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Rounds 13 to 18 = Crunch Time for Neeld

Range Rover

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With the MFC's annus horribilis behind it, Mark Neeld can finally stand up and say "this list is mine" after marching no less than 14 players out the door. Their replacements - whether we agree with all or perhaps just some of them - have been given his firm tick of approval. For good or ill, this is now his team.

But it would be unrealistic to think he'll have been able to wave a wand over this group over one pre-season and get them all to magically gel by halfway through the first quarter of round 1. Don't get me wrong, like most I'm expecting an emphatic victory over Port Adelaide on March 31, but my optimism for the first half of the year is tempered by an acknowledgement that there are just too many new faces for things to run smoothly. Early signs in the NAB cup would also suggest we are a ways off of clicking into a higher gear.

In short, for the first half of the season - from rounds one to eleven - we will probably just have to be satisfied with incremental improvements. Structural corrections. Positive shifts in attitude and application. Workmanlike efforts. Aside from wins against Port and the new franchisees, this should be the bar against which we should judge all other efforts. Even foreseeing a win against the Tigers is a stretch at this stage. They're a far more settled side.

After the round 12 bye however, coming off battle-hardening square-offs against Hawthorn and Collingwood in rounds 10 and 11, things should take a much different tone. Our expectations as supporters must - and will - rise. With a settled side and several key players either returning from or having gotten over injuries (Mitch Clark comes to mind but there are others), I'm expecting us to come home with a wet sail and really put the sword to some of our recent 'hoodoo' teams.

Specifically, I'm looking at BIG, MORALE BOOSTING victories over the Saints (round 13), Dogs (14), Lions (17 at home) and Kangas (18). If we can win at least three out of those four games, then we'll know definitively whether or not the quiet optimism we have in Mark Neeld stands on a solid foundation. There is just as much raw talent at the MFC as there is in any of those sides. If pressed, I'd be particularly looking at victories over the Saints and Kangaroos as a marker by which to measure real progress in season 2013.

Posters may laugh, but I'd also expect us to take it right up to the Cats at Skilled Stadium (round 16) this season. I think they've finally had their day in the sun and are set for a dip down the ladder.

From then on it's a couple of mickey mouse games against the Suns and Giants, although I think the Suns may prove a harder task than in previous seasons, followed by assignments against genuine finals aspirants (Freo and Adelaide) and a final round chance to experiment - tank, whichever word you want to use - against the Dogs.

But mark it down now, party people. Rounds 13 - 18. Dates of destiny for the MFC ... and for Mark Neeld.

Until then, we should keep the faith and continue to Believe ...


Edited by Range Rover
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North are much more advanced than us, as are the Saints.

Dogs could be the surprise package.

Cats will murder us.

Lions? Media awards...3 Moloney 2 Martin (called back after 6 weeks playing for Southport) 1 Brown.

I want us to be competitive this year, show a combative spirit and some semblance of structure.

I want to see our young kids develop, our middle tier take a giant step.

I want to see Clark and Dawes work in unison to give us some direction.

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The dogs saints lions and north are teams I will use as a benchmark for this list. If we can get some wins against these teams I think we can grow with this list. If not I guess it's culling time again.

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This thread is incomplete without a poll.

But seriously, welcome back Rangey, and I agree with all that is written.

I found Neeld's presser interesting after the St Kilda game last weekend. He said something like that he didn't like honourable losses. Personally, this year I want to see more honourable losses, as our losses last year were far from impressive. Richmond had a number of honourable losses in 2012, they would have the expectation of turning a lot of those in to wins this year.

The Geelong game in 2012 will give me a good idea as to how we've improved. We were in that match until just before 3/4 time. I'm not annoyed that they ran away from us in the last quarter, what I was annoyed about was the fact that on the scoreboard we were in the game, but on the faces of all the players, we were going to lose. From memory, we had a little run on mid-third quarter, but there was no excitement or celebration from the team.

I'll be focusing on the subtle changes this year, with particular emphasis on how they play as a team. Blocking and shepparding is just one element, I'll be looking for encouragement after kicking a goal even if we are 10 goals behind, or more importantly, if we have kicked 3 on end, hoping to see the players get around each other and ensure we keep the momentum.

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I'll be focusing on the subtle changes this year, with particular emphasis on how they play as a team. Blocking and shepparding is just one element, I'll be looking for encouragement after kicking a goal even if we are 10 goals behind, or more importantly, if we have kicked 3 on end, hoping to see the players get around each other and ensure we keep the momentum.


When we start playing like a team, the trust in one's teammate, the confidence, and then the results, will come.

But great post OP, I agree those rounds will be a real litmus test.

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Well said billy...yes kicking 3 goals in a row has been a while.

That moment you feel the energy shift around the ground. That is what we need to demand and expect every week.

Without it we are wasting our time.

It is exactly why the bottom sides should not have to pay the full salary cap.

A hungry list is going to push harder to win.

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Good post RR. Personally I don't give us any chance against the Cats at Skilled, in fact I think they could give it another tilt this year at going all the way. Anyone who thinks Geelong are going to meekly fade away might end up disappointed. The youth they have coming through is seriously impressive.

