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POLL: Watts v Naitanui ... Did we get it right or wrong?

Range Rover

Watts v Naitanui ... Did we get it right?  

265 members have voted

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I don't understand why Range Rover "supports" Melbourne?

Surely it couldn't be that he just likes to complain and whinge to any that will listen and/or respond? Surely he's not the empty can that rattles the most? Surely he'd be better off spending his time maintaining his NikNat collage book?

Why hasn't he started a poll about Morton v Rioli or Dangerfield? Hmmmmm....

I just want the club to get better. Start picking the best players available rather than reverting to type.

Like many, I am very very concerned we will stuff up things again at this year's draft.

That's why I start threads on recruiting, polls on picks etc. Because we have been very, very bad at these things.And if we continue to be very, very bad at these things ... surely the club will just eventually pack it in and die.

Edited by Range Rover
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I just want the club to get better. Start picking the best players available rather than reverting to type.

Like many, I am very very concerned we will stuff up things again at this year's draft.

That's why I start threads on recruiting, polls on picks etc. Because we have been very, very bad at these things.And if we continue to be very, very bad at these things ... surely the club will just eventually pack it in and die.

Mate, I totally share your view on that. We've made some bad decisions in the past, but I honestly believe we've turned the corner as far as recruiting now, not long til we find out though!

I just think going on SO much about bagging out one of our players who has been good this year is not great supporting. Sure, keep the club accountable, but the Watts bagging is getting a bit over the top.

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Binman, it's a measure of your own insecurity about Watts that you think my ramblings would sway the vote one way or another.

Again are you serious - are you trolling? My insecurity about Watts? What are you talking about? I haven't even voiced a view in this thread about the poll question. And i won't either as it is a ridiculous, waste of time arguing over whether 'we got it wrong'.

The point isn't whether your 'ramblings would sway the vote one way or another' the point that those ramblings may have some impact on the outcome of the poll, which makes it a farce (can you imagine Roy Morgan asking people a question after giving diatribe with all the bells and whistles about how to respond) .

What i asked you - and what you have yet to answer - is what are you trying to achieve with the poll, what is its purpose? You obviously believe we should have picked Natanui. I can only assume (in lie of any logical response from you) that your goal is to convince others of the correctness of your opinion using a facile poll. Which by the way shows, at the time of writing that only 38% of respondents believe we got it wrong.

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Mate, I totally share your view on that. We've made some bad decisions in the past, but I honestly believe we've turned the corner as far as recruiting now, not long til we find out though!

I just think going on SO much about bagging out one of our players who has been good this year is not great supporting. Sure, keep the club accountable, but the Watts bagging is getting a bit over the top.

I don't know how you can say we have turned the corner, Sellar was Ok this year and we heve no idea about Tynon and Taggart. Mitch Clark was a good trade, Magner started OK but struggled since mid year. The only player that we drafted over the past 2 years to play regularly in McDonald.

On Watts he is a mile behind Nic Nat, Nic Nat impacts games Watts doesn't and is showing no signs of being able to do this. If we had that draft again knowing Nic Nat will go home you would have Hurley over Watts, Hurley injuries aside is also miles ahead of Watts. SOmeone will pull up Stats and prove by the stats Watts is better than Hurley but Stats don't mean a great deal these days and playing in Melbournes backline you are bound to get a lot of the footy its always down there.

Edited by drdrake
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I don't know how you can say we have turned the corner, Sellar was Ok this year and we heve no idea about Tynon and Taggart. Mitch Clark was a good trade, Magner started OK but struggled since mid year. The only player that we drafted over the past 2 years to play regularly in McDonald.

On Watts he is a mile behind Nic Nat, Nic Nat impacts games Watts doesn't and is showing no signs of being able to do this. If we had that draft again knowing Nic Nat will go home you would have Hurley over Watts, Hurley injuries aside is also miles ahead of Watts.

I think we have turned the corner in our recruiting. Looks pretty clear that Neeld wants hard at it, mature footballers, pretty much the opposite of what we've gone after the last 4-5 years. Wasn't much we could do in last years draft, thought the Clark trade was fantastic though, so looking forward to what we can do with this years bounty.

