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Kennett future MelbourneFC President?


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I feel as though I'm about to fall out. Give me a hand ?

I didn’t realise you were going out with young Kate, I look forward to seeing her in a Melbourne jumper!


You took the words out of my mouth. How many people here know how boards are supposed to work? How many understand governance?

You are perfectly correct, the CEO runs the club and the President is the overseer. Kennett would be an utterly hopeless CEO as this position requires skills in communication and compromise as well as leadership skills appropriate to the 2010s (which I think he lacks anyway). Stick with Jackson, who can set the direction for the club. If you have a very good CEO and a unified strong team below him, Bozo the Clown can be President.

You're wrong too.

The Board sets the strategies and vision, which the CEO implements.


That statement is pretty indicative of what the right wing of the Liberal party really is: obsessed with identity politics and a hater of people who don't toe their line. They luuuuurved Malcolm when he and that pumped up bunyip potentate of a governor general got rid of Gough (a decision of Malcolm's that I don't agree with) but since he didn't get the memo that it's O.K. to strip people of their civil liberties and lock up kids behind razor wire, he is as welcome as the Pope at a Mason's picnic (a quite appropriate analogy I would think).

Take your politics elsewhere , this thread is about our next President Jeff Kennet.

Take your politics elsewhere , this thread is about our next President Jeff Kennet.

We haven't held the referendum to be a republic yet and he hasn't got the power to appoint himself that either. :D


A question was put to Peter Jackson at half-time of a footy match regarding the role of the CEO and that of the Board. Here is the question and his response:

Q. What’s the decision making process from now? How much power do you have to make decisions? Who will you make them to and who will implement them?
A. The CEO should run an organisation, should make the decisions. The Board should be deciding in my view strategy and policy and then delegating responsibility for that strategy and policy to management to make the decisions to implement it. That’s the way I’ve always operated and that’s the way I would expect to operate.

Jackson is a very experienced and successful CEO. I hope this clears up any confusion regarding the respective roles.


You're wrong too.

The Board sets the strategies and vision, which the CEO implements.

Nup. The Board signs off the strategies. They are prepared by the management team, which the Board, of course, has input to.

But you miss my main point about who actually runs the club (or the company). It's not the President.


Nup. The Board signs off the strategies. They are prepared by the management team, which the Board, of course, has input to.

But you miss my main point about who actually runs the club (or the company). It's not the President.

The CEO runs the club and I've addressed the other point in the post above yours. Unless, of course, you disagree with Peter Jackson.


Rubbish argument. Having CEOs/Boards of diehard Demons time after time justs leads to relapses. It's time to inject fresh blood into this corpse. The mythical 'great business leaders' that supposedly barrack for MFC are smart enough to keep well away from this husk. We can't rely on them to come forward because we might be dead by then. The fact that people on Demonland want David Schwartz anywhere near this club just goes to show how daft some MFC supporters can be. And if you'd like to label my argument specious like everyone else who disagrees with you, don't bother, it just confirms what we all know: rpfc has a dictionary.

Whoa, calm down there.

I have said it twice of late in two posts in reply to mjt who thinks there is a correlation between bad governance and having Demons as Presidents.

The former does not entail the latter at all.


Whoa, calm down there.

I have said it twice of late in two posts in reply to mjt who thinks there is a correlation between bad governance and having Demons as Presidents.

The former does not entail the latter at all.

I'd say it's a pretty fair correlation on mjt's part. But you are correct - "correlation does not imply causation."


You have to remember, that a lot of Demonland posters are Brighton toffs who live and breathe politics and barrack for their political party much like a sports fan barracks for their team.

They are in here spouting their political beliefs thinking people give a [censored], and they only oppose Jeff Kennett because they didnt like him when he was premier 20 years ago or whenever it was.

Unfortunately a big reason the MFC are so far behind the times is we have so many fans like this.

Its embarrassing.

Agree 100% - some of you people need to remove your heads from out of your rear, get past the politics and understand the club is in all sorts and we need professionals at the club with a proven track record of success - Kennett offer this.


Kennett deserves serious consideration. He is a divisive arse who does not know how to not interfere with things outside his purview, he alienates people, creates feuds and bathes in emnity.

It says bucketloads about the current board that anyone would consider him.

I'd caution EVERYONE to consider the personality of the applicant well before their experience. Personality is a better predictor of job performance than anything other than IQ. Think of it like an accelerator or brake on talent - it can act as both. Jeff's personality is toxic. Our consideration of him should conclude at this first hurdle.


