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Everything posted by deeflog

  1. if we loose today, there will be no finals for the MFC this year!! No ifs, buts or maybe's
  2. that sounds to me like there is a doubt on Garland
  3. casey are going to be tough to beat this week, thats a strong line up for a VFL side
  4. im not saying they are just going to let him go, but if he has decided to take the money i don't think admin are going to go all the way to matching, with future contract discussions in the back of their mind. He is a must to keep but only to a certain point
  5. i really don't think the admin will go to the extremes to sign Scully if it will jeopdise resigning the other young "stars". I believe they are now smarter than that
  6. I think the best thing the match comittee has done with this weeks team is move Bennell down back and thrown Grimes in the guts. I only hope this is how they line up on sunday
  7. regardless of our result next week he won't get nominated. Libba was stiff not to get the nomination this week but they just could not ignore the perfromance of Shuey
  8. as good of a footballer as he is, he is also a dirty sniper behind the play, deserved the original 2 weeks!!
  9. 6 - Tapscott 5 - Bail 4 - Martin 3 - Rivers 2 - Trengove 1 - Sylvia
  10. really living up to your name there, that is the seasons greatest clanger comment Stef has been one of our best so far this year
  11. I spoke to Cale Morton today before the game and he said he was banging down the coaches box to play this week, said he will definately play next week INS - Morton, Wonna, Macdonald, Gysberts OUTS - Maricc, Garland , Jetta, Jones Consider yourself very lucky Grimes!!
  12. you have hit the nail right on the head!!1 he is far too slow to move the ball on from both kick ins and in general play he had a howler tonight but he was not on his own
  13. sorry but Bailey is a dead man walking. His game day coaching is not up to it and his game plan is very questionable
  14. think i would have Dal Santo in that list before Gilbert
  15. Every opposition has a small, quick crumbing goal sneak. Bartram is the best match up for these types. He has the discipline, speed and endurance to go with them and is a must in our side. His defensive side of his game far out plays his offensive side, and that is not a bad thing
  16. i think Maric will be omitted for Frawley, Jetta to be the sub and be told to run his butt off in the last quarter. Maric just could not get into it last week, seems to struggle with the extra intensity a home and away game has compared the a pre season game
  17. 6- Moloney 5- Sylvia 4- Tapscott 3- Garland 2- Jamar 1- Grimes
  18. His kicking is not reliable enough in the opposition forward fifty and i think it cost us 3 goals today. He needs to compose himself more and make better decisions. My solution to Jack is release him into the midfield
  19. we have found an absolute beauty here. Couragous, good decision maker, great kick and is bloody tough at the contest(just ask Shaw) Well played on debut Luke
  20. my thoughts on this season are not great and may lead to a barrage of critism, but i think all this season holds for MFC and its supporters is disappointment. There is far too much pressure on this young group, and a major outside distraction(Scully) and its going to take its toll. Not enough old heads and mature bodies aroung the kids Too many key injuries leading into the season. Frawley, Morton, McKenzie, Trengove are major components to the side who are struggling for round one or have already been ruled out Pre season form apart from the SA trip has been at best ordinary. Too many key players down on form, not getting their hands on the ball Finally what is fast becoming the most important aspect of AFL is non existant....forward pressure My thoughts judged on what i have seen in pre season, i can only hope to be proved wrong when the real stuff starts
  21. the one thing i keep thinking with Strauss is hopefully the penny will drop with him like it has with Marric, Marric's pre season has been nothing short of impressive and looks assured a round 1 start. Hopefully Strauss will get into gear throough Casey and really push for selection in the second half of the season
  22. why oh why......? surely he has been given enough chances?
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