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Everything posted by DeeZone

  1. Thanks Goodwindees, very happy to read this, loved his attack on the ball and the man who had it. He was great in 2018 also great that he is going to VAFA as well, hope his body holds up with the lighter training loads. Good luck AVB you deserve it.💕❤️💙
  2. LtD Jaguars are a far better vehicle now, I watched the Factory on Discovery very thorough production techniques in 2021, my brother also had an XJS back in the 80’s which wasn’t so hot.😢😢
  3. And it will be real and live surrounded by adoring Supporters.💕❤️💙
  4. Top effort LH, you must be loving these key signings.!!❤️💙
  5. So happy that Fritta has signed on until 2026, very important to keep our top echelon together gives us the opportunity to continue to be Special.💕❤️💙
  6. Agree FTP The Umps need to step up on their shift, Max cops so much unfair treatment a few more free kicks would stamp it out. I think that it will be difficult for any team to close us down you put a stopper on Fritsch and up pops 5 others and there is no Law that you can’t hunt the hunters.!!!
  7. I am re-reading the Red Fox, just won the 56 Granny and heading into 57, Norm Smith philosophy was that you needed to blood 5 - 6 new players every year to get that continuous improvement in your list. He was shrewd and ruthless, I think that Goody has read the book. Our 55 & 56 teams had 14 players 22 and under in the team.!!!
  8. Max is a champion ruckman, a champion person and now he is our champion premiership captain. What a man what a legend. It is hard to put him into words.💕❤️💙
  9. I have read everyone’s posts and believe that as a team we reached another gear during the finals and I also believe that it was no accident but the culmination of a well thought out plan. Our improvement is based on elite fitness, team first behaviour and having a great group of players that trust each other and their coaches. We could be on the brink of something very special as in 1939-1941 or even 1955 - 1964, we witnessed something this year that none of us has seen before and barring unforeseen circumstances we have the talent and the depth to carve out our third dynasty.
  10. I also thought that he looked pretty comfortable on the ground with the playing group and have never heard a bad word directed his way. That is disappointing and I hope that we don’t lose anyone else from the support team. Good luck Shannon and thanks for a job well done.
  11. That’s the one I ordered from DVDLand.!!
  12. Ordered the Victory pack from MFC store and backed it up with the 2021 Premiers high light Blue Ray pack from DVDLand, should see me through to our next flag in 2022.
  13. Strangely Laurie and Rosman are our only Newbies that haven’t pulled on a guernsy over the last couple of years so looking forward to what they can do.!!
  14. How long is it since we beat the Cats three times in the same year? We still owe them plenty and I am looking forward to playing them on the G more often, time for Hawks, Dons, Blues to spend more time down at the Cattery and the Cats to play more games in Tassie.😀😀
  15. I wonder why Chadwick didn’t keep coaching, what a record and I will look forward to reviewing Goodys stats at the end of his stint with us, if I am still kicking. Lol.!! Agree Nasher how good are Norm Smiths and Checker Hugh’s records, where would we have been without them.!!!
  16. tilly18 Norma is a lovely lady and she took great pride in showing us some of her dads memorabilia along with a lot of awards that John had been presented with.
  17. I know what you are saying Layzie they have lifted a burden from all of our shoulders and put us back on even terms with all other clubs.
  18. I am feeling so good about this premiership feeling that I am re-reading the Red Fox , I skimmed through it when I received it in 2009. It’s a big book and I just concentrated on the 55 - 64 years but having tasted Premiership success I am now enjoying the read, especially since I recently had afternoon tea with Len Smiths daughter Norma (Harmes). Norm and Len were both exceptional sportsmen.💕❤️💙
  19. The Cup turned up at my daughters primary school this morning and she was able to have photos holding the Cup. Very happy and proud daughter, very jealous parents and siblings. How good is this club of ours.💕❤️💙
  20. Very fond memories of Cam Bruce very talented footballer and I also remember that day, Cam was in career best form and Gueras tackle was aimed at taking him out. My fondest memory of Cam was that final in 2000 against the Blues and his fist pumping after kicking a very important goal in that amazing win. Very sad when he was forced out.😢😢
  21. One of my strongest feelings in the 3rd was when Fritta kicked that second goal and the crowd came into the game they were so loud and the banners, flags and signs seemed to have a life of their own and it continued for that last 8 minutes and built into a crescendo over that last 32 seconds I was really bouncing and cheering with my 7 year old grandson. The feeling was like an out of body experience I have never felt those extreme sensations before and I also have never seen such football perfection.💕❤️💙
  22. Well from all the evidence that I have witnessed since Gary Pert joined the Club is a man with a vision and on a mission to make us a bigger, better and financially sound successful club. To be totally honest I initially doubted that he / we could achieve those goals that the club set for us But here we are. I remember when Richmond set their goals , targets and vision 6 or seven years ago and I thought yeah, sure you will and they did. So you need men and women at your club or business that have a vision and know how to go about achieving it and for that I will always have a special place in my heart for Perty and the rest of the team that helped us achieve our most important 13th Premiership.💕❤️💙
  23. Received a package today (Yayyyy) premiership cap, two Mark Knight T-Shirts, Mug, Flag & Pendant. Another Premiership cap is on the way and The Football jumper and red premiership cap are awaiting fulfilment. so pretty happy now.😀😀❤️💙
  24. Me to FB what the hell is going on with AP, ordered 2 pairs of New Balance runners last Monday and they arrived today delivered by AP.????
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