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Michelle Cowan and Daisy Pearce join the MFC


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11 hours ago, picket fence said:

Ah now stui don't go puuting words into my mouth where did I say I was happy with Bynes??

Me Sexist?? Gee stui that's a harsh harsh call!

Never said I was upset with Cowan either read what I said! If she has a degree in Welbeing then I have no problem!

Stui lets face it I have the joker, Right Bower, Left Bower and enough cards to trump any arguement you have submitted tonight!

As I have said Stui, if your happy, so be it.

Thanks for your candour and honest ,forthright opinions, which after all, that's what this site is for !!



Picket, you are way out of line on this one.

Firstly, you never complained or asked questions when a bloke with less qualifications got the role, yet you do now. Says it all right there.

Secondly, you do not have to have a qualification to be good at a job, only snobby hoity toity academics think that way. For instance within my family my wife is the general manager of a finance company employing in excess of 80 people across 2 countries. She has reached this stage by her early to mid 30's, she has zero tertiary qualifications and has managed to have a child in the middle of that. She got the job, and is excelling at the job due to her intellect, determination, and the skills learnt coming up from being admin staff at another business 12 years ago. Again, no formal qualifications and has done so in one of the most male dominated industries there is!. My brother in law is in his late 30's, he has been at the highest level of management in some of the countries largest recruitment companies for the last 10 years. Again zero qualifications, he is just very smart and very driven.

I actually have a tertiary qualification, ironically also from Rusden but not a dip ed and it was Deakin at that point, and I realise from having the bit of paper that the value of them is limited, they are not the panacea that they are portrayed to be (unless it is something like medicine). 

I could not give a stuff if Michelle, or Shannon has the right paper work, I care far more about do they have the right experience and attributes to do the job well. In Michelle's case I would say she does straight off the bat, with Shannon it is more a learning environment which is also great.

Edited by Chris
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Picket Fence, you "may" not consider yourself a "sexist" but I'm "afraid" that everything spewing out of your "mouth" (whether enclosed in seemingly meaningless "quotation marks" or "not") makes it quite "clear" that you are a sexist.

I "understand" that you will not "change", however, so I'll simply "move on" now that I've made myself feel a little better by "hanging sh!t" on you for being "an idiot".

Good day sir.

Edited by autocol
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12 hours ago, picket fence said:

Ah now stui don't go puuting words into my mouth where did I say I was happy with Bynes??

Me Sexist?? Gee stui that's a harsh harsh call!

Never said I was upset with Cowan either read what I said! If she has a degree in Welbeing then I have no problem!

Stui lets face it I have the joker, Right Bower, Left Bower and enough cards to trump any arguement you have submitted tonight!

As I have said Stui, if your happy, so be it.

Thanks for your candour and honest ,forthright opinions, which after all, that's what this site is for !!




Calling Bullshit

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big bang theory,censorship,funny,gif,gif animation, animated pictures

Some censorship is unnecessary.

Some think picket is wrong and it has been discussed reasonably so far, he maintains his view and some will continue to disagree.

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59 minutes ago, ManDee said:

big bang theory,censorship,funny,gif,gif animation, animated pictures

Some censorship is unnecessary.

Some think picket is wrong and it has been discussed reasonably so far, he maintains his view and some will continue to disagree.

Yes, it appears we can't call out people for inappropriate views on this site, no matter how calm and considered the responses are.

That would seem to fly in the face of the national campaign for men to stand up to other men who are disrespecting women, what was it the prime minister said about disrespecting women again?

For the sake of clarity for those of you who do not understand the comments of the PM, I am in no way suggesting or implying that Picket is abusive or violent towards women. I am suggesting that accepting disrespect of women, no matter how small, is not acceptable on any level.

Edited by Chris
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17 hours ago, Nasher said:

Yay! This topic involves females, so let's make it about sex!

Sex Sex Sex..................  I've had it up to here.............. but not recently.

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14 minutes ago, picket fence said:

Now just hold it there Chris, I never have disrespected any of these women, if you read carefully my posts I have questioned the qualifications needed commensurate to the position! I have my detractors but I have NOT disrespected any of these woman in anyway shape or form.

