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the Speakers chair, sounds like its on the Bugle


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the speaker (Bronwyne Bishop) prefers to spend workers taxes on Chopper rides, instead of taking a Limo from the Tullamarine Airport, to Geelong


5 grand, just so she could get quickly to one Liberal Party members fun draiser

arrogance personified.

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the speaker (Bronwyne Bishop) prefers to spend workers taxes on Chopper rides, instead of taking a Limo from the Tullamarine Airport, to Geelong


5 grand, just so she could get quickly to one Liberal Party members fun draiser

arrogance personified.

But apparently that is still within the current rules??? Boy how loose are these ruled? Let us get this straight, I take a tax payer funded copper to Drysdale Golf Club for a party fund raiser but it is still within the rules? I know Tony has run close to the line with VIP jet runs to Melbourne for party functions but he has always had a government appointment organised for cover.

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But apparently that is still within the current rules??? Boy how loose are these ruled? Let us get this straight, I take a tax payer funded copper to Drysdale Golf Club for a party fund raiser but it is still within the rules? I know Tony has run close to the line with VIP jet runs to Melbourne for party functions but he has always had a government appointment organised for cover.

don't be so naive, earl

they're all crooks on the lookout for rorting. it's a national pastime for pollies

and both parties are experts at it

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the speakers chair is stained yet again... oh brony.

But apparently that is still within the current rules??? Boy how loose are these ruled? Let us get this straight, I take a tax payer funded copper to Drysdale Golf Club for a party fund raiser but it is still within the rules?

I know Tony has run close to the line with VIP jet runs to Melbourne for party functions but he has always had a government appointment organised for cover.

yes but we have to hold them to account, & make it they have to make public, they're expenses, itemised, in an open internet site, on a monthly basis.

Drysdale: I have to go there in about a weeks time, to pickup something, & visit my old friends/neighbors.... Do you reckon Brony could shout me a flight from Gippsland?

don't be so naive, earl

they're all crooks on the lookout for rorting. it's a national pastime for pollies
and both parties are experts at it

and it has to stop,, Time for a call from the people, to demand these expenses are put into public account, monthly.


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But apparently that is still within the current rules??? Boy how loose are these ruled? Let us get this straight, I take a tax payer funded copper to Drysdale Golf Club for a party fund raiser but it is still within the rules? I know Tony has run close to the line with VIP jet runs to Melbourne for party functions but he has always had a government appointment organised for cover.

I know you meant chopper earl but it was delightful irony. with the need to police these sorts of activities.

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the speaker (Bronwyne Bishop) prefers to spend workers taxes on Chopper rides, instead of taking a Limo from the Tullamarine Airport, to Geelong


5 grand, just so she could get quickly to one Liberal Party members fun draiser

arrogance personified.

That is a disgrace.

Unlike some on here I am about principal not side.

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That is a disgrace.

Unlike some on here I am about principal not side.

no wrecka, you don't have principle. you just talk yourself, into believing yourself.

the disgrace is bronyyn bishop, & others around her; the disgrace is politicians getting allowances to pay on their own reconnaissance; instead of taking an account & forwarding the invoice to the parliament of Australia to pay the invoice; the disgrace is that politicians think these allowances are there for them to exploit, & that its OK for them to exploit Australia, & the Australian people..

The parliamentarians are the disgrace.

... and the rabbotts a disgrace for his double standards, Re the travel rorts of his own MP's & how he differentiates & treats his favoured ones differently, to other speakers. the rabbot is a disgrace.

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no wrecka, you don't have principle. you just talk yourself, into believing yourself.


I am openly supportive of the centre right conservative Government yet condemn Bronwyn Bishop for her actions. That is a text book definition of condemning something on principle.

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But apparently that is still within the current rules??? Boy how loose are these ruled? Let us get this straight, I take a tax payer funded copper to Drysdale Golf Club for a party fund raiser but it is still within the rules? I know Tony has run close to the line with VIP jet runs to Melbourne for party functions but he has always had a government appointment organised for cover.

EH if you go to the Drysdale golf club I would meet you for a beer at the Drysdale pub. Had many meals and beers there.

