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Everything posted by ManDee

  1. Rope a dope comes to mind, We just soaked up the pressure and when the time came we pulled the trigger, BANG! Dope--- seems fitting doesn't it?
  2. Yes you can. From ASADA 8 anti doping rule violations.. https://asada.gov.au/rules_and_violations/8_rule_violations.html 2. Use or attempted use by an athlete of a prohibited substance or prohibited method. 6. Possession of prohibited substances and prohibited methods. 7. Trafficking or attempted trafficking in any prohibited substance or prohibited method. 8. Administration or attempted administration to any athlete in-competition of any prohibited method or prohibited substance, or administration or attempted administration to any athlete out-of-competition of any prohibited method or any prohibited substance that is prohibited out-of-competition, or assisting, encouraging, aiding, abetting, covering up or any other type of complicity involving an Anti-Doping Rule Violation or any attempted Anti-Doping Rule Violation.
  3. The Essendon supporters sitting in front of me started to complain about my cheering in the last quarter. (Stuff them you say) So I didn't cheer for the Salem goal, I just listened... and felt it. Awesome! After the siren I sang the song, looked around and saw my son and wife looking at me, smiling, they knew I was happy. Really happy.
  4. Anyone that has not made a mistake put your hand up........................ mmmm no one, as I thought, you're forgiven. Welcome back HH Great win. It makes the drive back to Mansfield worth it. Believe me I have had some long depressing drives over the last few years. Even my wife enjoyed the last quarter, she talked about the game most of the way home, and she hates football! Note to all the Melbourne supporters at the ground. We were loud, really loud. The players would have felt that.
  5. "We will not be bullied." Paul Little Funny how often you hear a bully complaining about bullying when someone challenges them. Taking ASADA to the Federal Court and blaming everyone but themselves sounds like the behavior of a trapped bully to me.
  6. Any switched on QC's out there looking to drum up a class action?
  7. I would like to see someone with integrity come out and tell the truth, that someone could be Jobe Watson. I think he is strong enough to tell the truth. I hope he does.
  8. Paul Little, is complaining about the process and illegality of methods used in gathering information. No mention made about the information being wrong, just that it was gathered illegally. Essendon continue to blame everyone but themselves. A mention of EFC being punished for bringing the game into disrepute, as if that was the only punishment due to them. And that it was their punishment for Thymosin Beta4, it was not. The AFL punishment was broadly based around the program and its failings not the actual substances administered. They are delusional. I would suggest that the drawing out of this matter may give the AFL another opportunity for penalising them for again bringing the game into disrepute. The spin about the AFL community supporting them is misguided. I think the AFL community feels for the players, not the club.
  9. Finally a worthy piece of journalism. http://www.theage.com.au/afl/afl-news/time-to-put-players-club-and-the-game-ahead-of-lengthy-legal-stoush-20140613-zs6zp.html Caroline Wilson hits it on the head. I wonder if Robbo and Barrett could ever be so insightful. No I don't, they have proven to be incapable and incompetent for so long that I am actually starting to like Caro. I miss Mike Sheahan.
  10. I love those questions. When did you stop beating your wife? What is your excuse for speeding? I empathise with your situation but in your defence would you say you were a liar or a cheat? Edit- remove typo.
  11. A small problem here, a lot of the facts have gone missing. EFC have lost/destroyed/hidden/not kept the records that may now be called upon to clear them.
  12. And it still hurts. I had 31 on my woolen jumper. I think it scarred me for life, I still HATE Carlton and to this day cannot stand a woolen jumper against my bare skin.
  13. I think the AFL are happy for ASADA to do the hard yards on this. They can be seen to admonish the bad behavior of the EFC but to support the players and club for the good of the competition. I think their position is predictable. I also think James Hird is still in the AFL's guns. I'd be happy to take bets that he never coaches AFL again.
  14. With him they buried the muzzle his teeth had kissed, And truthfully wrote the Mother “Tim died smiling.” The last 2 lines of the Wilfred Owen poem SIW Self Inflicted Wound. I cannot help but think, I wonder if James Hird is smiling? EFC suffer at their own hands. No one else is to blame, incompetence is no excuse. The path that EFC took was to gain advantage, to bend the rules to push the boundaries, to cheat. That path has led them here, it is the path they chose to take. Distraction and obfuscation will work no more. If the EFC suffer it is at their own hands, a Self Inflicted Wound. NB: I acknowledge that EFC's actions are inconsequential in comparison to war, but the AFL is not a war, it is a sport and EFC have violated our game. May they die smiling.
  15. They are cheats! They deserve to be punished. It is a good thing when cheats get caught. I think it has a cleansing effect, somewhat like lancing a boil.
  16. So does that mean the players might get six months but the club two years? I like the sound of that. So the players would have a restraint of trade action against the EFC and could leave to play for other clubs? Sounds fair to me. The club are the cheats here, the players are victims. (Guilty none the less)
  17. Something smelly has hit the fan. At last. I feel sorry for the players, but feel they should receive the harshest penalty if only for being stupid enough to trust that cheat Hird and his cronies. If this cripples EFC I would be delighted. Lets give them a flogging this weekend. Go Deeeeeees!
  18. A cockroach on his good days Barrett dreams of being a beta-male. He is not even human, he certainly doesn't exhibit the normal traits of one.
  19. You are such a positive chap Machsy. This is the Jesse Hogan injury update forum is it not? Many on here may wonder about Hogans demeanor, my comments were more to do with his apparent happiness. An update on his freedom of movement I thought may bring some happiness, not to you obviously. You are no doubt such an astute observer of sportsmen to state "Of course he's moving without pain" How would you know? Many of the guys actually playing are carrying niggling injuries and managing pain. Have a nice day Mr Negative. Edit- Fix typo.
  20. Saw Hogan at the G before the match. He was with Max King and (Riley I think). They all seemed happy and joking together. Hogan appeared to be moving without pain and in good spirits.
  21. Saty, almost 20 years a grammar schoolboy, you should have tried harder. Yes I know in that instance a majority is over 10 years. Maybe we could add "heave ho we are the Melbourne Demons!"
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