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Everything posted by 58er

  1. Height is not the only factor in marking FT. Judgement. Leaping ability ( refer to Robby, Bailey Fritsch ) Refer my post on JVR welcome I think. PS This kid looks something special with his marking elite as part of his game.
  2. People forget we kicked 1.9 in that Prelim it was our horrible marking and kicking up forward along with some abominable connectivity with the runners that ruined our chances. Crows only had 9 scoring chances !! Someone ( everyone) have got to be more physical down back also. It's a challenge but we need to make a statement to this mob over there in case we have to play there later in the year, BTW Freo looked amazing last night at Vic Park and Lions weren't too shabby vs Blues on Tuesday. They are far more in the flag race than Pies who are caught up in mediocrity except for their defence.
  3. Yes he is our Aaron Naughton I have thought that. It just shows you what a footballer needs is ONE BIG ASSET or TRICK to hang your hat on to be elite . Of course as we all know you have to kick the goals after a mark. BBB says Hi!!! Tmac says Hi!!! JVR will say Hi also!!! Where or what team did Sam play in? You have got to implant yourself in the play as best how you can and be noticed. AMW and DSmith did at training apparently .
  4. Before I even scrolled down when I saw Clarry in this photo my mind flashed back to the RDB photo above and thought how close they were. It was always my favourite action photo of Barass when It was published after the 1961 Prelim Final we lost to the Dogs that year. Now I think this is also a great photo of Clarry BUT no doubt we will and he deserves it be totally crazy over his one finger salute photo after his vital goal in the Bang Bang Bang trio just before 3/4 time in the GF. A great photo still excites us just as much these days even with other avenues of memorabilia.
  5. That shouldn't stop Dogga getting a just reward for his ability at his craft irrespective of age. I am sure the extensions over the last year or two were appropriate and fair. The 100% resigning would seem to indicate this. Of course our Premiership makes our players even more valuable but there are ways teams of players can be rewarded bonuses along the way. If Dynasties like Hawks Cats Tigers can handle this I have no doubt the Dees are well equipped to reward our players the right way and to maintain longevity of success in the process.
  6. It's a well known fact that Tigers are not the same team without Dusty Look at the 2018 Prelim vs Pies he played injured I presume you mean Carl Ditterich no one can dispute we were a poor side when he played and Also coached us Really had no relevance on the Tigers situation They are much poorer a team without Dusty who is entitled to an off year snd injury after all he has gone for them.
  7. Well I wasn't aware of that but still don't like the way he left. Tmac and ANB say (Hi We've got our premiership medal !!!!)
  8. Realise that WAL but the figures of changers change their looks a lot when total possessions is included in the equation.
  9. Do you really think Jeremy Howe was out going in his move to the Pies. From my recollection he didn't say a word until near the end of trade period and suddenly said he had discussions with Nathan Buckley in the Bali Jungle (sorry ) ie around the pool who promised him with his manager (Anthony McDonald I think) a spot in the forward line even suggesting he had the tank to play on a wing !!! No discussion at all with the Club it seemed oh and the fact that he barracked for C'wood all his life !!! Hardly a model way to leave a Club!! Also Roosy had him as a HB flanker before he left us so it was not Buckley who should get the credit for his HB role. He allegedly took a pay cut to move (which they tried to make it look more genuine Than it was) ie no sincerity at all.
  10. Rubbish yes it would be good but really !!! BTW The Bont has an average of 4.69 over his 26 games in 2021. Trac averaged 5 and Clarry 5.1 something.in their 25 games. That's out of 30 possessions which is a 82% disposal average for Trac and Clarry is about 80%. Not too shabby. Bont would be about 84% M aybe clangers are bad disposal I would think.
  11. PD I also tend to share your view that Tommo is a better KP defender and footballer than Harry Petty at this stage. BUT it'at least 7 years between their ages snd I don't think Harry deserves to be dropped on his form in 2021. Tommo might be better coming back through Casey so he can get used to playing agsin and gradually hit form in the Magoos !! Spots will be hard fought no doubt which is good for the Club.
  12. Agree absolutely PF. Has changed his game now gives first upturn off doesn't take on opponents in a show of strength.His close in work is brilliant and his disposal is now good/very good. I had thought he may get a spot in the Top 20 as I can't recall WJ including him in the 100 so far. Please correct me because JV is a big occasion player and he is now in his sweet spot at Melbourne. What about JV mark2.0 Tom Sparrow !!
  13. Neuter no 5 then Gaz Swarta might have been the best if all if not injured !!
  14. Would you seriously consider the Pies jumper in the same category as Ours? Very underwhelming on the front makes a joke of the Effort IMO.
  15. Although vs Crows will be a big indicator about our forward line structure and goal scoring options under greater pressure it's already apparent that Tayla is playing her part by marking., or bringing the ball to ground and just throwing her body into every contest. similar to Tmac at times in the aFL Tayla clears space for smalls and crumbing forwards. Reckon it's a master stroke to get her don't worry what she is getting paid it's all worth it and the result is a quarter like our 2nd vs Tigers or our 4th vs Saints where the flood gates open with Daisy and others cashing in. When the game is tight also Taylah can use her elite marking to advantage as well. Tayla is like Tmac or BBB and TeganC was like the Weid in presence etc. on our forward lines.
