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Everything posted by nosoupforme

  1. TMac that goal from right on 50 was one sensational goal You kicked from 55 metres out and sailed right over the goal umpire another 15 metres. The crowd was out of their seats with joy and cheering so loud that if it was last week the security would have escorted all of us out. IF THEY COULD! TMacs 3 goals in the second half finishing with 28 poss and 7 marks.
  2. You don't see his upside ? It is your opinion In the meantime look for something that will interest you apart from being a frustrated Melbourne supporter. Have you ever had anything good to say about ANB ? Chew them up spit them out type supporter, they are around.
  3. Hope ANB puts pen to paper soon. Although he has had a mediocre patch of footy he was good enough to hold his spot in 2018 after have a reasonable final series. Some just love to hate him because he plays a team role where he is a pressure forward who to maintain the ball predominantly in the forward 50 and to stop the opposition breaking the lines. It can be a boring role. ANB is not there to excite the supporters he is there to stifle the opposition. There might be some other roles that he would be able to play as well such as having more time in the guts as an outside mid. He has a good tank and can certainly run all day. IMO is still a handy acquisition and he will get better as time goes on. Is young enough to persist with.
  4. Steven Stretch looked good when running down the wing and many times kicked long goals receiving a handpass and was oh so accurate. Good hands and would take a clean overhead mark with ease . He didn't play tough but was a tough enough and skilfull . A game against Collingwood before the start of the bounce it might have been a final I am not sure He was hit on the nose clenched fist. Cannot remember the name of the thug Coll/wood player.Stretch was knocked down bleeding profusely taken off and was bandaged up quickly. Start of a melee. Steven came back and played the game out as he was one of our best players that day. Helped win the game. Don't remember the year, maybe the late 80s.
  5. You might not like the pick and is a fringe now and certainly in his last season and he knows that. HOWEVER! IMO he still offers experience ,is injury free ,had his Casey games and his last game there was clean and direct with hand and foot. If he is picked then he has earned it not given. LG we can still make the 8 so why not keep pursuing until mathematically we cannot. You have to keep the faith and l am sure others agree.
  6. In Lewis.....Out J Wagner.......I hope Lever is right to play........ If not bring in Pruess and send TMac to the back line..............In ANB........Forward pressure.....Out.....Spargo for reservicing. Tim Smith a chance........ Sorry to say that Garlett is on his last legs.
  7. If it was his choice or not does it really matter? Jade has been at Melbourne since 2012 the start of the dredged Neeld and Craig era 2012 to the end of 2013. Paul Roos 2014 to 2016 and Goodwin 2017 and beyond. Jade has seen 4 coaches since 2011 and into his eight season. Jade Rawlings is a well respected coach and person at the MFC and he is one piece of the puzzle that will help us rise up the ladder.
  8. Good changes, to see Jade Rawlings back sitting in the box. An experienced assistant which will be of great support to have around for Goody and the team. Underrated and missed a few coaching opportunities through his time however is well regarded at our club and will help having him back as a line coach for the forwards. Gave up his coaching position to help out the seniors. That is a committed team member.
  9. Where to? The BULLDOGS? Just to let you know as we speak his brother signed a 3 year deal with the Dogs. So send him off to the Bullies...............
  10. I know our game has been going for around for long long time well before Gill was born how ever he wants to make the people's game his own game. Gill has decided to make his decision on a rectangular table sitting at the HEAD being the King censored Head surrounded by his flunkies. No round tables at the AFL. Naughty, Naughty GILL what the censored are you doing to the people who pay your wages.? The security that are pacing up and down the aisles seem not to understand our game if you get my drift. Where in the censored were they picked up from? Maybe they don't understand the culture of our game? GILL IT'S TIME TO GO! BIG BROTHER HAS SPOKEN.
  11. It's not about winning the next 9 games or whatever in making the eight to me it is losing 11 games and then you can say that is it! The guys will give it a red hot go and give it their all knowing they are still a chance now that we have May and Lever back which is a start. Confidence and winning games is great medicine so if there is a chance I have the faith. After all that is what we play for.
