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Everything posted by dazzledavey36

  1. Unfair? I think he is spot on. All he did was rubbish on about the history and past tense when he should have been focusing on sponsorships and giving fans the run down on financial terms. AGMs are not for briefing about the club history and talking about the glory days. Its about keeping fans updated with the yearly financial terms and profits. He was too focused on past tense and glory when he should have put all that energy into the club off field instead of interfering with the on field side of things.
  2. A lot of posters including myself don't come on here just to read Satys training report. Lets not start dedicating these training threads to Saty only. The likes of Ruffles and six are just as far more value and down to detail with their reports and Photos.. Just saying.
  3. This was taken 2 weeks ago and I must say he does look pudgy and overweight. Far from when he looked ripped back in the day..
  4. You only have to look at his instagram and see he still enjoys the night life and pigs out at fancy resturants ever second night with his missus.
  5. Its unbelievable how much Petraccas body shape has changed. He is looking big ad ripped now! Already bigger then half our midfielders. Give it 3 years and he will be looking like O Meara from GC
  6. LMAO what reputation? If it wasn't for what he did we wouldn't have had Paul Roos and Peter Jackson. Fool.
  7. And if Viv Michie comes along it would be even sweeter. A lot of Freo supporters at the time thought Viv was much more important player then Col due to his upside.
  8. Of course they would. They would be taking the [censored] out of him behind closed doors just like every other club does when those in your face supporters that are constantly in their faces trying to coach them from the sidelines just like Saty does. Players like tappy would have been copping enough slack from supporters from social media and external pressure about their futures. No need for Saty to be going down to training and saying face to face your in trouble if you don't step up with your body. No wonder there is now full time psychologists at clubs now and depression with a lot of players now then ever before.
  9. Pfft who are you again? And that's where the irony is. As much as I laud him for standing up he is also a twit for discussing tanking when their club was well known for it also. Our culture was just as bad. I was at the Richmond game and our own supporters were cheering and laughing when McMahon kicked that sealer. Lets not try and sugar coat things here. You could almost say we tanked for Sylvia, Mclean, Watts, Morton etc.. Wrong. Bailey has his hands tied behind his back. Just like when Bailey offered Jmac a one year contract only to be overturned by Schwab and Connelly last minute to focus on youth. Bailey was livid as he believed he still had a year left of footy in him. That's straight from the mouth of a McDonald relative who delivered cattle up our way last year at a family friends station.
  10. If I was Tappy I would have told him to stick it where the sun don't shine.
  11. Good on him to standing up and exposing the likes of Schwab and Connelly. Our culture was toxic and these two were the main integrators. Yeah he is a dog act for standing up and not taking the easy option out like Libba.. What an unbelievable post...
  12. Not as staggering as this comment. Seriously not everyone has the 24/7 hour access to the club to know all this information. I knew about the 30 year agreement but not the 10 year deal that's been mentioned.
  13. Please tell me they didn't play the team song at the end....
  14. Melbourne FC ‏@melbournefc 19h19 hours ago Jackson says we need to reconnect with our heartland areas, within Melbourne's eastern suburbs and Bayside areas. First step, align with Port Melbourne in the VFL
  15. Well done Ruffles and George on the right into detail training reports. Love reading them.
  16. WB fans are still filthy that they got rid of him after 2013.. Ask any of them and not one single bad word to say about Crossy. They still love him and respect him highly.
  17. Or he just might want to concentrate on his own game just like Roos mentioned...
  18. Yeah lets halter his development just like Trengove and Grimes Tyson still has a lot to learn and development. That's how good his upside is from what he showed last year. He is still a 21 year old with only 35 games experience. No need to burden the kid with any leadership titles. Cross is in there because he sets the example on and off field. Just because he isn't the future like Tyson doesn't mean he shouldn't be in there. His knowledge and experience is very vital for our development and that's why he is in there. He is the type of bloke like James McDonald that when he talks you can hear a pin drop in the room. Very respected amongst the group
  19. Why are you surprised? Good gosh what a silly statement.No matter what leadership they show you don't just chuck in a first year player straight into your leadership group when he has matured or played a single game. Obviously didn't learn from the Trengove/Grimes debacle...??
  20. This is by far the best leadership group I have seen for a long time. Guys with lots of experience and no kids coming in whatsoever with big burdans. Thumbs up
  21. Salem and Toumpas off a half back really has me salivating. First time in so many years I will get such enjoyment from watching our half backs nailing our targets and hitting up the half forward with their kicking skills. Travis Johnstone and Aaron Davey were just simply sublime drilling a low hard 40m kick off a half back, and both Toump and Salem have these traits.
  22. Uber Alex Georgiou @UberAGeorgiou Oct 15 I wish Mitch Clark good health. That way, I can play on him, massacre his soul & take artful photos of his shredded skeleton #NABTradeRadio View details · Uber Alex Georgiou @UberAGeorgiou Jimmy Bartel says claims he dived are "a load of rubbish." That's like me saying I've never killed a man & worn his teeth as a neck chain Uber Alex Georgiou @UberAGeorgiou After a loss it's important not to react hysterically. So I'm going to get naked & wrestle a crocodile #AFLDeesFreo pic.twitter.com/uEfJpv883w
  23. Yes that's exactly what I meant. Same problem we have been battling the last 8 years. Looking fantastic on the training track every summer like you love to spruik on about then come game day we are a flop. This year I hope is a lot different with the quality of players we have brought in. The likes of Newton, HL, Garlett, Brayshaw, Stretch are well known for their kicking skills and good decision making. Yes because the last 8 years has prove that hasn't it.. Like wormburner I am still confused what those terms mean.. anyway each to their own.
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