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Everything posted by 45HG

  1. ours said 'finals over,' incest really does affect the brain. i hope they bring hundreds of banners, one for ever lil feral piece of filfth, so when they lose they have something to sleep under during the night
  2. honestly couldn't care if he plays, hell i hope he does. another feral who can be on the ground with tears in his eyes as his ears fill to the glorious sounds of 'IT'S A GRAND OLD FLAG...' go on didak, fight it, get off, then get punished on monday
  3. i'd die before i see wheels in a west coast jumper, any other jumper come to think of it
  4. why would you give up your future best player, for a current great player? what's the point in having any good players if you're going to get rid of them? you're forgetting that if judd really wants to come over, it is west coast who have to take whatever is offered, not the other way around
  5. maybe stinga's going the other way to get here, always did things a bit differently he did
  6. "I've always loved a tackle. I'm not an aggressive person off the field, but when I'm on the field I just seem to really want to smash someone when they get the ball." quote from belly - http://afl.com.au/Season2007/News/NewsArti...px?newsId=44489 what a star! love the kid, he'll be fantastic to watch over the next few years. watch him take out thomas in a tackle this week, and if i'm in the sort of form i was last year for the match, i'll be abusing thomas for the next 8 minutes, rock on dees, rock on belly!
  7. 45HG


    yeah i know exactly what you're saying, i'm just saying that as a forum, it is here that we discuss the possibilities, pros and cons of different aspects of the club that we can see from our position. i presonally don't use it to argue to sack the coach etc, rather the ways in which i think it can be helped, fully aware that i don't know nearly all of the facts. where i think argument falls on forum's such as these are issues like newton, where people continuously bring up the 'need' for him to play asap. such conversation after a while has just become circular and is in no way productive or interesting because we don't have the inside knowledge. on the other hand, issues such as good players, gameplan etc. should be discussed because we do not have to know all the details to engage in informative, interesting discussion
  8. frawley needs game time and was bloody good on the weekend, nothing would help him more than showing the same attack on such a big stage. whelan would play essentially ward's role, but tighter and better. therefore ward for whelan seems a direct swap
  9. geez i sure hope he does. i for one have never seen our backline play any better i reckon, and so with our premier small defender back into the team for the second biggest game of the home and away season, i'd love to see us shut them down completely. bell and he on didak and davis, yum!
  10. clement has been injured and has only played 5 games, averaging 16 touches in those games.
  11. 45HG


    pretty boring forum this would turn into, if no one is allowed to comment on anything they don't know 100% about, which as you say no general supporter does.
  12. wow, so one good game that still contained the same elements for what he has been criticized for is supposed to make those who question bruce do an about face? i admit it was a good game, and needless to say i'm happy that he played well. but i saw none of the same courage displayed by green, or attack offered by bell or leadership offered by neitz and mclean. his kicking was still iffy as was his decision making, and he certainly didn't increase his hardness at the ball. good on him for playing well, but don't go on some outrageous assault on people who doubt bruce because of one good game that does not dispell the doubts placed upon him.
  13. wonder if the same fans who criticized the boys for not controlling the ball v dogs and roos were part of the booing brigade. look what daniher has been able to do with most of the team back in? a few kicks away from winning 4 of the last 5.
  14. i'd say the attacking gamestyle is important in the boys playign well, but is indicative of their mindset. it's no coincidence that we played our best footy in he same game with such courageous acts as green's marks and bell's tackles, but to name a few. the mindset is the most critical aspect in any sport, and can make teams look completely different.
  15. wasn't just the stats that made green look great yesterday, but the hard tackles and courageous marks. would have shut up a few posters on this site saying he was soft last week
  16. bruce on the suday footy show was trying to explain the chipping in the last quarter, but certainly didn't mention it being an instruction. definitely a combination of tiredness and fear of losing, something that i don't think will happen in coming weeks.
  17. 45HG

    No Passion?

    this is the sort of stuff that kills me as a diehard dees fan, and largely because it is the truth. we don't have a smal supporter base, we have a massive supporter base that has not been lured to the club properly, because i don't think the club has put forward a proper, attacking approach to get them onside with the club. the prime example of this is collingwood. by presenting the front they have, of the football family, constantly talking themselves up in the media they have been able to establish a network in society that encourages involvement in the club. melbourne don't seem to offer any outreaching programs. for example i'd like to see the players in more advertising (not subway!) or in more media outlets, such as the MX article that paul licuria writes each week. i know they're poor suggestions but i'm sure others on here have better ideas about how to get our club in the open. i strongly believe collingwood have grown because of basic human instint. their supporters constantly wear their gear around town and i think it's noticeable to other pies fans that otherwise might not go to games, attend and witness the amount of support from people around them. you only have to watch a collingwood game on tv to see the incredible amount of new guernseys being worn by their, possibly newlyfound, supporters. i believe if the club had a more attacking force in the media, they'd attract more attention from vague melbourne fans. futher initiatives, such as cheaper merchandise, could be issed at stands around the city for instance, giving people the opportunity to show off the red and blue. what better stage to do it than in our 150th year?
  18. Anybody hear that astrologists found a planet 13 times the size of jupiter? Still half the size of jamar
  19. how about neitz playing on roo, keeping him statless while godfrey fills the big man's boots in the goalsquare and kicks a dozen?
  20. speaking of woewodin, you know he had 53 hitouts in his career!? sorry, just found this and i thought it deserved a mention.
  21. the wheatley argument is already being carried on in another thread...
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