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Deemented Are Go!

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Everything posted by Deemented Are Go!

  1. It's alright, puntkick, the men in the white coats will be here soon...
  2. Sorry, but T-shirts??? They look like thugby players
  3. Gus, Clarrie, Stretch, AVB, all rotating pending form/fitness. That's how depth works, right?
  4. The average AFL player's wage is 300k. Enough said.
  5. Yeah it looks great, except for the the unmissable text reminding us of our 111 point loss to Geelong...
  6. Existence is meaningless. Nihilistic existentialism rules.
  7. Did the training session even happen? I'm having some kind of Kafka-esque existential crisis. Maybe all the players and coaching staff woke up to find they were just cockroaches wandering aimlessly around an empty, meaningless world.... Gawd this off-season is killing me
  8. We all know N. Jones as "chunk', but I've heard others call him "doctor". Anyone know where that came from? Is it the bald wheelchair dude from X-Men?
  9. Thanks, just going over everyone's reports, saw yours and had a mild panic attack! We've been so lucky the last 18 months with injuries, the doomsdayer in me is waiting for a shocker (touch wood).
  10. Saty, tell us more about Watts' concussion.. when did that happen??
  11. Great work 666 - having some serious footy withdrawals, this helps!
  12. Keep it coming Wayne-o, my slow work day needs brightening!
  13. Yes, I agree with Collingwood. But as debated after the Champion Data ratings, I guess they look at Pendles, Trelaor and Sidebottom as being elite - No. 4 still ridiculous though. As for Bernie, perhaps he's viewed as a defender now?
  14. This article just popped up on AFL.com.au ranking our midfield at No. 7 Who has the best midfield? We rank every club Wasn't there an article somewhere recently putting us at second last? I think Freo at No. 5 is a bit rich ... Thoughts?
  15. Agreed Jim, that still smarts and serves as a reminder of what complacency does.
  16. Yes I struggled to put up some images, too. I wanted to post the signatures and get some help with who's who... I'll try again another time..
  17. YES! I remember this series from the library in primary school. Jeez, I feel like a bit of a dill not knowing the 2nd verse now! Can we get it going post-match this year after every glorious win?
  18. So my uncle-in-law was going through some boxes the other day and he came across a book: "100 Years of Football: the story of the MFC". Published in 1958, it was bestowed and made out to a Mr. Charlie Robertson in 1965 with compliments of the MFC; signed 'Les Millis' - Manager. It's really just a history/stats book dating 1857-1957, boasting a magnanimous forward by none other than Sir Robert Menzies. It is also signed by the entire 1965 team. But what really caught my eye was the discovery of a mysterious 2nd verse to our club's song I never knew about. Get a load of this: Oh the team played fine in the year Thirty-nine, We're the Demons that no one can lick, And you'll find us there at the final bell With the spirit of 'Twenty-six Every heart beats true for the Red and the Blue, And we'll sing this song to you, Should old aquaintance be forgot Keep your eye on the Red and the Blue Not sure about the lyrical prowess there, but pretty interesting nonetheless! I guess it's kind of like the national anthem 2nd verse; the ugly cousin everyone forgets about. Anyway is anyone familiar with this particular book and the names mentioned? Was there many blokes left from '64 Premiership team that would've signed it? Is it worth a few bob? Does anyone sing the 2nd verse any more? Did anyone actually sing it back then?
  19. Anyone know if you can do a 2017 ladder predictor anywhere on the interwebs yet? Can't seem to find one...
  20. The brown colour comes in handy when the 'drop seat' malfunctions.
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