To be honest I'm only looking at Rounds 1 & 2 right now, as both are very winnable matches and extremely important in setting the tone for the remainder of the season.

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Who knows what position we'll be in going into Rounds 13-18? If you're looking beyond Round One, you'll need a crystal ball. Because atm there are far too many questions than there are answers.

We don't know exactly when the likes of Trengove, Clark and Blease will be available exactly despite the promising progress.

We know our midfield is one of the weakest in the comp and we don't know what we'll get from the newbies in games. We hope that we'll be more competitive this coming season, however it's up in the air. New dynamics, new structures, new personnel, stronger opposition? As you allude to, too many new faces for immediate cohesion. Question marks.

People "expect" improvement, they expect a "bold showing" because they believe Neeld's "honeymoon period" is over.

Then once the season starts, what is in store? What personnel will be available come rounds 13-18? Will GWS be more impressive than the Suns?

I've already predicted 8-9 wins this season, geez I hope I'm right - which would be an improvement that would meet my expectations. If we have some luck with availability and getting some consistency with contributions from key players, I'd be more confident. But I'm not. The last 6 seasons has rubbed off my optimism.

I already had earmarked Sam Blease for most improved player. Two-to-three days later he rolled his ankle.

I'm no longer making any more predictions for this season. I've touched more wood than you can poke a stick at. I think I'll stop here.

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RR, on what basis do you expect an emphatic win against Port in rd 1?

Port have been bloody impressive this pre season. Knocked off West coast and St Kilda. Have a bunch of very classy midfielders in Boak, Hartlett and Ebert and a gun full forward in Schultz.

We on the other hand put on second qtr display against the Aints that had a very slight whiff of 186.

I wish I shared your confidence, but expect that Port will be too dominant, classy and professional for us in rd 1. Gee I hope I'm wrong.

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I can only focus on Rounds 1-2. The results from them will determine Rounds 3-4.

Anything further is pure speculative fiction.

Glad you survived the cooler again Rangey. Your presence is a breath of fresh air around here.

Pity you were not here whilst Wilson was writing her bile.

Interested to hear your feelings on the whole saga sometime.

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I can only focus on Rounds 1-2. The results from them will determine Rounds 3-4.

Anything further is pure speculative fiction.

Glad you survived the cooler again Rangey. Your presence is a breath of fresh air around here.

Pity you were not here whilst Wilson was writing her bile.

Interested to hear your feelings on the whole saga sometime.

Bloody hell WYL, that's like taking a reformed gambling addict to Crown for dinner.

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I can only focus on Rounds 1-2. The results from them will determine Rounds 3-4.

Anything further is pure speculative fiction.

Glad you survived the cooler again Rangey. Your presence is a breath of fresh air around here.

Pity you were not here whilst Wilson was writing her bile.

Interested to hear your feelings on the whole saga sometime.

1/ Incorrect. The results from Rounds 1&2 will not ultimately determine the results of 3&4.

2/ Incorrect. Don't you recall the thread that began with the big finger salute? That was your precious 'Rangey' under another guise. He was here during that period, not in the cooler.

Keep up the good work, WYL.

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1/ Incorrect. The results from Rounds 1&2 will not ultimately determine the results of 3&4.

2/ Incorrect. Don't you recall the thread that began with the big finger salute? That was your precious 'Rangey' under another guise. He was here during that period, not in the cooler.

Keep up the good work, WYL.

Sorry don't quite follow you HT, thread with a big finger salute???....Bit Cryptic there

Please elaborate, and the first 2 rounds are critical to get off to a good start, so i think they will have a large bearing on 3-4

If you think differently, that's your choice...no need to be so bitchy.

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Who knows what position we'll be in going into Rounds 13-18? If you're looking beyond Round One, you'll need a crystal ball. Because atm there are far too many questions than there are answers.

We don't know exactly when the likes of Trengove, Clark and Blease will be available exactly despite the promising progress.

We know our midfield is one of the weakest in the comp and we don't know what we'll get from the newbies in games. We hope that we'll be more competitive this coming season, however it's up in the air. New dynamics, new structures, new personnel, stronger opposition? As you allude to, too many new faces for immediate cohesion. Question marks.

People "expect" improvement, they expect a "bold showing" because they believe Neeld's "honeymoon period" is over.

Then once the season starts, what is in store? What personnel will be available come rounds 13-18? Will GWS be more impressive than the Suns?

I've already predicted 8-9 wins this season, geez I hope I'm right - which would be an improvement that would meet my expectations. If we have some luck with availability and getting some consistency with contributions from key players, I'd be more confident. But I'm not. The last 6 seasons has rubbed off my optimism.

I already had earmarked Sam Blease for most improved player. Two-to-three days later he rolled his ankle.

I'm no longer making any more predictions for this season. I've touched more wood than you can poke a stick at. I think I'll stop here.

