurant. There are people who can’t have surgery or treatment for non-covid conditions. Psych wards have been flat out busy. I know people who attend the protests. One is an anti-vaxxer. His brain is addled but the others are normal people with genuine concerns for their businesses, their childrens education and the manner in which this new pandemic legislation is being bull dozed into law Covid is serious. I’m not trying the downplay it but there are other important issues as well. We seem to be fixated on Covid to the exclusion of all other concerns.
  19. He deserves a statue outside the G. The man's a genius
  20. I thought Roos took the coin and left before the job was finished so I was dirty on him there for a few years. But there is no doubt he took over a rabble and instilled some defensive organisation and fortitude. His appointment signaled to the world that we were serious about finally getting our act together. We needed the gravitas and authority that only a Roos like figure could provide And he selected Goody, provided him with 2 years cover while he got to know the club and form relationships with the players. Roos handed over the reigns to Goody with a list and club that was in much better shape than when he took over. I don’t want to over-state his influence. Goody was absolutely the architect of our flag but Roos was critical in turning us from a basket case to a competent AFL team. Goody did the rest.
  21. 31,000 would be a poor show. We should be getting closer to 50,000.
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