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Everything posted by DubDee

  1. regardless of what happens with Gaff its good to see that WC are looking like they may have some lean years
  2. Trade him out!! then realise he is what we need and trade him back in
  3. West Sydney Wanderers had 62K turn up for round 1 of the A league last year, not even a final. and this is a team that has only been around as long GWS with much less money behind them no-one goes to NRL coz its shyte
  4. Just shows they have zero support and west Sydney has zero interest in the Afl in general. Usually for finals esp in a new area that would be a novelty factor where neutrals might come along. Pathetic crowd. Assume upto 5K WC fans were there. And taking into account the big crowd the wanderers got in their very first season in soccer this is looking like a disaster for the afl. Their guns will get sick playing in front of no one soon
  5. Not sure who I hate more Probably Scully drags gws over the line for me
  6. I assume all the Watts talk is just rumours and BS? or has anyone got any concrete information?
  7. Apparently Zac Tuoey has been "great all year" take it easy Bruce just call the game
  8. The Tigers kicking was horrible last night and it didnt seem to hurt. more emphasis on pressure acts these days. caddy, prestia and their smalls have poor kicking skills. not sure I like where the game is heading
  9. Aside from the frantic pressure being impressive the quality of football last night was terrible. Like watching under 8's play chasing the ball. Every kick went down the line Hopefully with lever hibberd Lewis Salem ect down back we can kick through this pressure like the Hawks used to. Whilst also applying the pressure up fwd
  10. this may be the last season where GWS are beatable for a while all the injuries they had through the year are catching up. not many in form
  11. I reckon Gus's kicking skills are good. He is very good on his non-preferred which is a rarity and he can kick it flat and a fair distance. more importantly he has that footy nouse of knowing where to kick to advantage he has barely had a run at it at AFL level but once he does the errors will dry up
  12. 4 years of linear improvement from MFC 6 years of linear regression from the pies it is beautiful to watch. Pies have nothing to crow about. They were the youngest premiers, at the start of a massive premiership window and seemingly, deliberately fked it up! and continue to shoot themselves in the foot by signing a bloke that clearly cannot coach
  13. Wasn't unhappy enough for me. I wanted tears
  14. I reckon Watts would love Gaff to come to the Dees He'd be the new whipping boy by round 5 I reckon Gaff plays well when WC plays well. and is poor when they are poor. I'd pass, especially as we would need to give a good player or a first rounder. no way WC would take a 2nd rounder
  15. did someone just put the words Gaff and Hardness in the same sentence???
  16. Leon Davis's comments in the Sun were very good I thought. think what you like of H but no-one should have to put up with racism no matter how 'casual'. and if don't think this is not racism, you are wrong and you need to educate yourself
  17. Well done clarry. Best second season from a demon I have ever seen. No pressure but I assume you'll be a 300 game Brownlow winner and multiple premiership player for us.
  18. On ya Frosty! His decision making will improve. Still very young experience wise
  19. he is 10 cms shorter so you would expect him to come on quicker than the Weed do we need another undersized fwd? does he chase and tackle? many goal assists? at 186 cms not sure he could even be our 3rd fwd?
  20. we reckon he is not trying? well he wont last long on anyones list if thats the case agree to disagree
  21. Similar to JT for me. Has the talent but lacks the speed/agility and ability to apply pressure. you cannot play fwd without this unless if a very good team They are reporting that Cats are thinking about whether to give him a contract even though he kicked 30 odd goals its a pity that athletic ability is surpasing talent as a pre-requistite but there you go
  22. Lewis showed his worth over the last 5 rounds - averaging just short of 30 touches, showing good leadership and clean hands Its a pity more couldn't follow his lead. I still think he will be important for us come this time next year (hopefully) and calls that he is past it are premature
  23. what kind of dog and pony show are we running down there in the media dept? embarressing! "Id like to see that" Yeah, so would we.
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