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Everything posted by 45HG

  1. miller's pick up on the members wing in the (3rd?) quarter was brilliant, but then he got lost in what a believe to be our gameplan and handballed it directly in the air. danners should just tell him to kick. i know when i played, i gained a lot of confidence from simply kicking the thing. imagine that pick up, coupled with a turn and kick from which neitz or robbo take the mark, miller's confidence would've gone up like nothing else
  2. was that a sarcastic response, that included sarcasm towards channel 7 being morons?
  3. the weird one for me was the one in the last quarter when corey jones had a set shot for goal. and in the replay the comms were saying he must have copped a knee to the stomach, but it looked like he got up straight after the attempted smother, then went down a few seconds after. did anybody see it?
  4. the other thing is that danners was probably asked about the kick-in, and that was his response. and i don't think it was critical of trav, more that he had no options. but definitely killed me to see swallow finding space when he should've been surrounded by players, memories of brad johnson anyone?
  5. yeah look i won't lie to you, i can see where you're coming from. but if all dees fans felt the way i did about wheels, there'd be that reception everytime wheels got the ball. against the saints last year, round 10, i started celebrating before trav even got the ball on the wing cos i could see wheels in the middle, when he got the ball i was going psycho, which only got worse when the ball was in the air....lucky he drilled the goal!! but yeah, mclean is a fair gun
  6. Bruce 6??? far out.
  7. yeah, seeing brock's face when the siren went was just enough to make you wanna cry. at least it showed the commitment. in the years to come, we'll be fine with this bloke in charge
  8. yeah, i do apologise for sounding a bit harsh writing that, i was quite frustrated at the time. as deanox was saying, i am alluding to people who have no prior commitments, live close to the ground and yet decide to stay home and watch on tv, and then spend the next day ragging on the club. obviously if you live 3 hours away this would qualify as an excuse wouldn't it, don't just get all prissy and assume i'm attacking everyone who doesn't go. really gets to me when fans have no prior commitments, could go to the game but decide to watch at home, yet still then have a go at the club after not putting in the effort themselves. sorry if i didn't make myself clear
  9. i must admit that when we kicked a goal to bring it back to 29, i turned to my mate and said 'bloody melbourne, they always do this, they'll make us think they're gonna win then take it away from us, probably get done by a point' hope that wasn't me sitting behind you with the choice words
  10. now mclean is a futre super skipper, but we all know that god is sitting in the stands and is wanting to get back out there wearing his 45 again
  11. just frustrates me that when we were woeful, we were playing that ridiculous gameplan that none of our supporters (i assue none) want to see. and yes, we were shocking, and yes we should've been down by more, but in a way i'm glad that we were able to come from so far behind in the last quarter playing the type of game we did, as it will surely making the coaching staff wake up and realise that that is the way we should always play. if a team is struggling with disposal, as we clearly are, the quick movement and long ball movement i think is the way to go because it doesn't require the precision that the chip game needs. we showed in the last quarter if we give our forwards half decent, quick entry into the forward line, they can do the rest. if we did that for four quarters, neita would've been able to shut up every one of his critics. hopefully losing by a point shows our coaching staff the way we should be playing the majority of the time, otherwise it really is a useless loss
  12. i reckon white is one of the players more blatantly affected by the handball regime at the moment. he has such a good/damaging kick that must be utilized
  13. i reckon his ball use is good enough, he is certainly quick enough with a good engine, and his tackling is one of the best in the team, so i don't see why he couldn't be a midfielder if that's what danners wants
  14. just pray he doesn't end up at st kilda
  15. are godfrey's skills really that bad? i used to think so, but of late he has at least been a player to take the responsibility to kick the ball after chains of handballs, and i reckon his kicking efficiency in the past few weeks when pinpointing players hasn't been that bad, though i don't have the stats on me, just an impression i've got
  16. played a bit of junior footy with him, he was playing in an older age group than he should have been, still starred. will be awesome, is awesome! first half especially was sensational.
  17. what's with the incredible amount of bruce love, and never weighted with any counter arguments? players like ward and brown are constantly criticized for many of the same things bruce does almost as often, yet bruce is always just commended for getting possesions. now i'm not saying he played a bad game, but i feel when he plays well that's all that people mention, without critical analysis. he was good, but he wasn't the sensation people say he was basically every week. we all know the mindset is the most important aspect of the club, and he is the only player who consistently does not go in hard. and if you disagree, please site references, not simply 'bruce is awesome, commentator's say he's good, he gets 30 touches' rah rah,i i'm not arguing against this, but think he should be subject to the same analysis the other players get
  18. apparently you'd whinge about anything else though. i was in mcc, am now hoarse (as usual) and though i can feel like a fair fool for being one of the few to yell constantly, it is better than not saying anything for an entire game
  19. 45HG


    agree, the bizz was good. could have sworn i thought the siren would go when he took that mark in the backline
  20. speaking of carroll though, how damned good are his marks? outrageously good.
  21. the time wasting 'skills' we employed in the first three quarters did vanish in the last, but i reckon after we hit the front we half tried to put the shutters up. jones little chip to mcdonald who took a while then chipped into the pocket, was completely out of character to the footy we'd played the 10 minutes before. has been a while since tears were shed after a game. i've always been a fan of daniher and was thinking that this year wasn't his fault, but i am becoming increasingly unsure. look what we can do when we play real footy. bruce has no bottle. first two minutes, gets the ball on the wing, didn't want to take the hit so decided to handball sideways blindly, straight to a roos bloke.
  22. maybe watch the incident before starting a thread on it
  23. i'm not happy with miller being in the team either, why is it that players that don't show the right attitude on the field still get a game the next week? why is there no punishment for this, players are too aware that they will keep their spot even when they produce rubbish. the real selection i'm not happy with is McLaren. OH god not umpire McLaren
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