You have labelled me amongst men who disrespect woman in the most disgusting ways.

Be very careful here!

I would think you might like to retract these statements due to the nature of the innuendo that it entails! MODS I trust you see my piont here!

Picket show me the post where you question the qualifications of males appointed to the club before today. 

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16 minutes ago, picket fence said:

Now just hold it there Chris, I never have disrespected any of these women, if you read carefully my posts I have questioned the qualifications needed commensurate to the position! I have my detractors but I have NOT disrespected any of these woman in anyway shape or form.

You have labelled me amongst men who disrespect woman in the most disgusting ways.

Be very careful here!

I would think you might like to retract these statements due to the nature of the innuendo that it entails! MODS I trust you see my piont here!

Let us all go back to your first post Picket.

"I would hope both have professional qualifications comensurate to the job!? In this day and age qualifications are an essential part of gaining "Gravitas" for any role in a professional sporting organization!

I never liked the "Old Boys" network that existed in some clubs which saw ex players promoted above their level of competency!

I expect to be howled down now by some as result being called Chauvenistic and Prejudiced but so be it. If these ladies have the qualifications then I HAVE NO PROBLEM! if not I would think we can draw whatever conclusions behind this move. As player welfare coach you would want to have a least a Graduate Diploma or Masters degree in theoretical and clinical Practice! IMV  FIRE AWAY ALL!"

You claim to have not been disrespectful yet your first sentence questions their qualifications, have you done this with any male gaining a position at the club in the past? Your second para suggests your automatic assumption is they have been promoted above their level of competency yet you have no idea of their qualifications. Have you ever suggested this for a male entering the club?

In your third para you go on to imply their employment is a token gesture if they do not have a piece of paper. 

All in all I would suggest that is fairly disrespectful of the pair of them. 

On the question of my comments above, I do not imply in any way that you are abusive towards women and to draw the link from the PM's comment is to misunderstand the PM's comment. For clarity the PM's comment was never about saying that everyone disrespectful towards women was also abusive, he was simply saying that by accepting the disrespect a small minority will use that as justification for their abuse. What he was asking was that we remove all disrespect and then that small minority lose that justification in their head.

Here is the quote  "Let me say this to you: disrespecting women does not always result in violence against women. But all violence against women begins with disrespecting women," Mr Turnbull said. This was a call to all men to call out the disrespect, that is what we are doing. Like it or not your questioning of these women for no other possible reason than because they are women is disrespectful (note I did not say abusive, violent, or any other words to that effect, and I do not suggest you are such). 

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40 minutes ago, picket fence said:

This will hopefully be my last post on this matter.

1 I wasn't aware the Shannon Bynes had a role in Wellbeing/ Welfare and if he does I would, like to know what professional qualifications he has for this role?

2 IMV  if any staffer Male or Female has qualifications commensurate to the role description of ANY job then again I have no qualms.

3 As some might be aware many jobs in industry are given based on the "Old Boys" and Dare I say it "Old Girls' network where appropriate.

4 Many jobs do not even have an advertisement calling for suitably qualified Appicants, there are those that are"Head Hunted" without this requirement.

5 The risk you run with that strategy raises interesting questions. What specifically are you looking for, best person for the position or are there, "Other variables at play" You can draw your own conclusions here!

6 IMV if you are tagging a position with a very specific title such as Player Welbeing /Welfare ( and I have discussed elsewhere the distinctions of each) then what is considered "Benchmark" as a qualification that covers both Theoretical and Practical implications for this role?

7 IMV Persons who have played at the highest level will have an excellent understanding of the pressures of the requirement, and in this case the requirement to play AFL Footy, and they may be able to draw on experience to assist in SOME, but not all aspects concering Welbeing/ Welfare in player management.

8 I would consider a benmchmark qualification in this Job Description , even though I don't know what it is to be at LEAST A Masters Degree in Welbeing.

9 I say this because I know that Playing gives you some insight but to be the Complete Package you are best to have that playing experience and the Theoretical basis for your Process and Clinical application!

