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Johnny Karate

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Dear all,

I know that this is a place where people will come and vent after disappointing losses like today but I'm going to endeavour to look at some of the positive aspects of season 07 thus far.

1) We have played terrible football in both games, however we have still managed to win 4 out of 8 quarters. Baby steps if we can string three or four q's together we'll get some premiership points on the board.

2) We found some avenues to goal despite having our two lynchpins in Neitz and Robertson down most of the game.

3) Furthermore Miller kicked some goals, atlthough Croad probably won that contest Miller never gave up.

4) Godfrey, cops a lot of [censored] on these boards (sometimes warranted, most of the time it is needless personal vitriol) lets give some credit where credit is due.

5) Jones and Bate are progressing nicely and played pretty solid games today. Im a little disappointed at how some people are giving it to them on here, lets remember they're only 19 and in my eyes should be forgiven for their mistakes at this stage.

6) Bruce was good, yes he does fluff kicks but he won pretty much every 50/50 contest he had today

7) Davey and Johnstone cannot possibly play worse than they did today.

8) After a poor start Jamar was good, he is improving incrementally and hopefully can really impose himself on a game one day.

9) Moloney is back. Enough said.

10) Bell did a very good job as a stopper in defence.

11) Unlike last week we were harder at the ball and the tackling pressure was better. Hawthorn's pace through the midfield was just a bit too much for us in the end

12) Finally it is better to play this poorly at the start of the season rather than the business end. We're 16th, the only way is

Thoughts? Please feel free to disagree.

I'm as disappointed as anyone that we're 0-2 so please don't accuse me of viewing our situation with rose coloured glasses.

I just think that calling for everyone's head two rounds in is a little bit reactionary. It soothes the soul to try and be a bit positive rather than drowning in negativity.

Lets be patient, put some things into perspective and keep following this team thorughout the season no matter what happens.

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I'm as disappointed as anyone that we're 0-2 so please don't accuse me of viewing our situation with rose coloured glasses.

I just think that calling for everyone's head two rounds in is a little bit reactionary. It soothes the soul to try and be a bit positive rather than drowning in negativity.

Lets be patient, put some things into perspective and keep following this team thorughout the season no matter what happens.

Bless you, Slander.....

It is always nice to hear about some positives (however small they may be) and yours do make sense :D !!!

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I want some of what you've taken tonight! :P

Miller, Bell and Jones are the only real positives in my mind, but it's very hard to remain upbeat after not only losing the game, but also suffering injuries to key players.

Hopefully the inclusion of some young players next week will bring about more reasons to be optimistic.

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May as well do a topic like this. At least its a change of thinking :)

I'll admit to being a little bit grateful for a thread like this ;) !!!

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lovely sentiments...and if this was ....say....talking about the Dees after our first couple of Nab games ..or practice amtches then this would sit ok..

But the season has started..... and we havent !! :-(

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But the season has started..... and we havent !! :-(

Unfortunately true belzebub.....

But seeing (or wanting to see) some positives doesn't mean we aren't acutely aware of all the negatives :P !!!

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Bells is starting to live up to the hype. We did trade #@%wodin to get the pick to select bell in the draft as he was reagrded as a hard nosed defender as a kid.

There are ALWAYS positives to any game of footy. I also agree Jamar is making strides in the right direction. Some confidence could do the russian a world of good. He might just come out firing next game.

I agree that trapper and flash couldnt play worse........when will they start playing better? Soon i hope.

Hooray for miller. MAYBE this is the start of a string of dominant games for brad. We can only hope. I hope so.

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With both out key forwards out for a couple of weeks, and i know just a month ago i would've been questioning him commitment, but it could be time for Miller to shine. Let's face, he is now the only key forward we have left, and as sad as it is to say, he will have to become our main target up forward.

He looked a lot better yesterday, and if nothing else, when we were starting to claw ourselves back into the game he looked like the only person willing to take the game on. One game doesn't make a career, but the game in which everyone jumped on him as our CHF savior was against th dorks in 2003 (i think), maybe that's a sign!

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The biggest positive was that we didn't overuse the football and we didn't chip it around all day. ND went in with a simple gameplan that ensured that if the majority of Dees players beat their opponents, then we'd win. Unfortunately that didn't happen (a couple of shocking performances from key players and crucial injuries got in the way), but for the first time in a long time at the end of a loss I wasn't angry with the coaching staff, simply disappointed that we didn't win.

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Dear all,

I know that this is a place where people will come and vent after disappointing losses like today but I'm going to endeavour to look at some of the positive aspects of season 07 thus far.

1) We have played terrible football in both games, however we have still managed to win 4 out of 8 quarters. Baby steps if we can string three or four q's together we'll get some premiership points on the board.

2) We found some avenues to goal despite having our two lynchpins in Neitz and Robertson down most of the game.

