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No Nonsense Neeld ... Let the Fallout Begin.

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I agree with this topic.

To many supporters are afraid for change. Guess what people, what we were doing before WAS NOT WORKING. we lost by 186. we got dominated every second week, we had no heart, no fight and no mental strength. We've been a pathetic club for too long. Other supporters and other clubs do not take even half-seriously.

We need change. We need a guy to come in and tell us things aren't ok, things aren't fine the way they are.

And if some supporters get upset because they're used to the style that saw us lose by 186 points, then so be it.

If it means a few players like Moloney and Davey get upset and dropped to VFL. so be it. Because last year, Moloney, Davey, Green and Rivers were our leaders, and no leader i have ever heard of would let their team lose by 186 points. it's unheard of and you can't lose by that must without having not one ounce of heart.

The senior players have rightfully been put in their place. The supporters are going to have to accept change and so will the players.

What was going on for the last 4 years was unacceptable. Change is good people.

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Don't totally understand your question/point here....

No one "chooses" unity, it's cultivated.

I'll say again, I really like Neeld, but what I didn't like was him separating himself from the weekend's performance and pointing the fingers at others. To me it felt like he was saying "it's all their fault, don't blame me" where he should have been saying "it's OUR fault, we are all to blame" and then gone about the business of placing some blame behind closed doors.

In the presser, he mentioned that both he and the players are accountable. I sometimes feel like people don't actually read articles or watch interviews and press conferences, but they still feel like they have the right to comment on anything and everything, based on nothing more than a casual gleaning of information from others' posts.

It's not good enough, IMO. I don't believe people should be entitled to their opinion if said opinion is based on nothing more than third or fourth hand information - particularly when more accurate info is readily available.

I'm not having a crack at you. I just get annoyed when people who are interested in the Club don't even pay attention to the things the coach says.

Based on what I've seen from Neeld, I'm extremely confident that we'll soon observe the things we've always dreamed of seeing from the Demons.

Edited by Chook
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Don't get me wrong, I already prefer Neeld to Bailey, and I'm all for a no-nonsense, no buddy buddy approach, but ti should still feel like "we're all in this together", at least when fronting the public/media, finger pointing only leads to division.

Comm'on leave the Pretense behind.

Status, Image, are all Imposters, weighing on the truth like an anchor.

Who chooses unity, Neeld or the players?

It's a Universal thing born of Respect.

Jimma had it, & showed it. And so we all can.

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In the presser, he mentioned that both he and the players are accountable. I sometimes feel like people don't actually read articles or watch interviews and press conferences, but they still feel like they have the right to comment on the issue based on a casual gleaning of information from others' posts. It's not good enough, IMO. I don't believe people should be entitled to their opinion if said opinion is based on nothing more than third or fourth hand information - particularly when more accurate info is readily available.

I'm not having a crack at you. I just get annoyed when people who are interested in the Club don't even pay attention to the things the coach says.

I sometimes feel people don't actually read posts but still feel they have the right to comment based on a casual gleaning of information etc...

Did I say, "it's a fact", no, I said "to me it felt like", so what I'm stating is an impression I got from hearing the press conference on radio and then watching it when I got home. So what I'm saying is purely opinion, which is what demonland in mostly about right? But then again, as they say, opinions are like a#*eholes... every board has got one

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Sorry, just to clarify, I meant what he said in the post-game media conference...

If there is a rat in the ranks then you know what we do with rats...

No Probs....But i also liked the post game Coference....he told home truths down the Barrel of a camera...flanked by our 2 new Captains.
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No, not at the expense of the Truth, Honesty amongst us, & the Cleansing that comes from it.

Absolutely, honesty amongst us. I really hope the players eyeball each other this week and challenge each other, lead by the leadership group and driven by Neeld, but I think that should happen inside the club and be purely for the players, and not trotted out on display for the media.

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In the presser, he mentioned that both he and the players are accountable.

That's true but i'm with Stuie on this one. He said they were pulverised from the start at clearances, which suggest they weren't switched on. He could have acknowledged it's his role is to ensure the players are switched on. Isn't ensuring a team is ready to go a key role for the coach? Neeld himself has said previously the buck stops with him.

