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Jumping Jack Clennett

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Everything posted by Jumping Jack Clennett

  1. The last two seasons I've asked myself "why do I put myself through this torture every week?". I tried to convince myself we had to suffer pain to see some gain. At last it seems to be happening. It's been fantastic looking forward to going to the footy, then watching our boys in action. Long may it continue!
  2. I was feeling sorry for Richmond supporters after the game yesterday, knowing what it feels like to have forlorn hopes for the future. Then I remembered after (?)round 22 2008, when Richmond beat us by about 15 goals. As I was walking through the car-park in my Melb. scarf, a Richmond supporter found it necessary to laugh derisively at me, saying that we were the "worst rabble he'd seen on a football field". It may have been true, but I was as depressed as he was elated. It made me feel even worse. There was no comeback(I just said.."ninth again, well done! what stars!"). How I wished I could have had my revenge on him yesterday. Generally, I find opposition supporters don't mock you after their team's slaughtered you. But this bloke did, and I hope he's "suffering in his jocks!"
  3. Having seen the O'Keefe /Sachse neck-breaking incident(on TV), I couldn't help feeling that our skipper should have checked on Dangerfield as he was lying, motionless after the clash, and the whole game was stopped. It looked pretty serious. There's absolutely no doubt in my mind that it was completely accidental(in no way a "spear tackle"). It would be good sportsmanship for Junior to give Dangerfield a ring to see how he is. I fully expect to be pilloried for this post, but it's what I believe.
  4. [quote name='nostradeemus I don't think there's any doubt about the fact that the crowds influence the Umps. It has been going on for years! In "The Red FOX", Norm Smith is quoted as having ordered his troups to play around the outer wing at Vic Park, since he was so sure the umps were unduly affected by the howling mobs of Magpie supporters on their Members' wing. It's very obvious at AAMI stadium, and Kardinia Park, where 25 to 40 thousand fans all barrack for the one team. It's less of a factor at the MCG, though I think we Demon fans did pretty well last Sunday!
  5. [quote name='watts04' date='05 April "lets remember he is 18". I think he turned 19 in about March. I think it's important to take note of that.
  6. Our point kick-ins(and defence of them) were abysmal last Sat. I think we need to put some serious thought into adopting different tactics.
  7. Good post ,Barrie Vagg. It doesn't worry me when ephemeral supporters throw in the towel after one game . Such fickle people will shamelessly jump back inboard when we have a surprise win! And that might not be too far off. When our moment of triumph eventually comes,the faithful, loyal supporters will derive more joy than those who mercilessly pan our young team in adversity.
  8. [quote name='Inner Demon' I think he meant to say "who WOULD walk into our top 22." Otherwise the post makes no sense.
  9. Nostradeemus. Thanks for replying to the topic(though not to me). I don't get your point. Are you saying that you agree, our tactics on point kick-ins are not good, or are you ridiculing anyone who dares to suggest that with such excellent coaching, our tactics aren't professional.? Whatever, at least you took the trouble to reply to the topic. It interests me that no learned posters on this forum consider it worth discussing. And they never have! I pray that the coaching staff don't think the same way, or I reckon we're doomed to the cellar!
  10. Spot on, "Fishardansin." I have made the same suggestion before on this forum, but Demonlanders are either too apathetic, or perhaps, paradoxically, too religiously obsessed, to see the logic in your suggestion. Before long, there WILL be footy on Good Friday night(ARL dominates this now, and we must compete ). Let's get in there before Collingwood or Essendon pinch it. Versus the Saints! It's so logical!!! Go for it in 2011!!!!
  11. Just a minute!!! This is MY topic! I've been whingeing for years about our kick-ins and defence of them. I thought Demonlanders were sick of this topic because they think it's too difficult or not significant. (see "POINT KICK-INS" in "search".) But no-one ever takes any interest in it. (especially the coaching staff, though "bomber" Riley once sent me a personal email , defending our methods, when he was defence coach. He boasted about how good our kick-in stats were, though in my opinion, it was glaringly obvious our tactics were amateurish, watching them in practice. By the way, Carlton are now facing similar criticism.) I've made suggestions for different tactics, and I've suggested copying our opposition when I've seen how well they do it. I've requested suggestions from other Demonlanders. But no-one ever seems the slightest bit interested!!!! I reckon modern teams need to be innovative in their tactics in such absolutely CRUCIAL matters as point kick-ins. One of the keys is RUNNING. Players tend to want to have a breather when the ball's out of play after a point. This is when they must RUN and provide many leading options. We've lost Whelan and Wheatley, our two best kickers-in. Don't give up, "Johann"(Strauss). There will be clangers, but get your mates to run, run, run, to give you options. Kick long to a Melbourne cluster , running forward ,between wing and the centre.This could be your chance to establish yourself a niche in the AFL. Does anyone else think this is important?
  12. Just shows I should check my facts before trying to talk about trivia! I made a mistake with each of my Brownlow Medallists! Saw another look-alike at Player Sponsors' night tonight.....Luke Tapscott reminded me of "Diamond Jim" (John) Tilbrook when he arrived at Melbourne.Poor bugger's on crutches after hip surgery.
  13. Well done, Fellas! The three who reminded me of Medallists were.... Jordie McKenzie (Murray) Tom Scully....(Stewart) Jamie Bennell.....(McLeod) Let's hope they all win Brownlows!
  14. Sorry, I do mean Kevin Murray....I thought he was the oldest.Sorry, I've made it hard getting my facts wrong!!! He must have been surpassed by Barry Round. But Jack isn't the Demon who reminded me of him. This guy throws himself fearlessly at the ball like Murray did, but I can't see him ever being a CHB....perhaps HBF and midfield.
  15. When this oldest Brownlow winner received his award, he deliberately wore a long-sleeved jumper to hide his tattoo!. Our youngster who reminds me of him is tough and hard , under the packs. Similar hair colour, but a lot more of it, at this stage! I'll be interested to see if any other more senior(in age) posters agree.
  16. Yes, my mate reckons Jamie's like a young McLeod. How'd it be if he develops disposal like his!(a long way to go!)....but he knows how to get the ball. But who's the third one, who reminds me of the oldest player to win it(when HE was a yougster).?
  17. Yep. That's one. Anyone else notice it? Tom Scully reminded me of him the way he got the ball in packs, got it out fast, or ran in a wide arc on to his left foot. It'd be great if he ever turned out as good overhead as Stewart was. If he turns out half as good he'll be a star.
  18. Actually, one of them won 3(sorry 'bout that!....makes it hard when the facts are wrong!!), 2 at one club, one at another. The recent one plays for Adelaide. The other one was the oldest player to win it. By the way the resemblance was in the way the players move,and their style, rather than their facial appearance.
  19. One of the Brownlow winners won 2, at different Clubs. I'm a bit worried that no-one else will see the resemblance(I am talking more than 30 years ago!) But there was a THIRD young Demon , also likened to an interstate Brownlow Winner by a mate of mine on Saturday. I hadn't noticed it till he pointed it out. This third one is more recent!
  20. At Prince's Park on Saturday I couldn't help noticing the similarity in appearance of two young Demons with two old-time Brownlow winners in their youth.(from other Clubs.) Can anyone guess to whom I'm referring?
  21. Thanks,"Tatu".....I'll have to pracTiSe that!!!!
  22. Did anyone else notice this? I thought it was glaringly obvious.
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