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Jack Watts


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They were made after the game.

Matthews is just trying to get himself noticed. He was shouting down Watts last year and is just perpetuating the myth this year.

The bloke is off the mark here and will (im sure) be reminded of it down the track, only to try and twist it into something else.

Its just like he played footy, a great player but prone to throwing cheap shots.

I think Matthews is the only person in Australia who saw Jack Watts last weekend and couldn't see he had immense talent and enourmous upside/potential.

His logic is so rediculous and counter intuitive

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Guest Rojik of the Arctic

What can I say? A lot of non-Melbourne want him to fail because if he does they won't have to worry about him smashing their teams for the next decade. The backline is looking nice and should only get better, the mids will get a hell of a lot better and the forward line (on paper) looks like it will be very good in a couple of years. Of course they want him to fail.

But I don't care about the opinions of the so-called experts. They are wrong more often as they are right, and most of them are reactionary bandwagon jumpers. I know what I have seen of Jack gives me a lot to look forward too and I will enjoy watching Matthews and co try and explain their earlier comments when he starts winning games off his own boot.

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Matthews toned down his thoughts about Watts in his AFL.com article that came out yesterday, but I really wonder about the bloke sometimes. Matty Richardson was slightly more complimentary, but not a great deal. It was almost like he just toed the line with Matthews. He gave Watts game 5 out of 10, which was fair enough. He said that Saturday was the first time he'd actually seen Watts "show something".

Haven't you noticed him being given the Leigh Matthews apprenticeship..?

You never see one without the other, whether it be AFL Gameday, the Bounce, on the radio.

Richo seems a nice guy, but he's a bit of a puppet really.

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Matthews seems to be getting a bit Sheedy-like in his old age then. Respect level down to -ve values.

BTW, anyone see Sheedy's latest senile ramblings in the paper about GWS teenagers and a whole lot of other garbage bagging Richmond for no apparent reason other than because his mind is jumbled? This man has absolutely lost his marbles. How can a paper in all seriousness pay that guy to write anything? And how can a fledgling club like GWS put their faith in a guy who can't string coherent sentences together anymore? Stunning really.

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The Age journo Emma Quayle, who spends a great deal of her time writing about the draft and young players, tweeted this about Matthew on Watts:

emmasq What the hell is Leigh Matthews' problem with Jack Watts? He had a go last year too. Ridiculous.
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I'm calling it now. Natanui will go down in history as the most over rated athelete in AFL history. Watts on the other hand will likely win a Norm Smith Medal. If Natanui was a freckly white boy he wouldh've been a second round pick at best. (No offence intended to freckly white boys, including myself)

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I'm calling it now. Natanui will go down in history as the most over rated athelete in AFL history. Watts on the other hand will likely win a Norm Smith Medal. If Natanui was a freckly white boy he wouldh've been a second round pick at best. (No offence intended to freckly white boys, including myself)

Aren't freak athletes with little to no football background generally Rookied?

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As I was leaving the stadium I tuned in to AW and they were just starting to talk about Watts. Shane Healy was overly keen to get Matthews' opinion. Btw, does Shane Healy annoy the hell out of anyone else ? Anyway, he originally asked for a mark out of 10, but Matthews didn't want to go down that path. Matthews decided to grade him, or any other young player mentioned, as either 1, 2, or 3. 'One' was for a "good AFL player now", and he put Jack Grimes in that category, 'two' was "may become a good AFL player" and 'three' was "not likely to become a good AFL player". Matthews graded Watts bewteen 2 and 3. Healy repeated the question, "so you'd put Jack between not a good player now and may not become one ?" to wit Matthews replied, "yes, at best".

I couldn't really believe what I was hearing. I understood why he was saying that Watts had a "flanker's" body during the game, even though I was annoyed when he said he'd "hardly" bulked up from last year, but his comments after the game really riled me.

Matthews toned down his thoughts about Watts in his AFL.com article that came out yesterday, but I really wonder about the bloke sometimes. Matty Richardson was slightly more complimentary, but not a great deal. It was almost like he just toed the line with Matthews. He gave Watts game 5 out of 10, which was fair enough. He said that Saturday was the first time he'd actually seen Watts "show something".