3) Furthermore Miller kicked some goals, atlthough Croad probably won that contest Miller never gave up.

4) Godfrey, cops a lot of [censored] on these boards (sometimes warranted, most of the time it is needless personal vitriol) lets give some credit where credit is due.

5) Jones and Bate are progressing nicely and played pretty solid games today. Im a little disappointed at how some people are giving it to them on here, lets remember they're only 19 and in my eyes should be forgiven for their mistakes at this stage.

6) Bruce was good, yes he does fluff kicks but he won pretty much every 50/50 contest he had today

7) Davey and Johnstone cannot possibly play worse than they did today.

8) After a poor start Jamar was good, he is improving incrementally and hopefully can really impose himself on a game one day.

9) Moloney is back. Enough said.

10) Bell did a very good job as a stopper in defence.

11) Unlike last week we were harder at the ball and the tackling pressure was better. Hawthorn's pace through the midfield was just a bit too much for us in the end

12) Finally it is better to play this poorly at the start of the season rather than the business end. We're 16th, the only way is

Thoughts? Please feel free to disagree.

I'm as disappointed as anyone that we're 0-2 so please don't accuse me of viewing our situation with rose coloured glasses.

I just think that calling for everyone's head two rounds in is a little bit reactionary. It soothes the soul to try and be a bit positive rather than drowning in negativity.

Lets be patient, put some things into perspective and keep following this team thorughout the season no matter what happens.

WELL SAID SLANDER! I often wonder how many of our posters have played much sport themselves. I fear that too many of them are mere spectators. Those that have played a lot of sport like I have will appreciate that form is something we have little control over. We don't go out onto the playing field expecting to play below par, but occasionally we do. FORM is a lot to do with confidence in ourselves and our teammates. TJ and Davey are out of form but to suggest they be dropped is ridiculous. Do their critics forget their brilliant games of the past? Very few if any, mentioned our gallant comeback after being 42 points down at one stage. I personally had belief when we were just 7 points down and on a roll, that we could pip the hawks. It wasn't to be but they did show guts. Be positive guys and gals, we can get back! Go Dees!

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As I said in another thread the competition's so damn even that if we can bring our A-game in the next couple of weeks and/or opposition sides are off theirs, no game is impossible.

I can guarantee the coach and the players never go into games expecting to lose so why should the supporters?

Everybody needs to harden the **** up!

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As I said in another thread the competition's so damn even that if we can bring our A-game in the next couple of weeks and/or opposition sides are off theirs, no game is impossible.

I can guarantee the coach and the players never go into games expecting to lose so why should the supporters?

Everybody needs to harden the **** up!

Oh no, but that's the typical Melbourne mediocrity attitude, others will say. If you're happy to come second, then continue with all that stuff. It seems supporters fit broadly into 1 of 2 categories. Either they are positive andput things into context and are reserved in judgment, or they are cynical and look at everything the MFC dishes up as pathetic. I suppose they are both legitimate views of legitimate supporters, but I would much rather put some trust in those that know more about football!

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As I said in another thread the competition's so damn even that if we can bring our A-game in the next couple of weeks and/or opposition sides are off theirs, no game is impossible.

I can guarantee the coach and the players never go into games expecting to lose so why should the supporters?

Everybody needs to harden the **** up!

At the risk of pointing out the obvious - because the game plan stinks, because the attitude of some of the players stinks, because we are 0 and 2 at our previously impregnable fortress, because we have lost the only real leadership our team has for the next month, because it's easier to deal with loses when you don't expect to win, and becaue I'm pretty sure my confidence as to whether we will win or not has absolutely no bleeding impact on the final result.

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Round 2 - bad start, the world's falling in and the only path is down - but I looked at the paper - we only one game out of the 8 and only 2 games off top place.

We were only ever be somewhere between 5th and 12th - the reality is the list is not as strong as West Coast, Sydney, Adelaide or Freo (now there's a problem), and the next 8 or 9 teams are all about the same and the results depend on attitudes and injuries. After round 5 will be the time take action and take the positives listed above and then act for the rest of 2007 and on to 2008.

The only way Melbourne can get into the top four is to 1. have a coach who is highly respected and knows what it takes to win flags, (my choice here is David Parkin if he wants the ultimate challenge) 2. that coach will then demand and get discipline into players to chase and work hard and clear out those who don't, and 3. recruit a key forward and mid-fielder (Cousins might be available next year - we should be hard at work now to get him, and wait for the trade for the other).

Don't get me wrong, Daniher has been a good caoch, he will be sought after by other clubs, but watching the players at the 1/4 and 3/4 time huddles, his time is just about over - they're not listening and he doesn;t have success to draw upon to get them to listen.

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At the risk of pointing out the obvious - because the game plan stinks, because the attitude of some of the players stinks,

I saw no evidence of a really poor game plan yesterday as opposed to last Friday. A few players were off the boil, however with 10 minutes to go we were still in the game all it takes is some luck.