I think that having a CEO who has the blessing (and direction) of the AFL will deliver this so-desired independence and better governance.

A Kennett-like figure may be enticing for similar reasons, but we need a Board full of loyal Demons because they need to work for nothing, they need to keep their mouth shut when approriate, and they need to keep in-confidence - all the dirty secrets of the club.

Have a Demon as President.

What a load of absolute rubbish - embarassing actually. Why do we need a Demon as President?????? What about the best candidate for the job??? This boys club type attitude is what got us in this mess in the first place. Some of you people are just afraid of real change.. Face Palm!!!!


You're wrong too.

The Board sets the strategies and vision, which the CEO implements.

Fail. I doubt you have been on a board.


nice one red

Dont need oto be on drugs to be able to stand back and view perspective .

What if PJ WILL work witj Jeff ?

Why dont we just wait and see. Or are 5 sec judgements the rule of day now?

I am happy to wait and see. I just don't like being called biased and attacked because I offer an opinion.

Incidentally how do you feel about a person who is not a member of this club, never done anything to help this club, who in fact called for it to be relocated or merged, who supports another club, calling on the members of this club to call an extraordinary meeting of the club to throw out the current board and put himself in as President.

Me personally, I think it is disgusting.

I also wonder how PJ, who is working hard at bringing change including to the board, would view that.


If Jeff is serious he needs to tell us who is on his ticket and guarantee us he wouldn't be seeking a merger or relocation. Calling on members to petition for an EGM, which has started on Facebook, before we have the facts is premature. We members are always kept in the dark and it's impossible to make a reasonable decision from there.

I'm no fan of Jeff but I wouldn't rule out voting for his ticket, I need more information to make an informed decision. There also seem to be murmurings of another ticket being organised behind the scenes. Who is involved in that push? I agree with Jeff that the sooner this all comes to a head the better. A new board could have their strategies in place before the next off season arrives.

I've stayed out of the discussion regarding Don stepping down because there hasn't been a credible replacement mooted. No point getting rid of the president until you have a replacement ready to go. Until the architects of these rival boards step into the light and lay out their plans and personnel we have nothing to base a decision on.


I feel as though I'm about to fall out. Give me a hand ?

At your service. I don''t need to be asked twice. Suppose I will be called a dirty old man now.

At your service. I don''t need to be asked twice. Suppose I will be called a dirty old man now.

Of course not - we don't know your age ;)


What a load of absolute rubbish - embarassing actually. Why do we need a Demon as President?????? What about the best candidate for the job??? This boys club type attitude is what got us in this mess in the first place. Some of you people are just afraid of real change.. Face Palm!!!!

Board members are unpaid. They are expected to have the confidence of everyone working at the club. The club needs their discretion and loyalty.

It lends itself to be filled by supporters of that institution.

I hate to burst anyone's bubble on this but it is not equivalent to a CEO.

I applaud the AFL-paratrooping of Jackson as an independent voice coming to the club. But he is in a paid position. And his loyalty is assured by his wage and the 'buck' happening to stop with him.

There is merit in trying to coax people in to becoming Demons and give up their time as Board members, but we know that Kennett is not one, he has already said he is Hawthorn through and through.

Lastly, the 'boys club' does not extend to everyone associated to the club. Some last week said that Todd Viney was part of The Evil Boys Club (Stynes, Lyon, CC, CS, etc) and I personally know that is BS.

I want independence and proper governance, and a well structured and maintatined FD, but a good CEO is more likely to bring that than Jeff Kennett.


I personally don't think Jeff will run on a ticket , but Neil Mitchell. Maybe????

Neil ruled it out today absolutely as he said he couldn't handle the conflicts it would create for him in his job which he said was number 1 priority for him.

On a side note the publicity given to his show as a result of JK's announcement will do him no harm in the next ratings survey, especially after the last one.


Neil ruled it out today absolutely as he said he couldn't handle the conflicts it would create for him in his job which he said was number 1 priority for him.

Okay, he may be backing someone then. I just don't think it will be Jeff and I certainly won't be voting for him. I believe we need an AFL friendly President at this point in time in order to move forward quickly.


Okay, he may be backing someone then. I just don't think it will be Jeff and I certainly won't be voting for him. I believe we need an AFL friendly President at this point in time in order to move forward quickly.

Agree an AFL friendly President would enhance our chances of help from them. That said we also wouldn't want a totally subservient minion either.


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