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Everything posted by DubDee

  1. Howes first 7-8 games for the pies were terrible
  2. Having an extra day break over the bombers especially as they played two players down with reduced rotations is a significant advantage no excuses, just get it done FFS
  3. Just the NINE clangers from Daniher. What a clown
  4. Begely (sp?) looks fine fir the day. Bombers down a rotation. They should only beat us by 30 pts on Sunday now
  5. I’ve stuck up for Vince for a while but my god he was slow and fumbly tonight. ANB has to go. Jeff was very poor.
  6. No love for Jetta? I thought he showed the most intent of anyone. Went in bloody hard gawn o mac jetta salem hibbo oliver
  7. [censored] it’s hard to keep supporting this club. The game was terrible to watch. Give it a couple of days and get back on it. If we lose to the cheats I’ll need a spell
  8. DubDee


    What was the crowd last year?
  9. DubDee


    Just laughed out loud in the office at that some funny sheeeet
  10. whatever the changes are, just reverse them for the St Kilda game ps. tried to find the Changes Vs St. Kilda thread but must not be out yet???
  11. DubDee


    Must be money going on the Dees (who would be stupid enough aside from me??) we are into $2.50. I am confident about winning for some reason - its freaking me out I am was not confident last week.
  12. DubDee


    Many options in richmond, all will be jam packed. depends on your type of place you like, Ive tried them all. The Cricketers on Punt road, nice old fanshioned joint The London - big beer garden Richmond club hotel on Swan if you want to pick up after the game City-wise the Duke of Wellington on flinders is alright and i think affiliated with the Dees. 5% off your drinks if you are brave enough to show your membership
  13. I agree the action should be punished not the outcome. but the action needs to be sufficient to warrant punishment in the first place. Very low force in the elbow, so no suspension
  14. you seriously think mitchell deserved a week for that? he tickled the blokes ear with his elbow. even Goldy has come out and said it felt like a mosquito (or something similar)
  15. Gee the media love to talk in circles on this- first it was we don’t want the outcome of a bump to dictate the tribunal result and now they all flip when the MRO carries that out. Burton did not hit him high. It was a fair bump followed by an accidental head clash. Either ban the bump or no weeks for burton. Good call from the MRO imo
  16. he is not a line coach - ie primarily responsible for the fwds/mids/defs so the reporter is full of BS
  17. MCC sold out and now predicting 87K. reckon we should tick over 90K given the weather
  18. Kennedy looking old and slow. Parker and Hanners poor
  19. Tyson, and an in-form Hunt will make a positive impact on the team for sure. I'd bring the Weed in as well for Harmes or Melk or Frost or take your pick!. thanks for the reports. im still so flat from Sunday, fair play for getting the motivation up to go to training!
  20. people saying we have trained this way all summer. so our game plan is to only have one tall fwd and for him to play half the game on the ball/wing? and then bomb it long to no-one? surely ANY game plan since 1850 requires having at least one tall fwd that stays fwd. and if you only play one fwd to kick short and handball more (unless on a counter attack). we have (or had?) the most inside 50s of any team. these are obvious things to fix.
  21. Great response Gus. Can't wait to see what you can do with a run of games under your belt
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