I don't know about anyone else but I was pretty impressed with Hawthorn yesterday they have some very good young players and on their day are going to cause plenty of top sides problems. On a different day we could've faced the pants Hawthorn who served up tripe at the Gabba last week and we would've won by 60+.

because we are 0 and 2 at our previously impregnable fortress,

Yeah it sucks but the big picture reality is we need to be able to play all grounds well to be a premiership team. I am equally as upset as when we lose at AAMI or Subi.

because we have lost the only real leadership our team has for the next month,

Jeez Cam Bruce cops a bum wrap on here. Yes his kicking is appalling but he finds a lot of the ball and is very creative. Watch him tear the Cats a new one - they never have anyone to match him.

I'm actually looking forward to seeing how we perform with our backs against the wall and am hoping that over the next month in the absence of Neitz and Robbo we'll see; Bruce and Green stand up, TJ and Davey respond to the criticism, Sylvia, Moloney and Jones lining up for a centre bounce and Adem Yze get back to playing some goog footy again.

because it's easier to deal with loses when you don't expect to win, and becaue I'm pretty sure my confidence as to whether we will win or not has absolutely no bleeding impact on the final result.

It's a moot point. Spectators will often accuse underperforming players as being defeatist. I think that pessimism amongst supporter bases can be cancerous on a club. First they don't believe the team will win, because the the team doesn't win and vindicates their (lack of) expectation they stop attending matches, the team craps out completely and the supporter feels smug and doesn't buy a membership for next year because last year they were right about the losing etc, etc, etc.

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I saw no evidence of a really poor game plan yesterday as opposed to last Friday. A few players were off the boil, however with 10 minutes to go we were still in the game all it takes is some luck.

I don't know about anyone else but I was pretty impressed with Hawthorn yesterday they have some very good young players and on their day are going to cause plenty of top sides problems. On a different day we could've faced the pants Hawthorn who served up tripe at the Gabba last week and we would've won by 60+.

Yeah it sucks but the big picture reality is we need to be able to play all grounds well to be a premiership team. I am equally as upset as when we lose at AAMI or Subi.

Jeez Cam Bruce cops a bum wrap on here. Yes his kicking is appalling but he finds a lot of the ball and is very creative. Watch him tear the Cats a new one - they never have anyone to match him.

I'm actually looking forward to seeing how we perform with our backs against the wall and am hoping that over the next month in the absence of Neitz and Robbo we'll see; Bruce and Green stand up, TJ and Davey respond to the criticism, Sylvia, Moloney and Jones lining up for a centre bounce and Adem Yze get back to playing some goog footy again.

It's a moot point. Spectators will often accuse underperforming players as being defeatist. I think that pessimism amongst supporter bases can be cancerous on a club. First they don't believe the team will win, because the the team doesn't win and vindicates their (lack of) expectation they stop attending matches, the team craps out completely and the supporter feels smug and doesn't buy a membership for next year because last year they were right about the losing etc, etc, etc.

nice post.... smooth read... no need for me to frown get angry ... or think .... this guy is the biggest pesimistic **** in the world....

keep up the good work

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- I saw no evidence of a really poor game plan yesterday as opposed to last Friday. A few players were off the boil, however with 10 minutes to go we were still in the game all it takes is some luck.

- I don't know about anyone else but I was pretty impressed with Hawthorn yesterday they have some very good young players and on their day are going to cause plenty of top sides problems.

- Yeah it sucks but the big picture reality is we need to be able to play all grounds well to be a premiership team. I am equally as upset as when we lose at AAMI or Subi.

- Jeez Cam Bruce cops a bum wrap on here. Yes his kicking is appalling but he finds a lot of the ball and is very creative. Watch him tear the Cats a new one - they never have anyone to match him.

- I'm actually looking forward to seeing how we perform with our backs against the wall.

- Yes and no. The gameplan was certainly an improvement, but I don't know whether we really deserved to still be in it. Maybe. The Hawks kicking at goal was diabolical, and while we missed a few shots we weren't NEARLY as bad. Had it been Feva, Lucas or Lloyd kicking at goal instead of Boyle and their midfielders we would have been out of it by 3/4 time I reckon. Even Willo missed a few.

- They weren't too bad, but do you reckon we flattered them at all? One thing's for sure, the game lived up to the expectation that both sides had a point to prove, and they were a vastly different side to the one that took on the Lions.

- Exactly. Winning at specific grounds should be the last thing on our minds.

- I look forward to it. He doesn't play too many bad matches in a row. But then I did say that about Davey last week.

- That's the best thing about Sunday. I'm not expecting us to get near them, so individual gains in form will be applauded. Particularly any forward that can excel while the rock and the X-Factor of our forward line are gone. They're up against it, but that was when we played our best last year. When we were up against it.

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