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Everything posted by Wiseblood

  1. I love the delusional posters who keep telling themselves the line of 'it's not done till it's done'. Go on, hold on to that dream if it helps you sleep at night. The rest of us live in reality.
  2. As if Gia would have any idea as to what is going on. Just trying to drum up ratings.
  3. The club will have checked out everyone this season though. Roos likes to take a punt, so to speak, and has done on guys like Michie, Newton and Riley. While they may not make it, and Riley has already been cut, we know that Roos wants to add to our depth in any way he can. No doubt that many players who have been cut, particularly for lack of opportunities, will be looked at. If Giles has been struggling with injuries for 2 years then I don't think the club will take a look at him though, no matter how he was rated as a junior. We can't take punts on guys like him. We need players who are ready to go from day one.
  4. Poor comparisons really. Josh Kennedy was moved on to secure Chris Judd, something basically every club would have done at the time, and they moved on Jacobs as they had a dearth of ruckmen at the time. Giles wasn't exactly being held back by 'quality' defenders over the last few seasons.
  5. It wouldn't surprise me to see Hunt delisted as well. Pedersen is 50/50 for me, while I think they will persist with Toumpas. Terlich and M. Jones will hopefully be cut or traded for picks we won't even use, which will free up more room. The club made the 4 obvious delistings and will probably sit back and wait to see the market before making more.
  6. That's what the Sun article said. The Crows can match any offer, even if it's front loaded, which means Dangerfield would have to go into the PSD to try and get to Geelong, which won't happen as someone else will take him.
  7. Totally different cases mate, but I get what you're saying. But as our lord and savior just said above me - we don't need Prendergasts failed picks turning up on our doorstep from other clubs!
  8. True, but if Carlton are delisiting you after 2 seasons then it doesn't exactly auger well for the future.
  9. I was thinking the same thing. I would love for the Crows to match the offer just to stick it right up the Cats and force him into the PSD. God I hate Geelong.
  10. I think it was absolutely this. Roos is talking about getting runners in to the side with good skills - Riley had a horrible tank and questionable skills. He was always in trouble.
  11. Can you check your sources to see if it's true though, mate? Just don't go asking anyone from our board though. Ask another clubs.
  12. Officially gone from the Blues. Not surprising news really. Tigers lead the race for him, although they are trying to talk up a possible move back to WA as well. Doesn't seem we have any interest at all in him.
  13. And? He isn't rated by most Bombers supporters either. And agreeing with STMJ is hardly surprising, we know you want to marry him. It's so lovely to see And temper, temper HL. No need to get snarky. I'm shaking in my boots at the prospect of him succeeding and you bringing up old posts. However will I get through the day? If he comes to Melbourne and goes on to have a good career then that's fantastic. What Melbourne fan wouldn't want to be proved wrong in that case? It's sad to see you get so excited about the prospect of proving someone wrong though. What a life you lead.
  14. I'm not suggesting the above is wrong, but, there has been so much speculation about Howe that nobody can make sense of it. One minute there is an offer on the table, next minute there is lots of interest, the next minute he asking for far too much money and will come crawling back to us, now apparently there is no offer even on the table. Who knows what to believe.
  15. I'm not surprised that we are overpaying... just that the player we choose to overpay is Melksham. Madness.
  16. When that list includes players like Dean Terlich, Matt Jones and Ro Bail... that's saying something...
  17. Better yet, drop the price. He comes crawling back, we give him at least 150-200k less than what he wanted. Then let's see how he goes.
  18. Should I take this as a: "Our Pick 2 for Lewis Jetta and Gary Rohan" type comment, like you pulled last year, or were you talking to a hobo outside Richmond station?
  19. His position on this is so ridiculous that there isn't any going back so he has to stick to things like "Watts for Melksham". It's silly, I know.
  20. I love Col. Sign him up to a 7 year deal worth 700k a year. Throw in the vice captaincy and lessons on "how to smile on the field to appease supporters who believe the players need to smile all the time otherwise they don't care or want to leave the club" and we have ourselves a winner!
  21. Is that what we are basing player movements on now? What tie they are wearing? Good lord.
  22. When Jesse White and Trav Cloke were out of the side he still couldn't get a gig. That should tell us all we need. Understand your thinking, but this guy isn't what we need!
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