Also, "injuries aside" for Hurley, geez you're clutching at straws for criteria there mate...

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I just want the club to get better. Start picking the best players available rather than reverting to type.

Like many, I am very very concerned we will stuff up things again at this year's draft.

That's why I start threads on recruiting, polls on picks etc. Because we have been very, very bad at these things.And if we continue to be very, very bad at these things ... surely the club will just eventually pack it in and die.

and theres also the pleasure derived from trouncing the angry and vocal minorities that want to sack the coach ,trade Watts ,pick Viney at no 40 etc...
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As far as a player that impacts games Nic Nat is streets ahead of Watts at this juncture.

Watts was the right call at the time...Nic Nat go home factor and rawness had to be considered. Watts was and is a class footballer, unfortunately our development leaves a lot to be desired and there is no on field support or mentor for him.

Nic Nat would not be the same footballer you see now if he was at melbourne and would be looking for the nearest exit. Watts would also be a very different beast if at West Coast.

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1. It's just a poll question DL7. Not the end of the world if you don't like the result.

2. I am very rarely ... very rarely ... wrong.

In this case RR, you have been proven wrong by the votes. 60% of votes are against your position, despite you bludgeoning tactics.

Your clear intention was to prove your view that we should've taken NN over JW. The poll results show otherwise. It appears your only other tactic is to shout down reason. Good luck with that!

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I've noticed there's no mention of his disposal efficiency? In fact, aside from goals (he averages 1.2, hardly amazing) NONE of those stats are about what he does with the ball, so thanks for supporting our argument RR, cheers...

This must be one of those "very rare" occasions.

Beat me to it Stuie. He has a very low possession count for a STAR player. Not quite up to Ablett and a few hundred others. RR certainly has an obsession with NN. Pity he wouldn't concentrate on the likes of Jeremy Howe. Now there IS a real STAR of the future.

Edited by Bobby McKenzie
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In this case RR, you have been proven wrong by the votes. 60% of votes are against your position, despite you bludgeoning tactics.

Your clear intention was to prove your view that we should've taken NN over JW. The poll results show otherwise. It appears your only other tactic is to shout down reason. Good luck with that!

I think the poll reflects that the Jury is out.

If we went to preferences on the "dont knows" then there may be a result.

If we held the poll just after Jack Watts wins a Brownlow there may be a different result .

Even though the poll is showing some love for Nic Nat-the Stats already back Watts in terms of skill.

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These polls are carefully worded to suit the poller's own opinion or agenda. For example his Neeld Poll asks us if we support Neeld to Coach in 2013 only and not unconditionally or to his Contracts end. Love me or Hate me most know IMO Neeld is not NBT for Melbourne but I do support Neeld in 2013. We all have to. I also hope Neeld warms into the job. Of course I voted Yes for Neeld.

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If we held the poll just after Jack Watts wins a Brownlow there may be a different result .

I was thinking about this in terms of a Hawthorn supporter site running a similar poll on whether they should have picked up Judd not Hodge. For a hawks fan the answer to that question might be depend on when it was asked.

After his first couple of years Judd was clearly a star and many no doubt questioned taking Hodge instead and most perhaps would say they made an error. But like the query on Natanui going home there were queries on how his shoulder would cope in the AFL (they said at the time this was a big factor in not selecting him, as did the Saints).

After his first Brownlow no doubt many would still still suggest they should have picked up Judd.

But what about if you asked the question now, some 11 years later? Judd will perhaps be considered a better player over the journey but how many Hawks fans would say at this point in time they made a mistake picking up Hodge instead of Judd? He is their captain and has been their spiritual leader for almost a decade and it could be argued he is a much better leader than Judd. He is a one club player who hasn't sold himself to the highest bidder. He has had none of the strange on field brain fades that Judd has and is a complete warrior for his club (not that Judd isn't).

My guess is that the overwhelming majority of Hawks fans if asked now if they had made a mistake picking Hodge not Judd would say no. But i could be wrong.

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I don't know how you can say we have turned the corner, Sellar was Ok this year and we heve no idea about Tynon and Taggart. Mitch Clark was a good trade, Magner started OK but struggled since mid year. The only player that we drafted over the past 2 years to play regularly in McDonald.

