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Everything posted by deeflog

  1. im fairly confident that his/her tongue was firmly in their check
  2. 6- Frawley 5- Moloney 4- Rivers 3- Jones 2- Martin 1- Trengove
  3. time for one those to take the new leadership role for the indeginous boys, can't see Davey being around beyond his current contract
  4. If Scully announces monday, in my eyes it can only be one result....he is gone
  5. Not a leaders a$$hole, and if someone came knocking on our door during trade week and inquired about Davey, i dont think i could open the door quick enough!!
  6. that is a massive statement you make there Mr Stewart, i only hope you can back it up when you need to
  7. wouldn't it be easier to close all Scully threads until someboby really knows his intention, because until then it is just all dribble being spoken on the topic
  8. they get another crack at it next year again, so there is concern for those that are uncontracted
  9. Great post NB from the dees it will be Jack Mega Watts to be the next to tear the league to shreds from outside the dees i think Jack Redden is the next Michael Voss
  10. no brainer, Stef Martin. I had basically written this guy off, but for him to produce what he did this year, has totally taken me back, and bloody good on him.
  11. i heard it live and agreed with everything he said. all he spoke was common sense and didn't see the future of the game through a bank account. i was glad Mark Robinson asked him if he would join the league commission, but Jeff quickly answered NO
  12. Far too early for a topic like this. we have trade week and a couple of drafts coming up, anything can happen in those weeks
  13. He's gone!!! you can tell by the way he played last week.
  14. Front runner is a harsh assesment, but i can see why you come to the conclusion. But as far as lacking passion and commitment as you stated, that is completely off the mark
  15. Yes you were unfair on Moloney, the rest of the players you said i have no problem with
  16. 6- Blease 5- Jones 4- Garland 3- Green 2- Moloney 1- Jurrah
  17. Bad decision. We could have really exploited the suns biggest weakness, KPB. By playing all of Jurrah, Watts and Howe it also enables us to always have a forward in the F50, the way the top teams have their setup
  18. its simple.....send Tapscott forward where he is a natural, and leave Blease down back where he is a natural.
  19. it really surprises me that you are questioning Moloneys passion and commitment. Surely he is one bloke you can spare those insults
  20. I don't think there will be too many MFC players, coaches or officials grinning after that performance.
  21. there is certainly not a lot of passion or commitment in his play right now, which makes me agree with you
  22. he's already gone in his own head
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