Aside from my own personal prognostications the gist of the OP is that we should all be sitting tight for the first half of the season. The rushes to judgement on Neeld reached insane levels on Demonland last year. Spurred on by media flogs like David King, you had posters like Hardnut and Tonatopia starting threads calling for Neeld's head as early as round 7 into his first contract.

Let's extend the Coach the courtesy of allowing his team to bunk in before we start making pointed assessments of his vision for the club. Matches against the Saints, North, Brisbane and the Dogs between rounds 13 and 18 will offer a great indicator of where Neeld is at. In my opinion this list has enough talent to beat those sides.

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RR, on what basis do you expect an emphatic win against Port in rd 1?

Port have been bloody impressive this pre season. Knocked off West coast and St Kilda. Have a bunch of very classy midfielders in Boak, Hartlett and Ebert and a gun full forward in Schultz.

We on the other hand put on second qtr display against the Aints that had a very slight whiff of 186.

I wish I shared your confidence, but expect that Port will be too dominant, classy and professional for us in rd 1. Gee I hope I'm wrong.

I understand your nervousness BBP but it simply can't enter our thoughts to lose to a likely bottom four club at home. Not on the first day of the season. We have good players too, capable of matching it with their best.

I don't care how we do it, but we must find a way to win.

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I can only focus on Rounds 1-2. The results from them will determine Rounds 3-4.

Anything further is pure speculative fiction.

Glad you survived the cooler again Rangey. Your presence is a breath of fresh air around here.

Pity you were not here whilst Wilson was writing her bile.

Interested to hear your feelings on the whole saga sometime.

I was here on and off as HT alluded to WYL. 'Hulkamania' and 'NoMoreMrNiceGuy' were a couple of my nommes de guerre. And yep that was me with the one-finger-salute alongside our three gun draftees picture post ('Cop That Caro'), that I believe still ranks as one of Demonland's all-time most 'liked' posts :)

I'm probably in the minority, but I was of the opinion that we should have forged ahead and taken the AFL to court. I thought it was weak to allow oursleves to be painted as the scapegoat and equally weak for McLardy to roll over the way he did. I thought there was a chance there to assert a new, tough 'backs-to-the-wall' club culture for the MFC - a line in the sand if you will. But unfortunately, orthodoxy prevailed. I'm not a fan of McLardy because of it and think we can do much better in terms of a President. I'm not for waving white flags when bullies stare you down. It would never happen at a power club.

We would've won the court case and then we could have let Finklestein loose on Caro and her employer. It would have been a defamation suit for the ages. And it would've been right.

Thanks for your kind words re my postings. If only you could make Rhino see the light.

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It will be a great challenge to see if he has learnt anything during his "holiday"!

Ha. All I've learned is that Caro has friends in high Demonland places.

As for the Cooler, it's easy time. I just take my copy of Redfox in there and watch replays of the '87 and '88 finals runs. B)

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I was here on and off as HT alluded to WYL. 'Hulkamania' and 'NoMoreMrNiceGuy' were a couple of my nommes de guerre. And yep that was me with the one-finger-salute alongside our three gun draftees picture post, that I believe still ranks as one of Demonland's all-time most 'liked' posts :)

I'm probably in th minority, but I was of the opinion that we should have forged ahead and taken the AFL to court. I thought it was weak to allow oursleves to be painted as the scapegoat and equally weak for McLardy to roll over the way he did. I thought there was a chance there to assert a new, tough 'back-to-the-wall club culture for the MFC - a line in the sand if you will. But alas, the orthodoxy prevailed. I'm not a fan of McLardy because of it and think we can do better in terms of a President. I don't like waving white flags when a bully stares you down.

We would've won the court case and then we could have let Finklestein loose on Caro and hew employer. It would have been something for the ages. And it would've been right.

Thanks for your kind words re my postings. If only you could make Rhino see the light.

yes your summation is very similar to what i wanted.

The outcome was disappointing.

The Board has got to get it all right from now on.

It would have been great to have a strong win in court. The supporters would have finally seen some strength rather than veiled sympathy which is what we got.

The one finger salute. I must have missed that one.

Glad you evaded the Cooler. Twice is just too hard on the sanity.

Rhino must be on long service leave, been most silent lately.

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As for the Cooler, it's easy time. I just take my copy of Redfox in there and watch replays of the '87 and '88 finals runs. B)

I trust your copies cut out short on both accounts?

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Yes the damned VHS tapes mysteriously malfunction, the '87 one at about halfway through the prelim, the '88 one the grand final cuts out entirely.

Can you tell me what happens?


It aint pretty something alone the lines of the Texas Chain saw Massacre RR

( as if you did not know)

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Sorry don't quite follow you HT, thread with a big finger salute???....Bit Cryptic there

Please elaborate, and the first 2 rounds are critical to get off to a good start, so i think they will have a large bearing on 3-4

If you think differently, that's your choice...no need to be so bitchy.

Why is that response no surprise? (Don't answer this, it's more a statement)

RR has since clarified and confirmed it all on my behalf. Nothing cryptic WYL.

I was simply stating the facts for you...

ie. That Rounds 1 & 2 results will not ultimately determine the results of rounds 3 & 4. (Which you said initially they would determine)

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