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I am openly supportive of the centre right conservative Government yet condemn Bronwyn Bishop for her actions. That is a text book definition of condemning something on principle.

your self commentary is to be applauded, by yourself i expect.

nothing like blue bloods to try to redefine the truths, of a bad lot of errors.

like 'children overboard', & then blame the navy;

or the government interference in the docks disputes, or the financial overruns of melbourne's federation square, blame the unions, when it had nothing to do with the unions, but the contractors & the governments.

the Libs just love to always rewrite history, to suit their own story & status.

they must have learnt it from you wrecka.

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I am openly supportive of the centre right conservative Government yet condemn Bronwyn Bishop for her actions. That is a text book definition of condemning something on principle.

Not sure which centre right conservative government you support W

Don't think Abbotts Liberal coalition fits that description. Closer to the Rudd minority government

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Not sure which centre right conservative government you support W

Don't think Abbotts Liberal coalition fits that description. Closer to the Rudd minority government

I have no idea what that means?

Are you saying the Rudd Goverment was further right than Abbott's.

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I have no idea what that means?

Are you saying the Rudd Goverment was further right than Abbott's.

"I am openly supportive of the centre right conservative Government"

Abbott certainly to the right of centre so far right his own party has trouble supporting him at times.

Liberal party as the minority with a very right wing conservative rural rump may be centre right

ALP is increasingly seen as so right that it is claiming the same ground as the libs.

Gillard Rudd as a consequence of Minority government was beholden to the greens and other left of centre but still contained enough very right wing to bring it down.

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don't be so naive, earl

they're all crooks on the lookout for rorting. it's a national pastime for pollies

and both parties are experts at it

couldn't agree more.

I did hate the response " it's in the rules". Responses of that kind irk me.

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Do you acknowledge a hiutus dee-L? or are you trying to rewrite history?

Wrecker there ain't no hiutus or hiatus. Each year is hotter than the last, year on year since 2000. It is getting hotter not cooler. And that is a problem for us all.

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Do you acknowledge a hiutus dee-L? or are you trying to rewrite history?

no, I don't acknowledge a hiatus wrecka you think warming is just air temperature wrecka than there s no point arguing with someone who pretends to have the IQ of a pre-schooler. which I know you do not.

... so it comes down to you simply trying to drag down threads & ideas, which you don't like politically; by you trying to dumb then down, & distract the postors into a slanging match, derailing the threads course.

you seem like a politician.. sure your not a robb in drag? sorry your night-time attire. :o

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couldn't agree more.

I did hate the response " it's in the rules". Responses of that kind irk me.

the old 'get me outa jail free', card; straight from someones mono-poli' game

these types of people have no moral fibre, when it comes to the peoples purse... they seem to think its they're birth right, that they can take what they want, & the people are just dumb peasants anyway.

it wood seem Bronnie is no virgin anyway, at these rorts, so How is it she is on her first strike ??? we all know the rabbot failed mathematics at secondary school... so he took to other books he could read.

& not have to think about. just follow blindly.




your kidding...

...... it is time we all got a petition going, to stop the way politicians get, & use, they're allowances. all they're allowances. & the way they are invoiced & payed.

the time is nigh to stop all these leaner's, from leaning on OUR Purse... after all they don't contribute to it, after they're expence & taxation claims are done with.

Politicians, CEO's & Board Members of publicly listed companies, stop leaning on our purse.


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Now our Bron has been accused of signing off on her costs for attending Sophie Mirrabella's wedding as political business expenses. Well I think she is in good company, every liberal MP there tried that one on.

Edited by Earl Hood
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Cabin Fever - Bronny ?



Clayton Long was preparing the business class cabin for take-off when rumour began to spread. Something was wrong; a passenger was causing a stir at the gate.

It was the year 2000, or thereabouts. Long was a Qantas flight attendant for 27 years, so it's not surprising he can't remember the precise date of this particular Perth to Sydney flight. But he's adamant he remembers how it unfolded.

"We were told that the plane was going to be delayed," Long says. "We weren't told the exact reason at the time. It stretched out a little bit. Then we were told it was Bronwyn Bishop causing the problem."

The way Long tells it, the delay stretched on for 10 minutes and then 20. Everyone else was on the plane and wanted to know: what the hell was going on?

