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Everything posted by 45HG

  1. it's not even a stereotype, it's a pathetic jolt at the club not based on fact, upheld by people who know nothing about the game and cannot conjure up descriptions of their own. i used to go to the snow once a year when i was young, i went bigfooting, it was fun, i also don't miss our games at the g, but i suppose none of this means anything to the saviour to all the is football, BT.
  2. was against sydney, that dirty shneider and his limp-wristed effort
  3. pretty sure winston abraham got MOTY in 98 for that crud mark in canberra...
  4. miller had bad record i[m drunk though, 45 out!
  5. wow so because our 'best' player is played in a different position the coach is to blame, and becuase one out of the oposition 22 gets away it is the coach's fualt, not because one of the dees players who were given the job could not man him properly. if every player of every week could be kept under raps it would be a very boring league, davis was rubbish by the way and even when he was effectual it did not cost us, so why should daniher go?
  6. YEAH you're covere,d last two weeks ive had my lucky charms, aths singlet club jumper cahill shirt wheels jumper and dees jacket, and 2-0
  7. simply the numbers 4 and 0 will be enough to drive your point home FINALS OVER! WANKERS
  8. both!but im still loving it! go the dees andgo the rev, come back wheels, then well make finals
  9. openedthe mall andgeez they're good. the fights in the pub were worh it cop it ya mugs!!!!!! we must go to the pies forum
  10. one loss an we're gone, i'd prefer we creew other teams hopes and buld to nex year. bue yeah we;ll win next 4, easy
  11. where are the people having a go at adenners now? i admit o cant see straight fter today, but its nough for me to be sure danners is tehe man foe us.s go the rev!
  12. there's always nudie runs at 5am the morning after winning a grand final
  13. i'd feel sorry for the people around me if wheels played in the forward line and nabbed a few sausages, they'd be in for a long arvo! but to be honest the times he has been there he hasn't looked too bad, and i think it's because of the way defenders play the forward line. i have a theory that because defenders aren't used to it, they play the position in the old cliche fashion, of presenting the whole day and forward line pressure. against the dogs last year i think it was, he was there for 5 minutes and made at least 8 or 9 leads, with one almost sticking. it does free up the chance for barts and bell to continue their development, and we've all seen they can do the job, though maybe not as well as the god himself but it would be a very interesting move because, as i say, he would continue to lead all day long around the pockets, would be a viable decoy from the proper forwards, but not get in their way (as i reckon jonesy did last week with robbo, and sylvia does all too often) and would also be a fierce tackler, good luck getting the ball out of defence easily. an interesting proposition
  14. how has harvey had a shocker? was one of the saints best performing players untill he got injured
  15. Here's how we'd look if we won every game - Melbourne 10-0. But yeah, I see your point and it is very true, a very even competition where only a tiny % lacking in performance can cost you, the biggest thing standing in our way and realistically being able to give the finals a crack.
  16. yeah after benny 'i rule vfl' beams broke his wrist.
  17. jeff farmer's 45 minutes of glory. wow.
  18. geez did i go bonkers over that goal! tim lane even went a bit nuts on that one, though you cant really hear it
  19. disposals, 17 (2006), 17(2005), 17 (2004), 18 (2003), 16(2002) Goals 4, 5,3,2, 0 weird, weiiiiiiird stats!! got towelled in 2003 didnt he? i remember he looked very ginger running around the field
  20. wish it was being played as a curtain raiser...
  21. never played again didn't he? what happened with his lawsuit?
  22. i was responding to your only criticsm of shaw being based on his kicking, thus the next logical step would be to question who you rate as our best player, in your case bruce, who happens to also have issue with his kicking. i never said shaw had brilliant kicking, what i say is that he is their most important player.
  23. but why play him this weekend then? you reckon he'll just play off the bench a bit?
  24. jackshit = nothing! hence the expression, thus the reason it is so forceful. he didn't win it on his own, but he certainly did more than 'jackshit'
  25. and yet your favourite player is bruce?
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