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Everything posted by grazman

  1. long standing feud with another family. I think he's up on Assault Occasioning GBH.
  2. Doesn't look good for him or his brother, the judge has indicated that they're looking at a custodial sentence. Won't be 20 years, but it will be jail time. I bet he's spewing he's not in the ACT where we give armed robbers (Shotguns) and crooks who knife people suspended sentences as long as they're responsible enough to undertake drug rehabilitation, because after all it's really societies fault.
  3. Because he's coming back from OP. If he was to play seniors for Sandy and there were injuries then his programme of playing only a certain amount of time goes out the window, in the seconds it's easier to manage. Same with Newton, with his knee. Given our year so far why rush these kids back, just to satisfy us the supporters? The priority has to be about getting their bodies right first. Personally I'm happy for Ricky to only play Sandy seconds for the rest of the year to get him right for rd 1 2009. Newton once he's found touch and can run out a game can return via Sandy 1s.
  4. I'd say the chances of us playing an extra match in Canberra have blown out - unless The Doggies opt out. The ACT govt won't fund more than two games at Manuka. http://canberra.yourguide.com.au/news/loca...nce/792613.aspx
  5. Particularly if the Blues entice Brogan to leave. (Don't ask me where the cheating so and so's are finding room in their TPP)
  6. Yze made a trip up to do some work with school kids. Either it's really poor planning by the club to expose kids to a bloke that isn't going to play or.....
  7. 1 game and about 200 points. West Coast signalled their intentions on the Weekend. If both teams are in the same position come rd 20 and we beat them, then it's touch and go. We have two outside chances in rds 21-22 with Port and Richmond - they have Hawthorn and Geelong. They'll easily make up the percentage in those two weeks alone. It depends on whether they want to get the spoon or just finish second last to get Daniel Rich.
  8. No & Yes. You're membership won't get you in at the gate, but it entitles you to a free ticket. Contact the club.
  9. Good to see you being positive Jarka. ( I agree btw)
  10. He did play as a tagger last year, but slipped back a little this year. Maybe that's because as you say he's still learning or that Bailey wanted him to work on particular aspects of his game, but I think you're right that he's not a KPP. He's a lovely kick at goal, but doesn't play tall. His progress as a tagger is very encouraging, particularly to tag bigger bodied and taller midfielders or as Jarka says to tag the HBF types.
  11. Brave sentiments, but if this were the course of action then the board would be fundamentally stupid. How many times have we heard this from supporters, and how many times does it just not happen. I think some people have failed to comprehend some basic facts. 1. We have one of the lowest (if not the lowest) supporter bases of any club. 2. MCC members aside we have one of the highest uptakes of supporters being members. 3. Our supporter base is aging, and have by far the lowest numbers of kids in Auskick, that means our supporter base is shrinking. 4. It's not that our members fail to turn up to Home games, it's that we're reliant on opposition supporters to turn up to get a decent crowd. When we play Interstate teams they simply aren't their and we lose money. 5. Moving home games is not a quick fix or an easy option, it maybe the only option we have if we are to stop the club going down the tubes financially. Tough talk about where we belong and pissing grounds etc is just that, tough talk, it doesn't put bums on seats or pay the bills.
  12. Not sure. Just a guesstimate. The Gabba deal was 300K, and I'm pretty sure the Canberra deal was worth more. I think the Hawks get about 500K a game from Tassie.
  13. It shouldn’t impact greatly on membership. The current arrangements give full members access to 11 H&A matches a year. So Rd 1 was the compensatory match for our match in Manuka this year. Members would still get the opportunity to see 11 matches in Melbourne in a given year regardless of their designation as Home matches. For example We play four Home matches at Manuka a year one against the Swans, and three of the Crows, Power, Eagles or Dockers, keep 7 matches at the MCG including the QB weekend against the bigger drawing Melbourne clubs as well as four compensatory matches. It means we have 4 ACT matches, 11 MCG matches which leaves 7 Away matches at the rest of the venues. This narrows down matches we need to play at the dome and other interstate venues.
  14. Absolutely Jaded, the problem for the club is how can it actually do that if it's starting 4.5 million in the hole? It needs to eliminate it's debt and work to a position where it can get enough liquidity to fund the project.
  15. I wish that were true, unfortunately I think it was just a case of one and one makes three. Warnock hasn't said anything other than he'll wait to the end of the year to make his decision.
  16. J Brown and D Kerr. Both have indicated they want to stay where they are, both clubs have indicated they want to keep them (Kerr is contracted till 09), so IMO very much idle speculation to suggest that either one would be traded.
  17. I disagree, I understand what you're saying, but it's not about crowds for us, it's about actually turning games we lose money on (ie home games against interstate sides) into games we're we can be guaranteed 500k regardless of the size of the crowd that will turn up and their general ambivalence to support anyone other than probably the Swans. I'd support it as a short term measure (3-4 Years) until we had eliminated our debt and were able to generate enough onfield success to boost our support, longer term hopefully it would mean our Casey venture was able to attract supporters and perhaps PGs vision of a boutique stadium come to fruition. People shouldn't forget that i) our drawing power in Melbourne at the Dome is pitiful and we will lose money hand over fist if we are forced to play our home games there against interstate sides ii) this may very well be a measure we need to take to satisfy our major benefactor (the AFL) into assuring our survival ie extra funding for the short term. I live in Canberra, so it's in my interest to see the Dees establish a presence here, but I believe their rightful home is in Melbourne. The one advantage is that Canberra will never be a big enough market to sustain an AFL side - whereas the Gold Coast was the thin end of the wedge for the Kangaroos, this I believe would simply be an expedient measure to help the club get back on it's feet.
  18. Lets wait and see what the end of season brings. He's got bad Hammies so I wouldn't offer too much.
  19. How much slower is Brock than Scott Thompson?
  20. As opposed to the realisation that the current board has made, hence the proposed move to Casey. I don't doubt his passion, but it won't be enough without a sound business plan. The next few days should provide more detail.
  21. Well at this stage it amounts to a headline "I'll save the club" and rumours that members of his ticket are prepared to put 250K in to get on the board. All of which I'll take with a healthy dose of scepticism.
  22. I don't think anyone's made up their minds, I'm sure most people are as interested as you are in relation to seeing the detail. What people were rightly upset with was the story hitting the papers on Sunday, before the candles had been blown out on the cake. If people are asking questions its because Jim chose to reveal it ahead of his submission to the board. Most will be happy to support him if he can deliver what he's promised.
  23. Jika an excellent analysis, but I think you're selling Wheaters short. He's a better than average player IMO, no star, but he does what he's asked to do.
  24. Does he though, I've read innuendo and supposition that Vlad supports Jimmy, but it would be incredibly unlikely for anyone from AFL house to come out and back candidates publicly. At least on face value they need to remain impartial. I have absolutely no problem with a peaceful transition and for things to move forward, but like many are saying - all we have at this stage is that Jimmy wants to be President and promises of big things to come. The proof of the pudding is in the eating. Supposedly he has eight backers willing to cough up 250 K each, well it's a good start, but I'd expect that they should have some credentials in their own right, otherwise the current board members are well within their rights to tell them to sod off and wait for the end of year AGM. I have no feelings about Stynes ability to be president one way or the other, but I want a strong and unified board, people that are savvy and can make sound business decisions.
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