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Everything posted by DubDee

  1. Yeah I’ll probsbly head to the duke of Wellington. It’s ok, doesn’t have the sound up much but it does the job. If anyone knows a place with a better atmosphere around the city or Richmond it would be good to know
  2. If spargo, Hannan, Frost, Angus, Weed, balic perform well there will be some nervous blokes tomorrow night!
  3. you know more than a couple of pre-season matches are used to pick the team right? Maynard was picked to perform a specific role, a role the FD must have thought he is best placed to perform from those not already in the 22 Anyone has to right to question selection but you should not treat it a fact than error was made. and selection cost us a finals spot? thats a joke. the 22 on the field didn't even try in the first quarter against the pies. mental frailty was the cause
  4. The funny thing is if Gawn had of kicked the goal and won us that game threads like this one would be replaced by 'Can we go 9-0?' type threads. insane over reaction on DL. Round 1 is historically not indicative of the season to come. frenetic football, 5 months build up, players dont have their touch yet etc.
  5. Tyson IN Hannan OUT (or Salem is still woosy) The lions smashed the saints in clearances so we need Tyson's inside ball winning
  6. team dont come out til tomorrow jumbo
  7. thanks christ for that! Thanks for Stevo and Channel 7 for the heart attack!
  8. I’m starting to rethink going camping over Easter weekend should I blindfold the kids or knock them out with a brick? parenting is hard
  9. I was at the game. The second half we had 16 scoring shots to 7. I think we can work with the 22 we picked after 6 months of training and thinking about the game plan. Not having a go btw. I usually agree with your posts
  10. we got our structures right in the 2nd half (finally) and dominated geelong and you want to change a 1/4 of the team? 1-2 changes max if any
  11. Tyson in for Hannan. I think we played too many small/mid sized forwards. Perhaps Brayshaw for Maynard
  12. No Henderson and then no Taylor, we needed to exploit this with marking inside 50 and the lead/ Hogan and Peedo were poor on sunday regarding marking. hopefully it improves
  13. where are all the saints players?? oh that's right.
  14. I don’t see selection as an big issue atm. Supporters are very passionate about this and many weeks last year on a Thursday night would be posting that we’ve lost this selection only for us to have a good win. Our main issue imo is a lack of self belief and mental toughness. Last year we were still a developing team so I think it is fair enough to give games to young players to see what they can do. Regarding frost, Hawkins was well held so it was a good call to not include him. on Wagner, he made a couple of errors like many players did but overall his positives outweighed the negatives. He also saved goals with tackles. So again I would not say this is a selection error. Thats my two cents anyway!
  15. The umps will never get respect if they have a cry about a player questioning a call. It happens in every sport. Unless they insult the umpire or get personal then they should grow some balls and get the game go.
  16. I focused on him too as I think he can play and have been surprised by the majority on here thinking he is so bad. I thought he played well and would be shocked if he was dropped this week. Tackled hard, crunched Selwood, won 3 free kicks, two at least from tackles and had the highest disposal efficiency of our defenders - for what that is worth. He wasn’t amazing or anything and had a couple of clangers like most did. Replacing him with frost or brayshaw would have not increased our chances of winning yesterday imo
  17. We played a great 2nd half, restricting them to 2 goals. But we only kicked 5.11. Our defence was so bad in the first half though. 20 scoring shots from 24 inside fifties!! I have never seen that even in the Neeld days. Good news is we are more than good enough to win these games. The players just need the belief
  18. I can’t see us losing today so I’ll leave at 3/4 time
  19. No late changes. Carn the Dees!! So good to have footy back.
  20. People shouldn’t be put off by the weather. I’m no Jane bunn but I reckon some drizzle in Melb in 30 mins or so and then we can expect a dry game
  21. The Roos comments were on fox footy after the cheats game. Said something like he was staggered both players were out and there must be a niggle or another reason as they are clearly best 22
  22. Faark I’m pumped for tomorrow!! 40 mins til the game day thread??
  23. The pies have no game plan and very few players that can kick. They are learning the very hard way that Buckley can’t coach
  24. The tried to drum up excitement for the game saying it’ll be a shoot out between Lynch and brown! ?
  25. The release from the afl said that new vision clearly shows Douglas made contact with the head. I must be blind coz I can’t see any angle that shows that clearly. If there’s a bump and a concussion. The afl will find a way to get the player a week or more regardless of the rules
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