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Everything posted by DemonDave

  1. Agreed, and so does the Herald Sun. He's leading their player of the year award with 15 votes, or 3 BOG's. He was tagged from memory in the forgettable Hawks game. So for mine talk of him playing out of his skin to prove a point this week gives short shrift to his overall output levels this year. He'd be a clear leader in our B&F right now...
  2. Why is it some people call for Bartram to be dropped every week, as if by default? Do you even watch the games or the role he plays? Given the size of the ground, and the likely lineup of our opponents, I cant see there being any change. Watts will enjoy the space provided to him at Subi, will be able to roam a bit higher up the ground as I think this is so far what he's most comfortable doing. Similarly Morton should love playing on a big vast wing at Subi, his running strength can be utilised. The Weagles forwards are quite tall, namely Lynch, Kennedy and Darling. We'll need all three of Rivers, Chip and Garland to be on their game. If they also throw Naitanui forward, Martin may need to take hime on as a backman. Big test in two weeks as to where our side is at against a fit, confident eagles side.
  3. A good win, but I think it needs to be taken with a grain of salt. North Ballarat only had 6 of their premiership players line up last week, and I'm assuming it was a similar number today, I think they'll go from chocolates to boiled lollies and be one of the cellar dwellars this year. Given we're virtually injury free at the moment, its pleasing to see its competitive for a spot in the team. How did my man Tom McDonald go? Really looking forward to his developement and expect him to be the first debutant this year.
  4. Interestingly for the Suns two of their so called 'experienced' eight are out this week in Krakouer and Brown. Add Harley Bennell who has looked very slick at times this year and was a Top 3 draft pick, they're 3 decent outs for them...
  5. Thats a good question. One suspects Jurrahs retrospective career highlights when he's done will be significantly longer than Jakas, but I think I got more fulfillment out of watching Jakovich play overall. He was a genuine old-style 'spearhead', a player that you looked for 11 times out of 10 like Dunstall-Hawthorn, Lockett-St Kilda, Beasley-Footscray etc. His 14 game tally of 71 goals 57 points for that his debut year is beyond comprehension. Thats 128 shots on goal in his first 14 games or 9 shots at goal a game (not even counting the OOFs of which there were several). I love the fact people will come to watch Jurrah play, and the visible roar when he goes near the ball. We havent had that arguably since Jeff Farmer in his prime. In a way Jurrah reminds me of Buddy Franklin. Franklin kicked 21.13 in his first 20 games of football in 05, and 31 from 14 in his second year, before truly exploding with 73 and 113. He was seen as having a poor year last year but still kicked 64. I hope Jurrah can get to this level of output expectation.
  6. Ahem. Allen Jakovich, whatever planet he's currently residing on, passes on his regards. Just look at his 1991 debut season: Allen Jakovich
  7. So if you were to substitute the name Hurley for Tappscott in this statement, would you be any less excited by Tappy? Hurely is already a very good footballer, would love him in our side.
  8. To me the Captain is either carrying an injury, or if not has lost half a yard of pace. I really hope its the former.
  9. Just because they name those four on the bench does that mean we have to start with all four of them there, if I remember the rules correctly. The only time the starting bench and sub have to be finalised is 90minutes prior to the game. So theres nothing to stop them naming Jamar, Tapscott, Jurrah and Grimes on the bench on the day with Jamar as sub. Happy to be corrected but I still believe this to be the case? Davey started on the bench last Sunday and certainly wasnt on the 'froms' in the paper team on Saturday,
  10. By creating these new circumstances that lead to fatigue, it's been pointed out that we may no longer see the likes of the magnificent speccy that Goddard took in the last quarter of the tied GF last year as players will simply be too tired. A converse effect of this is that players like Brock McLean will now have a bit more of a platform to flourish despite their lack of outright pace. McLean always did his best work in the last half of each quarter when the speed of general play had slowed down to his pace. Its now less tailor made for guys like Brett Peake who have genuine explosive pace that makes up for their lack of field kicking skills and stamina.
  11. I think Maric may be the first, but certainly wont be the last player from a side dropped back a level after only getting limited game time as a sub. It cant be good for a player to only be playing 30-40 minutes on a weekend, it makes more sense to go to the VFL and get a good four quarter hitout.