To be fair no journo asked him directly about his performance, perhaps they were too scared, he was pretty wired. I would have thought he at least would have been asked about preparation, his lack of creative moves (eg if we were getting smashed in clearances why leave a player who has been one of our best in this regard over the pre season sitting on the pine whilst Blease applied no defensive pressure? What about throwing Clark into the ruck for a bit or Watts to full forward etc etc). These were pretty basic questions that were not asked

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Edit: @stuie

Why? You think he should just give us the cliches? Tell us everything's peachy keen and the weekend was one step on the path to prosperity? Like I need more of that in my life.

I thought his presser was fkn excellent and told me exactly what I wanted to here. That he was as shattered by it as I was and he was going to make some serious changes to rectify the situation.

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Imo believe neeld is in the process of seeing who is united behind the direction he is going in. He has been since he first got to the club.

He has given every player on the list an opportunity even those that many believe have no place on the list and he will turn over the list until he has what he wants. He has done the right thing by the players he is honest with them and speaks to them before talking to media so that players cannot look at the papers and see something he hasnt spoken to them about first.

But like he said on the couch he was talking to the supporters when doing the press conference after the lions game as he doesnt believe supporters deserve cliche's i loved hearing that as now when he has to reign himself in next time we all know what he will be really thinking.

One comment in particluar 'we have a core group of younger players or at least inexperienced players and they'll be ok'. Says to me that he has players he believes can take the club forward and avoid falling into the holes that other experienced players have fallen into. He is going to work with this inexperienced group of players and its up to the experienced group to fall into line he is/has given them the opportunity to do so, it really doesnt say much for those that dont grab this opportunity with both hands.

Its going to take time and everyone is impatient but the more support and buy in from everyone associated with club the quicker we will all see more positive results.

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Edit: @stuie

Why? You think he should just give us the cliches? Tell us everything's peachy keen and the weekend was one step on the path to prosperity? Like I need more of that in my life.

I thought his presser was fkn excellent and told me exactly what I wanted to here. That he was as shattered by it as I was and he was going to make some serious changes to rectify the situation.

No. Obviously that's not what I want if you've actually read my posts. I liked the honesty, the attitude, the seething just below the surface, but I just felt like he wasn't putting it into a "our fault" context, but rather a "their fault" context.

I really hope he does make hard changes this week, and punishes the boys on the track.

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Don't totally understand your question/point here....

No one "chooses" unity, it's cultivated.

I'll say again, I really like Neeld, but what I didn't like was him separating himself from the weekend's performance and pointing the fingers at others. To me it felt like he was saying "it's all their fault, don't blame me" where he should have been saying "it's OUR fault, we are all to blame" and then gone about the business of placing some blame behind closed doors.

Of course you can, you unite behind the coach or you don't. You make it sound pretty easy Stuie.

You can attempt to get people to unite behind a cause, but you can't force them to unite.

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i think many are just afraid at admitting that we need to undergo another mini re-build. Not the likes of 08/09, but one all the same. "we're perpetually re-building" they think. Well, time for home-truths. What DB and Co were planning wasn't working, in fact it seems like it's done more damage than good.

I want to see my team in the finals again. What i don't want to see, is for us to be a finals regular but only good enough for semi's. Building on what we have now would just be covering up the cracks. We need to re-lay some of the foundations. If we want to be a serious threat, we need to do things right. It's funny how the right way is usually the harder way. I'm young enough to feel like i have a good chance at witnessing a premiership, my 51 year old dad however, is this close to just not giving a damn. All the same and with due respect to him, taking the easier option and believing what we have is enough with a few bells and whistles, will ultimately have us end up right where we started.

Do it right. If it takes a little bit longer, then so be it. Anything worth doing, is worth doing right.

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Of course you can, you unite behind the coach or you don't. You make it sound pretty easy Stuie.

You can attempt to get people to unite behind a cause, but you can't force them to unite.

But you can inspire them to unite, and that's what I would love.

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But you can inspire them to unite, and that's what I would love.

I would like that too, but as I stated earlier, it is the players choice.

You either get inspired to unite behind a team ethos and goal, or you don't.

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I would like that too, but as I stated earlier, it is the players choice.

You either get inspired to unite behind a team ethos and goal, or you don't.

I think we're pretty close to the same thing, just thinking slightly differently.

Wouldn't it be great if Neeld was such a leader that his coaching left them with no choice but to unite and fight!

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Absolutely, honesty amongst us. I really hope the players eyeball each other this week and challenge each other, lead by the leadership group and driven by Neeld, but I think that should happen inside the club and be purely for the players, and not trotted out on display for the media.