  12. I am hoping that we string some good wins together. Seeing Lever and May playing some good footy together and avoiding any serious injuries. Oskar B has plenty to offer and should accumulate good game time and more so in the midfield. He has the talent and the speed and above average skills and most of all he is a goer. Hore and Frost to keep improving just love their commitment. Like to see more of Lockhart and young Mid recruit in Kyle Dunkley make his Debut soon. I like to see Petracca playing stress free footy and kicking a bag of goals. We have the talent just have to find the passion. I look forward to finishing the season off strongly. Think what you like if we lose more than 10 games we cannot make the 8 however the candle will burn while we have a mathematical chance. I must keep the faith until we can't make it. That is what keeps me going.
  13. Let you in on a secret D since 56 , Believe it or not Ballarat Bitter is made or was made by Carlton and United Brewery in Abbotsford Still is. VB which stands for Victoria Bitter is the same product as Ballarat Bitter. True! Ripleys Believe it or not.
  14. Is Joel Smith your mate ? What have you missed about him? Is he your saviour? Played 11 AFL games and is in his third season. He has not proven himself. Don't get carried away by what ever you see in him.
  15. Although we lost the game Gawny was a winner and wasn't concentrating on kicking for goal. However he was thinking of being All Australian Ruckman for the third time after wiping Grundy's censored.
  16. Don't be sorry PF I sort of agree with you as l was hoping for his sake things could turn around . I cannot see it at the minute.
  17. Charlie Spargo needs to go back to to Casey and stay there for the rest of the season and the following year. He needs to build up that slender body of his and get a bit of mongrel in him like his Dad had. He has the years on his side but has to train his butt off. Yes it is the truth, while his young he can learn to be a consistent performer and will grow in confidence because he has talent however he lacks that toughness as well. If he doesn't perform in the VFL then his chance of making it back will be almost gone.
  18. Having a not so good season and we are looking for a captain for 2020 eat them up and spit our captains out the door? Jack is the co captain and barring any mishaps will be for a while yet l believe and if Nathan decides to pull the pin then Max could be the co captain. They would be our best 2 . Viney has what it takes and an injury free and at his top he would lead by example as he does many times. . However lets wait and see what he does till the end of the season and judge his performance and Nathans then.
  19. Forward line missing lack of a tall forward deep in the square where he could smash into the opposition and bring the ball to foot where our smalls could take advantage. Needed a tall that can take a mark and kick a goal. Tim Smith a late withdrawal for?????????? WHERE IS PREUSSSSSSSS! the missing link. He doesn't win us the game however we would have made a game of it. Petracca has played his best game today and has now strung 3 good consistent weeks so far. Keep it going. Gawny you proved who the best ruckman is as you outpointed Grundy. AA all the WAY!
  20. Maxy Gawn is the Premier Ruckman AA all the way! Grundy another second Oh Well now you know. 30 poss and 31 HO. so far .
  21. Clarry is a machine I don't think he will miss. However I believe that Lever is the one that might be the out only because of playing a half of football for Casey and doing his ankle missing the week after and then being selected to play Queens Birthday. Training or no training it doesn't sit well with me. Half a game of football in 12 months after a knee reco? IMO not enough game time No game fitness in a blockbuster a recipe for disaster. I hope not. Genuinely hope I am wrong.
  22. Yes I think off had by 43 to 45 points something like that, Greg Swan kicked 8 goals straight mostly torpedo kicks and Robbie kicked a 'goal or two.Don't quote me. That game sticks in my mind because we struggled to beat teams like Geelong anywhere we played them. 46 years and that went quick GEEEEEZ!
  23. SHOCK HORROR! My father worked for Holden in Port Melbourne long term employee and drove a Ford to work. They did't sack him.
  24. Great signing for us and a load off the Weid's mind and mine. I ride the emotions with the guys and am shore I am not the only one. When he missed that shot to win the game I was disappointed, however not with the Weid. I just felt for him and that was my disappointment on the young man. A big signing for us and looking forward to you developing into something special.
  25. That is true so true. The MCG, our great colours, the yoke on the jumper is unique, the founding club our cities name, our history and most of all our loyal supporters, very loyal supporters and the love for their club.
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