  12. The Lions team if anyone cares: B: Jed Adcock (7), Daniel Merrett (21), Cheynee Stiller (32) HB: Pearce Hanley (11), Joel Patfull (24), Ash McGrath (9) C: Tom Rockliff (38), Simon Black (20), Jack Redden (30) HF: Luke Power (6), Ryan Lester (35), Jesse O’Brien (34) F: James Polkinghorne (31), Mitchell Clark (1), Todd Banfield (18) Foll: Matthew Leuenberger (23), Andrew Raines (29), Daniel Rich (10) Int from: Aaron Cornelius (44), Claye Beams (17), Rohan Bewick (43), Amon Buchanan (33), Tom Collier (22), Jared Polec (4), Broc McCauley (46) IN: Aaron Cornelius (44), Tom Collier (22), Jared Polec (4)
  13. My stab at the bench: Dunn, Watts, Petterd, Morton (sub) As a sub, Morton doesnt even need to be 100% match fit if he only plays the last quarter and a half. Third week in a row Warnock has been named on the bench isnt it?
  14. Grimes got a game in round 22 last year Jerry. Which is eerily identical to what his brother did...
  15. Offical Ins and Outs: Out: Jetta, Maric In: Warnock, Morton, Wanna, Strauss, Gysberts
  16. Jettas biggest issue is that he doesnt have the tank to go all day. So many times on Sunday he was out on his feet, running seemingly on the spot. Heaven forbid if we had an injury and we only had two fit players with him on the field. He got dragged and subbed after the coaching staff had seen what I had that he had no more to give near the end of that third quarter. When he's fresh, he offers quite a bit, dont forget the coaches thought enough of his defensive pressures to start him on Cyril Rioli last week. So I think hes much more suited to being a sub.
  17. Keep in mind Darling has already missed an Eagles game though club suspension due to an indisgression, so it remains to be seen if he's mended his ways. I think it was the second round of the NAB Cup.
  18. Good god, it took me almost a whole minute to work out your keyboard riddle!
  19. Was the non-playing emergency, aka standby player for the Seniors. As was Strauss last week. SNAP! undeeniable beat me to it, and almost word for word the same!
  20. I mentioned this in another thread, thought it was his worst game for the club. And it was good to see Gerard, Mike & Roosy also highlight the same thing on 'On The Couch'. No point trying to take mark of the year every single time the ball comes near you.
  21. I'm happy for personnel and structural criticisms to be kept within the confines of the club. No need for them to be played out in the media, just look at the mess of trouble Brent Harvey has gotten himself into for laying the blame on a couple of his younger charges over the last 48 hours.
  22. So Troy Davis is this weeks mysterious injury disappearance!
  23. Just a jarred knee apparently. If he can get through training and pass fitness test he'll play against the Bears. Source: Garland Faces Fitness Test
  24. One of the most disappointing players for mine tonight was Jurrah, he continually tried to sit on opponents heads to take mark of the year, needlessly giving away free kicks or eliminating himself from the contest. Yes he got two goals, but had neglible to no impact on the game. I'd hasten his worst game for us for his career, alongside that game at Subi where he got niggled all day. Bail continues to improve, and remembering from a post above he's played less than 20 games, I think he can play a role into the future, hes got great pace and equally balanced on both sides of his body. At least one of Jetta, Maric or Bennell have to go next week, maybe two of them. Probably for Gysberts/Wonna and or Morton. Jetta has horrible endurance, a couple of times tonight he could barely get out of a slow jog when the ball was right near him, and I'd suggest that dropped mark was a result of his lack of stamina. Was glad to see he got subbed, however Maric wasnt really on long enough and it was junk time by then anyway so hard to guage how he went with any substance. Other Plusses: Martin continues to improve and gain confidence Rivers much improved over last week. Tapscott. Obviously. We got 100 minutes of game time into Chip to get him closer to full match fitness. Sylvia's superb second quarter. Negatives: Our inability to shut down Sewell & co at stoppages. Moloneys inability to handle a tag. Brad Greens continual decline, he looks noticably slower right now. Grimes kicking out and disposal under pressure. Jack Watts continues to go missing for large stretches of the game. Yes he took a great pack mark early on but barely took another decent contested mark for the rest of the game. I dont care how many games he has or hasnt played, that kind of contribution every week is not enough. Bring on the Bears
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