  16. Also the Clubs "At Last" photo album and description is great also. Should be available from the Demon Shop.
  17. After all your fluffing around about form selection merit and now a more youthful team you are really only trying to get HUNTY and TOMMO included for HIBBO and TMAC. Trying to justify that by moving SALEM from defence ( prob 3rd best in GF side) to centre. (Or is that Panama Papers maybe). Salo is like Bowey fast and great disposal and links up well.from defence. It's not a better team yours or Panama Papers. with Tommo in as another tall that makes the backline too slow and tall. Hibbo ( or Hunt) are good size for medium/small types to mind Hibbo can play a bit taller in fact so can if fit Joel Smith. Rivers spot is not up for grabs he has a good record snd is strong courageous and is a great team man with good hand and foot disposal. Forward line without Tmac ( no his form after injury was not great but still better than Weids.) Different types of players Tmac has to have a strong defender on him and brings the ball to ground after a marking contest ( if he doesn't mark) for our smalls Kossie Spargs and ANB. and Weid is lucky to get his hands on the ball so our forward line lacks competitiveness. This also enables Fritta to get the 4 th defender. Jacko is agile and so is Gawny to rest in the forward pocket or roam at Will on the forward line. Our 7 and 9 goal bursts were when the opposition was worried about Maxy on the ball or Jacko, Tmac BBB as well as Fritta which tested them. It's all about team balance with our 3 smalls and Trac Clarry Sparrow and Harmsey plus Viney getting the hard ball out to our runners a fair portion of the time. There are the occasions we may need to go taller in defence Tmac can do that and Petty can go forward also to change things up. All bases are covered in other words. Tommo and Hunty will play in 2022 no doubt as I expect Hibbo could be playing his last season. But if things aren't broken don't fix them yet plenty of time for that as the season gets underway if needed.
  18. Very good reason I left out Paul Prymke I didn't see him play many games than and IMO he was not around a long time. Not sure of Paul's games total but I don't think played many and he was not that good. Did WJ have him in his top100? Don't think so. Please enlighten me with facts if you have them on Paul Prymke.
  19. Dee 56 I have followed the Dees since 1958 and have no real disagreement that Gary Hardemann was a very good CHB but to say he was our best ever Backman ( despite the Team of the Century) is what I don't endorse. For the following two reasons : 1. Gary was undersized as a KPD and could be out marked by taller opponents 2. tended to make the ball his object ( what footy is about and he was bloody good at obtaining it I admit) but he did give his opponent a chance (or a sniff ) to cause damage as they say. He did also provide great drive for us and was a very good CHF later in his career. A back man is there to mind his man so Gary might be the best footballer perhaps to play in defence in the last 50 years BUT David Neitz would be my best CHB ( probably our best KP player ever or since 1972, although he only played about 1/3 or 1/2 of his 300 plus games in defence before he excelled on the forward line for about 6/7 years. While we are on the topic David Schwartz would no doubt in my mind be the best KP player and forward and be in our top 3 players of all time but for his heartbreaking injury run that I also believe probably cost us a premiership in say 1998 as he was never the same. Also if we had Both Schwarta and Neiter today both fit as in 1994 I have no doubt that Neiter would be a KPD and Schwartz a KPF who with Gazza Jacko and Pike plus whiz and Charles might have got us over the line. Our defence has been always our bugbear either not big/good enough or tough enough and physically strong as well. Look at our Glory days teams defence and also our 2021 model and we are as tough as any Melb team that has triumphed since WW11. It has helped of course by our midfielders and wingers and forwards being as hard as nails in any contest. So are our smalls and in the 50/60's 95% ( maybe except for Jeff Tunbridge ) we were the toughest going around. ( Hawks and Lions also had this trait) and Cats and Tigers were hardly soft either. I also think that Doc Roet was a great CHB who only played about 70 games in the 60's but stood up in those games as a class and close defender of size and agility but was not around in 1972 of course. Tassie (Bob) could still be our best FB but is too early for the Top 100 since 1972. It's always hard judging players in different eras but champions are still champions even if they have not got that or those premiership medal/s. We are blessed know with possibly this new generation that in 5 years time many will no doubt be elevated from our Top 20 to our Top 10 from 1972. It's a hard job then comparing we hope this group if we become a dynasty to our immortal glory days heroes that very few of us were lucky enough to see only the last years or very small numbers of games excel in the Red and Blue.
  20. Dees 2014 I suspect you have ruined your own argument by pointing out players you thought could have played in the GF but the selectors felt that Hunty was not fit enough or had the form and that Bowey's or Hibbo's form did earn selection. Also Tommo was not able to be considered due to injury. Nor was Joel Smith. To change the 23 players will have virtually only practice match form And training to assess any changes to the team. Have either Hibbo or say Bowey to date done anything wrong to deserve being dropped? What if they are all equal when the team selection for Round1. Categorically Hunty was unlucky but form in the end ( or fitness ) was the criteria for GF selection. There is no evidence since GF day that Hunty is a better player than Hibbo or Bowey and similarly that Tommo is better than Petty. Really if it ain't broke don't fix it. Unless the incumbents are really off form there is no reason to make a change or changes to 74 pt winning team. I also happen to think it's also just a preference for who the selectors believe is best suited to cover the opposition is the best guide but there is no more serious a guide than the GF. Those players answered every challenge on the big stage including the selection of Jordon and Sparrow who was very good in his career best game I reckon. Yes we have come a long way and have a great list but the very rules you laud about earning selection are exactly what I am supporting and as you have said will be followed by our selectors. Going on 2021 I don't think there is any real reason if all players are fit and have form there is no need to make any alteration given the even ability of the players under consideration. To name the same team ISNOT a message to our list that it's a boys club and we are resting on our laurels . It's exactly the opposite and says that all our 23 are fit and firing and ready to play in our first real test in 2022 to defend our Flag so hard won in 2021 by our total list including the 23 on the day. We are nit picking for reasons to make change it appears or totally believe one or two players are more really better or have improved dramatically over the proven members of the team who got the job done so magnificently. As I indicated there will be opportunities for changes during the season and about a dozen will come into that category and they will deserve their elevation and can make it just as hard for any other list member to take their place. Thats our criteria and long May it be!
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