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Everything posted by 45HG

  1. no wheels votes. no wheels, no melbourne. i find it hard to see how brock won't storm through the second half of the year and win it, touchwood!!!!!!
  2. does the afl have an official line on interpretation in the wet? because i'll promise you it's officialed differently my problem is the guy who runs into a pack, picks up the ball and is immediately tackled, with no chance to get rid of it, being pinged. counter-productive in my opinion. especially given the way free kicks are taken in today's game by the majority of teams. giving free kicks against players who are 'slowing the play' because the afl assumes they're attempting to create ball up situations, is slowing the game down by affording possession to one team whilst giving the other team time to set zones, hence slowing the game down
  3. in the 'melbourne alamanac 2007' it says that he didn't come over from north adelaide until going to richmond. was wardy ever on the fitzroy list? or just ressies?
  4. maybe as a spare bench warmer for when whelan mclean bartram bate dunn holland sylvia davey robertson neitz miller white mcdonald trav bruce green carroll bell jones ward brown pickett frawley petterd garland newton weetra neville johnson jamar godfrey yze ferguson bizzell moloney buckley johnson rivers warnock and wheatley are out
  5. chasing tail all day = more tackles. another reason why i stat out of context is useless
  6. just got to take it one game at a time, with a good four quarter effort with 110% effort on the ball with full marks to the opposition and yeah nah
  7. johnstone lazy?? this thread is full of preconceived notions. i used to think green is soft, but this year on many occasions he has proved that he is not, often trying his best outside his weight division, literally, and his tackle proves that. johnstone may have been lazy in the past, but i bet you couldnt run in two days the amount he runs in 2 hours. in the last 2 weeks alone i reckon he would've covered as much territory as any player in the comp. and finally, why are so many people simply turning to stats? does no body understand their irrelevance for the most part. bruce's tackles count would be high, because he plays in the middle! how many players has he chased down? and how many stick? he waltzes around the field accepting the ball, which he subsequently butches too often for a man with the skills we know he has, or had.
  8. gave up on the leadership group a few years ago when green, bruce and miller were included. still waiting for them to get serious, and honest, about the leadership group
  9. 10!!! TEN TEN i've decided if wheels isn't playing i'm going to scout around the ground untill i find him, so i'll have fun anyway
  10. tough to whinge about this one set structure that could've saved as conceeding one goal at the end, when our overall structure should've had us 10 goals down for the day. i understand completely where you guys are coming from, and do agree, but i think our team has more pressing structural problems
  11. i wonder why people groan at the sideways kicking when it results in us kicking FOUR GOALS IN 3 QUARTERS/?!??! i wonder why they were frustrated! far out, did no body see when we actually backed ourselves we kicked 7 goals in a row. yet you whinge about people speaking their minds, then complain at them for not being real supporters. what exactly do you want them to do? support, or only call out deeply thought out page long diatribes about the game. now i probably sound like an idiot at the footy, and i swear half the stuff i was yelling out in the last quarter was backwards because of the heat of it all, but far out, if our supporters made more noise every time they felt something, people would be more willing to go to melbourne matches. no wonder so many dees supporters don't go, they probably get frustrated, call out what they think, then get yelled out by people like you guys. if you don't want people with different opinions, watch it at home, otherwise, just call out your own opinions, any noise is good noise.
  12. why drop frawley? got to give a key backman time to find out what he's worth
  13. getting tired of the mcc whinging. it's so over generalized. at least mcc members show up. shouldn't you be questioning those in the outer who don't have to pay $600 a year yet still aren't members? i for one am an mcc member, who pays for a proper dees membership just so the club gets the money. i'm a uni student saving to go overseas, so i could easily just buy the $40 one or not a membership at all, essentially i'm paying for a scarf, but i do it anyway. but that's just me and i do understand many don't, i just feel frustrated by being painted with the same brush, especially when the club sends me letters saying 'the club needs you to be a member' even though i already am!
  14. i think daniher should stay to, but i was taking in relation to you asking if the media are a pack of idiots. and while they might not be idiots, they certainly talk a load of crap. i wouldn't pay them any attention. in debates like this it's all up to what we think on our own, not how many articles happen to agree with us
  15. wouldn't be good for my bank account!!! i'd be out for the whole week, maybe even the next two cos of the split round, costly! well i'll be there regardless so i suppose i'll find out..
  16. simple answer: yes complicating answer: absolutely!
  17. change your flight!! jokes but to be honest, i've never looked forward to a game less than this year's qb match. really not looking forward to listening to 80000 pies supporters, knowing that even if we go 8 goals up, they only need to kick one to get on a roll.
  18. yeah i think we were 6-7 after 13, then lost last 9. ironically in 2000 we were 6-7 as well, but won 8 of last 9. of course the loss was to the kangas. by a point.
  19. i don't think it takes confidence to turn and kick. if he was under instruction to kick he would have done so, regardless. just another example of our overuse of the handball. anybody see dunn in the same quarter streaming down the wing on his own with options up forward, yet his first thought was to turn and look for the handball, when he should have been only thinking of the kick.
  20. cool, so that means bruce can run around bashing crows midfielders next week and get off.
  21. article in the sun today saying the eagles are 'super-confident' he'll get off. how do the eagles get away with running the competition their own way. clubs get fined for abusing umpires, why shouldn't the eagles be fined for pressuring the match review committee. joke.
  22. yep, totally behind the rev, and i reckon he's learnt from our mistakes this year and now we can go from there. to those who say his words fall on deaf ears, i hope you were watching our last quarter
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