"It was because she didn't get the seat that she prefers. She likes the front row of business class," Long says. "But business class was full with the exception of two seats. She was given the seat with no one next to her but she still wasn't happy."

After half an hour or so Bishop was finally coaxed on board, Long says. If she didn't take her assigned seat the plane would leave without her.

"She made her displeasure very clear when she got on to the aircraft," Long says.

Long was the senior attendant and his underlings were visibly scared of this formidable woman. He decided he'd give Bishop, then a Howard government minister, the best personal service he could in an effort to smooth things over.

It didn't go well.

"She wouldn't take anything. She was like a spoilt child," he says. "I just thought it was incredible. She's paid by the Australian taxpayer. To even get into her mind that she's entitled to a particular seat just floors me."

Long retired from Qantas a decade ago. While the airline frowns upon staff – current and former – speaking to the media, he says he felt compelled to tell his story when news broke last week of Bishop's now notorious chopper charter.

Long admits he's never been a Coalition supporter and Bishop's spokesman, Damien Jones, denies the story. "We take whatever seats we're given," he says.

But if Long's account is true, it's yet another illustration – as if we needed one – that Bishop long ago lost touch with the people she is supposed to represent.

Not that it seems to matter. While stories of Bishop's profligacy have emerged almost every day since the chopper story broke, her position as Speaker now appears safe.


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the old 'get me outa jail free', card; straight from someones mono-poli' game

these types of people have no moral fibre, when it comes to the peoples purse... they seem to think its they're birth right, that they can take what they want, & the people are just dumb peasants anyway.

it wood seem Bronnie is no virgin anyway, at these rorts, so How is it she is on her first strike ??? we all know the rabbot failed mathematics at secondary school... so he took to other books he could read.

& not have to think about. just follow blindly.




your kidding...

...... it is time we all got a petition going, to stop the way politicians get, & use, they're allowances. all they're allowances. & the way they are invoiced & payed.

the time is nigh to stop all these leaner's, from leaning on OUR Purse... after all they don't contribute to it, after they're expence & taxation claims are done with.

Politicians, CEO's & Board Members of publicly listed companies, stop leaning on our purse.


Brony, do you really think you can continually RipOff the working taxpayers of this country, then once caught red handed, you think you can let it rest for a bit,,, & then seeing it isn't dying down, you then come out speak-ing of your Love of country, & how sorry you are for cheating the workers of this country???

I think your sorry you got caught this time! & your trying again to play your brandis of politics,,, trying to save your politiical rump.

It stinks, & this is just not good enough

you have added a far bigger stain to that chair you sit so high in, than your predecessors did.

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Oooo Bronnee ; it just keeps going on, & on, &


Illustration: Rocco Fazzari

Bronwyn Bishop: Speaker's office refuses to comment on reports $6,000 spent on Sydney-Nowra plane trip

The Speaker's office has refused to comment on reports Bronwyn Bishop spent $6,000 chartering a plane for a 160-kilometre trip from Sydney to Nowra last year.



Tony Abbott's support of Bronwyn Bishop is crippling the government

Tony Abbott thinks he is giving his party a lesson in loyalty. But it will come at a greater cost than a helicopter ride.

The first time Bronwyn Bishop splurged public monies on a helicopter ride for a trivial reason was not a year ago, or a decade ago, but a generation ago, according to a former member of her staff. The staff member, Ellis Glover, told Bishop's biographer that she hired a helicopter on the taxpayer's tab soon after she first entered Parliament in 1987.

She didn't need to become Speaker of the House to develop delusions of grandeur, according to this account. She was a mere backbencher at the time.

........ And the urgent priority ? To take her from a fete, to a dog show . Why did she need a chopper ? "Bishop told Glover she would be late for the dog show if she went by road," says the account of the incident as related to Bishop's biographer, the journalist David Leser, for his 1994 Bronwyn Bishop: A Woman in Pursuit of Power.

She denied the account then and now. In light of recent developments, Bishop's credibility is threadbare.

The earlier story seems consistent with her established behaviour. The material that has streamed into public this week establishes her as a serial abuser of the public purse, a devotee of expensive charter flights, and a woman with a tremendous sense of entitlement to other people's money.

keep those bastards biatch's honest


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