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DistrACTION Jackson

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Everything posted by DistrACTION Jackson

  1. Because other teams were chasing it i.e. Crows and North
  2. The AFL legal counsel was inept during that hearing, one has to think on purpose. It was all a publicity stunt to make it look like they AFL care about head knocks and to try point to it for future litigation. Was actually blindingly obvious and it would be nice if someone in the media had a modicum of integrity and went at them for it.
  3. Not really if they think he's that much better than anyone else. Those picks were created out of thin air for them, so hypothetically they are trading 3 for 1.
  4. Impossible to compare Euro football to AFL due to this fact. I much prefer our setup, as any club can win a premiership if they get their list management right. You cannot say the same for 90% of teams over there who are really just trying to stay in the league they are in.
  5. Given how many picks the Roos have it's hard to seeing us beating them for pick 1, unless they choose not to go for it. I do think however we may be involved in a 3 way pick swap to get us up to pick 3 and gain access to Duursma
  6. Not sure whether I should take anything from this, but haven't seen one story from MFC players on Insta regarding this.... May just be they are all on holiday and different timezone, but usually they are all sharing with their farewells...
  7. Hey West Coast, here's 4 Toyota Corollas we are willing to swap for your Ferrari.
  8. They will need two 2nd round picks, so maybe something like: Grundy and pick 27 to swans for Roos future 2nd round + pick 46 I'd do that personally
  9. Got North's pick back so hopefully we are in discussions about this
  10. On paper picks 10 & 20 look good, however we all know drafting kids are unknown so it is a massive risk, given we know what Petty can produce already as a 23 year old! There's a reason teams like Geelong & Sydney are so strong, they don't get stuck in an eternal pick loop thinking draft picks will save them. I'd personally rather trade for established players than use draft picks on most occasions. So in summary, no I wouldn't be trading Petty and would back ourselves to keep him in 2 years time.
  11. They lost me at 'Petty has struggled to cement his spot in Melbourne's team early in his career as a key defender'. Is this the same Harry Petty that won a premiership at 21 as a key defender or is there a different Harry Petty?
  12. Pretty sure it was about trading Oliver.... which makes me question how that would make you feel warm inside as when I heard I broke down into cold sweats and wrapped myself up in a little ball in the corner
  13. Isn't too complicated in my view. 2 x AA ruckman wants to join club with no ruckman
  14. Think they were happy to get the cash off our books.... maybe loading up for something this year or next.
  15. Correct. They are what we would call Neanderthals.. though that is actually quite degrading towards Neanderthals. He hadn't had a concussion in 6 years, whereas Murphy has had multiple in the last year or two. The Maynard hit would have knocked anyone out.
  16. Given the amount of talent the Roos are bringing in, especially in the midfield I hope we are getting in the ear of someone like Will Phillips. Hasn't quite come on early in his career and if they have so many high draft picks trying to get a game he may look to move. Good mates with Bailey Laurie as well I think.
  17. I'm not comparing Frawley to McKay, I'm comparing the situations.
  18. We all know the system isn't fair, so no point worrying about it as it isn't changing anytime soon. We can't complain as we got the exact same thing for Frawley at a similar time that the Hawks got pick 19 for Buddy and were punished for being a good side. The only way to end this is to get rid of compensation for free agents entirely.
  19. You missed Salem having a full preseason and no thyroid issues!
  20. If that is the case and the FD know it, surely we would be better holding Harmes for one more year?
  21. Now I'm not saying these teams will go for this, just an example. Trade future first, pick 26 and 34 to GC for pick 10. Trade pick 13 and 23 (Grundy compo) to Geelong for 7.
  22. Honestly I don't think he even cares that much. He's just happy to be with his family
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