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Everything posted by nosoupforme

  1. O Captain ! my captain ! rise up and hear the bells For you they call, the swaying mass, their eager faces turning Here Captain our true Captain Rise up Captain Max To lead us into battle Rise up for the Flag. ( With apologies to Walt Whitman )
  2. Frosty should have finished TOP 5 IMO. However l could not see how Viney did finish so high. By far not one of his best seasons.
  3. Yes DZ not only a great player but felt he was seen as underrated IMO. I wonder if Brad was ever approached for a position as an assistant coach with us. Yes he had forward craft and was a consistent set shot.
  4. Something to smile about he wins the longest kick. Can they beat Clarry in the handball. He would beat them hands down. Longest handball, accurate handball ? He is the master of handballs.
  5. You can blame the administration of the times, however you are talking almost 60 years ago and we have moved on. There is some light at the end of this and we can turn it around sooner rather than later. Start having the faith again. D.
  6. I agree with you there and l am not rubbishing the players as l am not one to do so . I had children that l took to watch the games and they still go win or lose . As adults they are, they get disappointed as l do but it is not the end of the world. However you look at it a 10 goal loss or and a WELL DONE FOR TRYING is not worth an applause and certainly i wouldn't heckle them for it and l don't abuse them. It is not good enough and the culture is not right as they still carry scars of the past. I am on the same page with you they have just got to try harder and give their all like the good clubs do consistently.. I am sure they like what they earn. Maybe l shouldn't have mentioned the bs. I send you this post for l am not one to bother usually. However l enjoy reading your posts.
  7. Harmes won't win it as of course Gawny is hot as and Oliver is his bridesmaid ha ha. However i can honestly say that the last couple of years Harmes has been the most ultra consistent and a valuable player and deserves to finish in the top 3 best players. He is a dark horse but Gawny has been extraordinary.
  8. Optimistic and it can be turned around quickly . It comes down to attitude the right picks in 2 outside mids or wingers as they call them and a bit of luck with injuries. The rest can take care of itself. We have time on our side to have it corrected. IMO we will see a constructive format in 2020.
  9. Happy with the signing of the Wagner Bros as IMO their footy will blossom. Cory could have a break out 2020. Oscar Baker will be better for the taste of game time he had in the AFL. Will be a big improver.
  10. Sorry to here that they gave you the chop Trenners. Loved you at Melbourne and always hoped that you would come good with that foot of yours. You are a great person in my eyes and you are certainly a credit to your family. To me and many others I am sure you will always be a Demon for life.
  11. Billy prepares himself to a high standard but generally doesn't bring it to game. There was a game where he bought his best against Hawthorn in 2016 and ended up winning by 29 points. That was his best game IMO 22 disposals and a gaol when it counted in the last quarter. Although he is only 23 now at another club might do him good as I am hoping it does.
  12. Richo does not take the Essendon job of mentor to Rutten and saves Worsfolds bacon. Therefore he continues to coach one more season and then hands over the coaching role to Rutten. Hypothetically Worsfold has a tremedous year and makes the GF then what? That may be enough to keep him another year? In any case I am rapt we have Richo and good guys don't always run last.
  13. Our culture has been soft and haven't learnt to be tougher and angry when being beaten by a big margins or a small one. Going to the game and being beaten by 10 goals and applauding our team off for trying doesn't go well for building a winning culture however hard you try. Players get the sense of security that at least they are having a go. That is B SHIYT............. Mourinho has a point and l agree many others would to. We once upon a time was a big club and to be one again the club needs to be ruthless and that is the nature of the sport.
  14. Bought is when you buy something and Brought is when you bring something. Hope that helps.
  15. Oh! Spare me, They seem to find a way to be beaten with Buckley at the reins Wce now GWS. At the Fish and chip shop in Collingwood, the owner George said that the Magpies will win and we will be busy as Hell for the weekend. Well George you should have bought the shop in Richmond as they are doing a roaring trade as we speak.
  16. Preuss has the makings of becoming a very handy player and his improvement will come from holding marks. Period! That is his down fall. Suggest that a glove might help and if not try the sticky stuff on your hands, i am talking about superglue. He is in the right age bracket 24 and has time to learn his craft from the Master of crafts Gawny. There is great hope for his future.
  17. Bull had potential and gave us the best he had to give, a goer. However he had more potential being injured and was good at that. Rarely strung 2 games together but he had heart more so than many of his team mates could show.
  18. I wonder sometimes if our premiership coach is born yet or is he to start Primary school next year. Maybe he is a draft of 2020 or in the system already. In any case l can only hope.
  19. Longest serving captain at St Kilda a great personality in the media mainly on Fox tv. Just a shock to all of us and will be sadly missed. Gone to soon and not fair. Thoughts are with his loved one's. RIP.
  20. I am sorry to see Jade leave if it is true. l would have thought he would have stay around until maybe he gets a chance to coach his own Afl team on his own merits when the chance had come. He had his chance l suppose before Goodwin was given the nod however he stuck it out with us and got on with his job. A true professional a good guy and respected by his peers. Lost a good person and am sad to see him go.
  21. You know with Cam what you get. I would have thought that you hold on to a backup who can play in various Key positions and give his all and sometimes more. At 31 yrs could have held him for insurance. I am sure there were many of us who thought that. Hopefully he is doing okay with himself.
  22. YEAH! Good on ya................... Nathan Jones a loyal and champion person. A stalwart of our great club, push him over the edge with the knives in his back. Disappointing! For the supporters who want him to step down, he doesn't need you to tell him when his time is up. He is a champion and loyal person and he will make his decision when the time comes.
  23. Has turned into a respectful football club and have that comradery which is what we lack. Buckley is a master coach a players coach more now and they play for him. I love to hate them and hated them since l can remember, it is in my DNA. However you look at it they are doing something right and it is working.
  24. There are a few MIA well before mentioning Nathan Jones. You must have a short memory. PLEASE! I cannot remember you having anything good to say about any player. Can you remember saying anything good? Short memory.
  25. Nathan Jones is a Melbourne man and loyal he is is good enough to go again and has the toughness to do so. He was there for the hard times and can hold his head high. He might not reach the heights when he was at his best but will give his blood sweat and tears for our great club. That is the kind of person you want next to you in the trenches. He is good enough to go again.
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