Agreed it should be Investigated Inhouse, and by the Club & the Leadership group. And when they find the Truth, it should be dealt with by the Leadership group in conjunction with the club.

IF, the club person is found to be guilty in any Malicious way, Then they should be sacked Immediately & the truth made Public to all Members...

It is time that the MFC treated itself & it's members/supporters with the Honesty & the Guts, It & we all deserve. Show some spine.

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I like his directness.

I like his emphasis on a game plan built from defence.

I like his firm hand and uncompromising manner.

I like the fact that he is not very likable - he comes across as deadpan and terse.

But I will not/cannot put myself through the ringer for another coach until I see MFC playing finals type football through the season, where winning becomes the weekly normal. What I like or dislike about a coach is becoming decreasingly important to me. I want results. I want my four kids to feel proud of wearing the jumper, and not be the butt of jokes for other mongrel clubs. Until this happens I will not become a fan, of buy in, or any other term.

When it all boils down, how good a coach is he actually? We will have a clearer picture by about round 11 or 14. Until then, I withold any conclusion on Mark Neeld.

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i think many are just afraid at admitting that we need to undergo another mini re-build. Not the likes of 08/09, but one all the same. "we're perpetually re-building" they think. Well, time for home-truths. What DB and Co were planning wasn't working, in fact it seems like it's done more damage than good.

I want to see my team in the finals again. What i don't want to see, is for us to be a finals regular but only good enough for semi's. Building on what we have now would just be covering up the cracks. We need to re-lay some of the foundations. If we want to be a serious threat, we need to do things right. It's funny how the right way is usually the harder way. I'm young enough to feel like i have a good chance at witnessing a premiership, my 51 year old dad however, is this close to just not giving a damn. All the same and with due respect to him, taking the easier option and believing what we have is enough with a few bells and whistles, will ultimately have us end up right where we started.

Do it right. If it takes a little bit longer, then so be it. Anything worth doing, is worth doing right.

Yes, there is no shortcut to the Premiership. And there's no short cut around the truth, because their nearly one in the same.

The tests provided will see the Honest prevail, for they will have faced they're Demons.

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I like his directness.

I like his emphasis on a game plan built from defence.

I like his firm hand and uncompromising manner.

I like the fact that he is not very likable - he comes across as deadpan and terse.

But I will not/cannot put myself through the ringer for another coach until I see MFC playing finals type football through the season, where winning becomes the weekly normal. What I like or dislike about a coach is becoming decreasingly important to me. I want results. I want my four kids to feel proud of wearing the jumper, and not be the butt of jokes for other mongrel clubs. Until this happens I will not become a fan, of buy in, or any other term.

When it all boils down, how good a coach is he actually? We will have a clearer picture by about round 11 or 14. Until then, I withold any conclusion on Mark Neeld.

Extremely well said Maldonboy

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warched the third quarter again on foxtel and we were so predictable, kicking out to the same side every time running the ball along the boundary and bombing it in to a congested forward line, add to that the delay in bringing on Bate and I think Neeld has some way to go. I think he is the right guy, love his hard edge, too simplisitic to blame davey green and co though.

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Agreed it should be Investigated Inhouse, and by the Club & the Leadership group. And when they find the Truth, it should be dealt with by the Leadership group in conjunction with the club.

IF, the club person is found to be guilty in any Malicious way, Then they should be sacked Immediately & the truth made Public to all Members...

It is time that the MFC treated itself & it's members/supporters with the Honesty & the Guts, It & we all deserve. Show some spine.

I actually meant my post about the effort last Saturday, but it does apply to the other current situation also

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it's not like Buddy Franklin is pushing for selection. If he sticks to his guns and drops a bunch of them he has to bring some extremely ordinary footballers, and you would expect next week's result to read extraordinary bad as a result. It's already going to be bad but we're talking baaaaad. He's not in a good spot.

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it's not like Buddy Franklin is pushing for selection. If he sticks to his guns and drops a bunch of them he has to bring some extremely ordinary footballers, and you would expect next week's result to read extraordinary bad as a result. It's already going to be bad but we're talking baaaaad. He's not in a good spot.

You never know, good ol Dunny brush has had a few good games for us when fired up, and I dare say he'll play this week, maybe as a sub.

And in a way, I guess we might kind of sacrifice this week for the sake of a lasting message about effort.

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