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Everything posted by Demons1858

  1. The whole family has decided to go this weekend. Feels like final for those that can recall the Daniher and Northey eras when we won more than we lost
  2. I have read many of the posts on this thread and they are pretty harsh. He's a complicated human being but a human being just the same. Granted he has issues but has also had had a tough unbringing by all reports
  3. Collingwood has a string of injured players already out so with Wells and Adams added to the list we should get the chocolates
  4. Lets not forget that he playing in teams with limited competition for votes.
  5. Well, of course its an opinion, what else would it be on this forum. Club Meds also have opinions on when someone should come back once an injury has healed. They then pass those opinions onto the selection committee about their likelihood to reinjure, level of conditioning and any residual pain. So i guess it was just a co-incidence that all 4 players that recently returned from injury have really struggled then? Don't like the odds on tbat Watts back in 2's Salem in 2's Gawn by his own admissions was average until recently Viney played well against port and has been very average since despite his undoubted courage. Now has another foot injury caused quite possibly by compensating for the prior foot injury
  6. No one implied Gawn was re-injued. Nor did l suggest 2"s for A grade players. Truth is though that these players have came back underprepared - needing either more conditioning and recovery. Take your pick
  7. Do your research on spencers injuries over his career. He has missed big chunks of games almost every year. No one said he doesn't try by the way but his body isn't up to it
  8. I'm guessing he will get himself back after a stint in VFL but l am worried which jack watts will then turn up for the knock out final/s if we make it. Can't afford no shows. So agree there is a question make over whether we can trust him to play his role
  9. His signing is super important given Spencer's body can't be relied upon as a back up ruchman and competent 2nd rucks are hard to find
  10. Yep. Viney did come back to early whether reinjured or not. Played 1 good game since back. Love him for trying though
  11. No we don't need to trust them anymore. Viney, Gawn, Salem and Watts all came back too early. Would love to know whether the current injury was caused by Viney compensating for his original injury. Too much of a co-incidence for mine
  12. Those suggesting Watts would have been back this week have rose coloured glasses. Isn't even an emergency. Wake up
  13. Interesting jnrmac. I recall that Trengrove was given some controversial stuff at one stage from Dank or his associates and someone from the medical team resigned at the time. In any case, the performance of returning players has been really poor this year so something is broken in the operating model. The other possibility is that players are being given too much say in whether they are right to go or not..What player doesn't want to return early? Sometimes the club needs to make the decisions for them e.g. Viney
  14. Right on the money. Are our high performance team really that high in their performance. Either selection committee are bringing them back too soon or Misson and the team aren't making the right recommendations. Gawn, Watts, Salem, Viney all seem to have came back too early ...
  15. Agree it would be Watts but he is also just as likely to go missing and not play his role in his current form. I actually think he will play well in the vfl and be back but not yet
  16. Clearly Watts is a much better player across the year but on current form they are on par when you consider action not measured by stats like playing your role and contesting hard when its your turn to go etc etc
  17. Wonder whether we are splitting hairs. They are both poor of recent. One may have a few more stats but the other can be trusted by his team to play a role which can't be measured in stats but has an impact on the team i.e. contesting hard when its your turn, working hard off the ball to maintain defensive structures, going hard in aerial contesting to bring the ball to ground etc. Lack of intensity is a result of laziness. Part of why he plays well after a kick up the back side. One thing we definitely can agree on though is that he needs to earn his place in the VFL this week. Would give Weid one more week.
  18. Is it just me or do other not mind some of our players having a nasty streak that can make other sides think. He just needs to be smarter with how he impacts opponents (throwing a punch in open space obviously isn't smart aggression). Looking at Hawthorn's premierships sides of the past, they have had a sprinkling of those edgy types of players that have been reported i.e. Hodge, Mitchell, Lewis,
  19. Disagree. Watts (in his current form) is on a par with Weid in terms of pure performance. What puts him behind Weid however is that his laziness has a negative flow to the team performance (which many don't think to consider). It undermines the defensive structures, game plan, and the young players around him. Other players are forced to cover.
  20. We need to continue to invest in some talls in lieu of the finals with teams that have capable bigs. So if weid is out then frost or keilty are in. Watts can demand selection thru his actions in vfl
  21. Well its pretty easy really. Our memberships contibute to his salary and while l don't expect all players to lung into contests like hibberd and lewis did in the last quarter, l do expect him to show intensity. Its not personal as many here are suggesting it is, Geelong are just as frustrated with Motlop. Why do you tolerate his lack of effort?
  22. Seagulls will be licking their beaks at the prospect of some left overs ...
  23. He can come back for last round if he bangs the door down this week. No point bringing him in if nothing has changed with his performances. Looks like a token demotion
  24. AFL standard players should demand selection in the VFL through their efforts. He clearly hasn't done enough yet. Local league players show more intensity. He is a bad example to the players around him. Motlop for Geelong is the same and is up for trade this year according to Brian Cook. Can't be playing finals with an unhealthy dependence on a players that turns up to perform when it suits him.
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