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Everything posted by DubDee

  1. A lot of pressure on this bloke to be a superstar. two first rounders is the most given for any player ever isn't it? I've only seen him play a few times and I've only seen a good defender. Hopefully he is the second coming of SOS considering he is OOC and nominated us, it is hard to fathom how we have given so much. Oh well, we move on and trust the FD that have done so well in the past few years. at the very least it will be nice to have someone who can take a mark and kick accurately down back!
  2. absolutely not. Menzel was almost not offered a contract by the cats. he applies zero pressure and you can't afford anyone in your team like that id entertain Darcy Lang and a pick swap
  3. Can't help it but part of me wants Watts to stay work his Ass off and be a champ. After 9 years I'm still thinking this...
  4. Wow the Media are right on the money. Everyone is knocking down Jack's door! errr just the one club left. yeah, its port adelaide. have you been? they don't pay $80 for board shorts there
  5. not sure, but IMO a Pulley is better than a Lever and a Wrench is better than a Rance
  6. So if Sydney pull out due to cap issues and Port sign Motlop on big money... WELCOME BACK JACK!! no hard feelings son. we love ya ;-)
  7. he doesnt care who plays for the Dees once they give 100% he finds all the hysteria in this thread amusing and looks down his nose at us fools. but he is crying on the inside
  8. This is not a complete sentence. Check ya Gramma mate!
  9. Oliver absolutely Shat it in! What a fricken legend! Pleasently surprised to see Trac get 7th above t Mac
  10. Maybe Watts and Motlop joining the Power will be enough for Wines to want to leave?? nothing like Port adding some steel and consistency to their line up
  11. Hopefully Geelong's strong culture can do the same job it did with Blease on Watts! cannot believe the outcry on here regarding Watts. He has played one year at an acceptable level (for a player of his talent) out of 9. you cannto talk about his good qualities without commenting on the negatives. he's been dropped almost every year aside from last
  12. They have changed anything. They didn't want him to go, they know he will now and they are cracking the sads. We should have waited until later to make such a offer
  13. Difficult to do when you've already shown you are willing to offer two picks. Easy to do if you'd only offered pick 10 for example. Basic negioation tactics
  14. Pity we already showed our hand and said we will offer 10 and 27. Overs in my opinion
  15. surely it is only kids that are saying this. any decent supporter of a club does not stop supporting because a player is traded
  16. Apparently Jake was seen taking a dump on the side of the road just before crossing the SA/VIC border. can't relieve my sources on this one, sorry
  17. this is hilarious! Adelaide behaving like children. I really am still in shock that we are a destination club. the fact that he hasnt considered Hawks/cats/pies etc... Go Dees! bring on the game against the crows next year!
  18. I agree with some of your post. In reality only Goody knows the reasons. But as he has been put up for trade you would have to imagine he has burnt the trust of the coaching staff one too many times
  19. Fascinating that so many of us can see this so differently. Goody wants to lift the standard at the MFC. I'll be sad to see Watts go but he is not committed to our mission enough. Look at the crows, no superstars just 100% committed players
  20. How good is it that we are attracting the best young talent around! would have been Geelong/Hawks maybe Pies a few years ago as for crows wanting more that they got for Danger? HAHA!
  21. I'm glad he wants to stay and his manager has said MFC have handled this well so far. the fact that he is surprised by this after being dropped twice this year - almost missing round 1 and the last couple of rounds says a lot. you dont know what you have until its gone - or almost gone. My heart wants him to stay and do well but my head says he will continue to be inconsistent. my liver wants me to stop drinking but my spleen is up for up... confusing times indeed!
  22. anyone hoping Watts will stay is dreamin he has been told to leave. there is interest. if need be, Dees will take what they have to take for him
  23. Depends on how many schoolgirls are in attendance
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