On Watts he is a mile behind Nic Nat, Nic Nat impacts games Watts doesn't and is showing no signs of being able to do this. If we had that draft again knowing Nic Nat will go home you would have Hurley over Watts, Hurley injuries aside is also miles ahead of Watts. SOmeone will pull up Stats and prove by the stats Watts is better than Hurley but Stats don't mean a great deal these days and playing in Melbournes backline you are bound to get a lot of the footy its always down there.

Watts is one that requires more time. Listen to your Coach... 7 day googles....will take time in other words. Another two years. Watts will be better than Hurley. NIc Nat...he's another story. This guy is awesome.

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Watts is one that requires more time. Listen to your Coach... 7 day googles....will take time in other words. Another two years. Watts will be better than Hurley. NIc Nat...he's another story. This guy is awesome.

In two years Hurley will have his body right and be one of the best power forwards in the game. To me Watts will be a half forward flank pushing into our midfield. What Hurley has that I dont' think Watts will ever get is the desire for body contact, Hurley wants to crash packs and attack the footy, he has a 55m kick, I'm a big fan of Hurley he is everything we wanted Watts to be.

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51 - 43 Naitanui with 35 unsure.

Being generous, let's factor in about a third of the 'unsure' votes and a third of the Watts' votes to the cop-out 'go home factor' reason, and you have Naitanui as a clear winner at this stage.

Watts has got a lot of work to do to be mentioned in the same breath as NicNat.

Going in hard for the ball would be a good start.

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51 - 43 Naitanui with 35 unsure.

Being generous, let's factor in about a third of the 'unsure' votes and a third of the Watts' votes to the cop-out 'go home factor' reason, and you have Naitanui as a clear winner at this stage.

Watts has got a lot of work to do to be mentioned in the same breath as NicNat.

Going in hard for the ball would be a good start.

Hahahahahahahahaha.... Oh dear RR....

Your argument was that we got it wrong, so you're losing 78-51.

Another one of those "very rare" occasions it seems.

There's no actual winner in this poll as really there are far too many things that are either indefinable or incomparable, but there is a loser in it... hmmmmmm....

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In two years Hurley will have his body right and be one of the best power forwards in the game. To me Watts will be a half forward flank pushing into our midfield. What Hurley has that I dont' think Watts will ever get is the desire for body contact, Hurley wants to crash packs and attack the footy, he has a 55m kick, I'm a big fan of Hurley he is everything we wanted Watts to be.

So what do we do Dr? Do we trade Jack, our number 1 pick from 2008, just because he isn't that crash and bash forward that we all wanted? Or, do we look at what he can do well and play him in areas that he will excel in?

At the end of the day, he's on our list, is contracted (I think), has obvious talent. He is what he is, but correct, he isn't what all wanted him to be (me included). That doesn't mean I'm going to write him off. If he were to win a Brownlow or Norm Smith playing off the half back flank, I couldn't give a sh!t that he didn't kick 70 goals that year and taken an average of 10 contested marks a game. I want the coach to play him where he is going to be of value to the team, which is what he is doing.

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Hahahahahahahahaha.... Oh dear RR....

Your argument was that we got it wrong, so you're losing 78-51.

Another one of those "very rare" occasions it seems.

There's no actual winner in this poll as really there are far too many things that are either indefinable or incomparable, but there is a loser in it... hmmmmmm....

Out of 127 voters ... only 43 have backed Watts. Supporters from his own club no less. That's damning.

He's got the job in front of him.

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Out of 127 voters ... only 43 have backed Watts. Supporters from his own club no less. That's damning.

He's got the job in front of him.

You;re becoming a parody of yourself RR. Stop trying to change the truth to suit your agenda.

Your argument was we got it WRONG. That argument got 51 votes out of 130.

You. Are. Wrong. And you're quickly becoming a troll.

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You;re becoming a parody of yourself RR. Stop trying to change the truth to suit your agenda.

Your argument was we got it WRONG. That argument got 51 votes out of 130.

You. Are. Wrong. And you're quickly becoming a troll.

What are you talking about. The figures above are what they are. Nik Nat is way ahead thus far.
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