10 To me, a Grad Dip in Sports Science gives you some "Gravitas" but for a position titled Player Welbeing, a Masters in Welbeing is a much more credible qualification in this light and I should know, as I have quals in both domains!

11 BOTH women will probably do very good jobs and for the sake of the MFC i hope so. So returning to my previous statement If you are going to create a job and give it a tag ,then expect those who have the qualification to ask the questions which I have done, duly!

12 On other thing, If you think that AFL clubs don't follow an element of "Jobs for the boys" then you are one seriously deluded soul!

Thats it 

If you don't like it..... you are welcome to your opinion, but can "Get Stuffed" anyway!

Thats my take


Nice clarification fence. What you have stated here has a very different flavour than your first post. I will give you the benefit that it was a break down in language and interpretation and not your clear intention. I find i am very cautious when commenting on women gaining positions and ensure it is in line with the standard i set for the men. From your clarification you do the same but this was the first time you had expressed it publically, which is where the issue arose. 

I do disagree on the quals and think relevant experience can give you far more than the piece of paper can, although the piece of paper is desirable i dont see it as essential. 

One thing i will continue to do is call out people for sexist and offensive behavior without prejudice or hesitation. It is what we should all do to drive our society to one that is more equal and safer for the women that live with it. 

To finish i would like to say thanks for the get stuffed, and same back straight at you.

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35 minutes ago, Chris said:

Nice clarification fence. What you have stated here has a very different flavour than your first post. I will give you the benefit that it was a break down in language and interpretation and not your clear intention. I find i am very cautious when commenting on women gaining positions and ensure it is in line with the standard i set for the men. From your clarification you do the same but this was the first time you had expressed it publically, which is where the issue arose. 

I do disagree on the quals and think relevant experience can give you far more than the piece of paper can, although the piece of paper is desirable i dont see it as essential. 

One thing i will continue to do is call out people for sexist and offensive behavior without prejudice or hesitation. It is what we should all do to drive our society to one that is more equal and safer for the women that live with it

To finish i would like to say thanks for the get stuffed, and same back straight at you.

Leave it to the mods Chris, or you will start to appear as sanctimonious as Stuie.

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13 minutes ago, Bitter but optimistic said:

Leave it to the mods Chris, or you will start to appear as sanctimonious as Stuie.

Sorry for wanting the world in which my daughter grows up to be a more equal and safer world than the one my wife, sisters, and mother grew up in. If that makes me sanctimoneous then so be it. 

To qualify i only call people out on racism and sexist behavior. Generally being offensive isnt worth it.

Edited by Chris
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16 minutes ago, Chris said:

Sorry for wanting the world in which my daughter grows up to be a more equal and safer world than the one my wife, sisters, and mother grew up in. If that makes me sanctimoneous then so be it. 

To qualify i only call people out on racism and sexist behavior. Generally being offensive isnt worth it.

Forget the rest of the world and focus on what you can influence Chris.

Encourage your daughter to be a free thinker and one who can stand up to and, when necessary, ignore or rail against the peer group.

There ends Uncle Bitter's free sermon.

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1 minute ago, Bitter but optimistic said:

Forget the rest of the world and focus on what you can influence Chris.

Encourage your daughter to be a free thinker and one who can stand up to and, when necessary, ignore or rail against the peer group.

There ends Uncle Bitter's free sermon.

Leave the sermons to those with a theology degree BBO.

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6 minutes ago, Bitter but optimistic said:

Forget the rest of the world and focus on what you can influence Chris.

Encourage your daughter to be a free thinker and one who can stand up to and, when necessary, ignore or rail against the peer group.

There ends Uncle Bitter's free sermon.

Is railing against the peer group not what i would be doing, and is the easiest way to teach a child not to lead be example?

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Just a question to the majority on here who are applauding the appointment. Are you doing so because it's an affirmative action initiative by the club, or do you believe that the appointment will strengthen our football department?

If the appointment is a display of affirmative action by the club, then they should be applauded. Do I think the appointment will change our fortunes in any way? No.

My views on any new appointment to the football dept is ambivalence. At the end of the day, the senior coach is the be all and end all, and drives the football dept. So whether the appointment was a male or female, it matters little to me from a football perspective.


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