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Everything posted by 45HG

  1. if the grand final gets moved to the night it'll be another example of the way soccer, and in particular EPL, has it all over AFL. soccer has so few changes in not only rules, but also the shape of the season. the last day of the season sees all teams playing at the same time, regardless of the fact that if they were played at different times, the league would make its most amount of money for the entire season. the AFL simply has to stick with the way the fans want the game, and leave it as such. they clearly want the game to be neat and easily sold to marketing, and to achieve this they must deliver a version of the game that the fans want, and stop changing every second aspect
  2. is anybody watching the carlton adelaide match? i don't know if it's just the carlton style of jumper or what, but they all look like monsters!! huge, especially compared with our guys. sad to see because i really thought our hard edge we were starting to develop last year was going to hold us in good stead for the future, regardless of gameplan. unfortunately it seems we've gone backwards a few years
  3. which would qualify the 'good excuse' part i added in, if you had properly read it. obviously i was being over-zealous, but anyone who can go, claims to be a supporter, and doesn't go, then pfft
  4. anyone who doesnt show up, without some ridiculously good reason, is a disgrace. though the sad thing is, if they don't show up it probably makes them 'true melbourne supporters.' why is it that everybody you speak to, and ask if they like footy, if their response is 'nah i don't know much about it' they invariably proceed to tell you they follow melbourne
  5. love the ox interesting about what it reveals about the psyche of the football culture on the players. he felt compelled to adhere to what he though was the culture of footy, the hard-man approach, showing that the culture is not necessarily perpetuated by the players, but is more of an imaginary being. he's one we all forgot on the 'no superstars' thread
  6. see i disagree, namely because we don't know what's going on behind closed doors. we don't know what's going on with newton's relation with the club, but they're not that stupid that they've completely forgotten him. if they have an arrangement, or a set plan, which seems likely, then naming him on the emergencies wouldn't achieve anything. furthermore, if he is not named in the emergencies, he is able to fully focus on his task at sandringham which he seems to be enjoying at the moment. obviously he would be close to selection, and does not need to be named in the emergencies as a hand-out. it'd be a pretty shocking way t gain your first selection as well, newton in for his first game as emergency, forced to sit in the stand while the zebras go around.
  7. i reckon that's a really good point! great alternate way to see it. if our season is over that gives us even more lattitude to stick with our long-term plans and see them out in their duration. if we were 6-2, 7-1 with neitz robbo out and miller playing poorly, we'd have to rush him in and sacrfice long term stability. i like where you're coming from
  8. ha. why in the world are we talking about stickers? yeah look i see your point, just wanted to look at it from a PR perspective.
  9. lucky you don't go for st. kilda bah we've had one year of bad injuries, and it's an odd year anyway! so pfft, just want the boys to show the same spirit they did against dogs and power, you can do that with your worst 22 out on the field, let alone a team close to your best
  10. they saved money on postage by only sending on letter to each household, i assume as that's what happened here. so essentially they've paid for one set of stickers, and saved the second time round on posting. now i too wish it didn't happen, but i'd say its a good move by the department as it makes members feel more appreciated
  11. yeah i vaguely remember sam wanted to test it by putting a richmond person and a dees person in the middle
  12. maybe they fade because of that crazy stuff that's been falling from the sky over the past week
  13. we know he'll get there first if he does!
  14. what a star, knew he'd pull through. geez he'll be good for us when he gets right and yeah, archer is a true legend of the game. when he retires he'll go straight into the hall of fame, or as soon as is eligible anyway
  15. to what end does putting him in the emergencies achieve? if we don't want to play him yet, we shouldn't, if we do we should, no point putting him in the emergencies if the club doesn't think hes up to it. i maintain we'll have 22 blokes out there on sunday that are good enough to win, provided their attitude is right. i have no doubt about it, and while i'm pretty cut up about wheels again being injured (where's his career headed?) i really think we have the players left that can do the job for not just the supporters, but each other
  16. really? i mean i know i have serious egg, but i don't think i wore as much dees stuff all year last year as i have this year. i find it boring to parade around after a win, but after a loss you've gotta show you're behind the boys
  17. yeah i like it, just hope it doesn't evolve into this, sort of fun to follow though
  19. we'll beat the roos. we will. i'll go f98765 mental party untill the following sunday, because i've seen the boys show commitment and passion to notch up the first win. and from there, who knows!
  20. i gave mine to godders, he was our best in and at it player, evidenced by 14 handballs. but green really did run and rund and run, 'gut running' something i thought our whole team was supposed to be able to do, even the ones that weren't injured lynch got 7 behinds and an on the full didn't he? even more worthy of a vote you say!
  21. training on a rectangular ground, that'll make our game plan very unique!
  22. same goes for supporters too, ey? i'm guilty of ticking off a couple of wins last year, not that they weren't celebrated in true hearty fashion, but they weren't truly appreciated. takes a year like this...
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