Matthews really is a [censored]. He's not a stupid [censored], because he can offer very good insight. But he's either got something against Watts, or doesn't like Melb. Having heard that he doesn't rate our clubs golden era due to our advantages of playing on our home ground at the G I suspect it's the latter.


"Yes, at best.." - That comment riles me.

Matthews must have Peter Giles on his mind or something. Maybe it is Melbourne.

Did Matthews ever make odd comments before he became coach at Brisbane ? Perhaps, he is planting a seed and angling for another stint as coach...although, I think his goose is almost cooked.

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I'm calling it now. Natanui will go down in history as the most over rated athelete in AFL history. Watts on the other hand will likely win a Norm Smith Medal. If Natanui was a freckly white boy he wouldh've been a second round pick at best. (No offence intended to freckly white boys, including myself)

So u think because of his colour and hair is the only thing that gets people excited. Come on the guy is exciting too watch and has the potential to be a good (maybe not great) afl footballer, time will tell of course but the kid looks the goods in my opinion. Funny thing is if we drafted nicnat with pick one (yes I know what ifs, but I beleive it was a close decision) how would you and alll the other MFC nicnat haters rate him?

Anyway I liked watts game on the weekend and he should take away some confidents from his first 2010 game.

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We may win a flag because of Jack Watts plus team. I don't think NicNat plus team would give us the same chance.

We've heard of Jack being likened to Saint Nick, but I liked hearing Kev Bartlet and Pat Smith comparing him to a veryy very young James Hird - multi skills, ( Quick creative hands, two nice clean contested marks, super clean pick up from his ankles, and of course 90% shot on goals from 55 metres, not to mention speed. So we lost the game, but the fire is lit. One week at a time the kids have been showing their talent, Trengove Rising Star, Skulls Rising Star, Jack Watts super talents, Jack Grimes better than Gibbs even now, wait to see Gysbert......I'm Drouling.

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Don't even like giving posts like these oxygen. Whoever made the original post seemed like they didn't even attend the game little lone watch it. Im also assuming they haven't seen his 3 games last year or his Casey Scorpian games this year.

If your that concerned, buy a West Coast Eagles membership and jump on the Nic Nat bandwagon.

Uneducated comments are embarrassing!

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The Age journo Emma Quayle, who spends a great deal of her time writing about the draft and young players, tweeted this about Matthew on Watts:

emmasq What the hell is Leigh Matthews' problem with Jack Watts? He had a go last year too. Ridiculous.

I remember thinking last year that the Brisbane Lions had started a concerted (but completely unnecessary) campaign for Daniel Rich to win the Rising Star and at about the same time Matthews put down Jack repeatedly. Coincidence?

Either way, Matthews seems confident that he can judge a players weaknesses, current ability and entire career based on 5 minutes - or even one piece - of play. Jamie Bennell can look forward to a career of 'lacking awareness' and Jack will forever be 'more of a flanker'.

As long as they lack awareness and are more of a flanker in a couple of premierships, I can live with Matthews senile 'expert' commentary.

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I remember thinking last year that the Brisbane Lions had started a concerted (but completely unnecessary) campaign for Daniel Rich to win the Rising Star and at about the same time Matthews put down Jack repeatedly. Coincidence?

Either way, Matthews seems confident that he can judge a players weaknesses, current ability and entire career based on 5 minutes - or even one piece - of play. Jamie Bennell can look forward to a career of 'lacking awareness' and Jack will forever be 'more of a flanker'.

As long as they lack awareness and are more of a flanker in a couple of premierships, I can live with Matthews senile 'expert' commentary.

these commentators (Matthews, Parkin etc) are paid to fill gaps by talking continuously across a broad range of (sometimes loosely) AFL related topics. Whilst they may put some reasonable level of research into some of it, they can't possibly be across all of it, so a lot of what comes out of their mouths is going to be S^%&t.

Probably more just waffling crap than a conspiracy.

I hope Jack has a thick skin.

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Bennell kicked the ball WAY too late, he could've hit Jack in stride about 20m out from goal, but by the time he'd taken a bounce and kept running Jack was in the goalsquare with no more space to lead back to and the kick wasn't so much a pass as a shanked shot at goal as a result of indecision.

The ball wound up hooking viciously away over the opposite shoulder to what Jack had been calling over and dipping towards the far behind post when Jack was in the goalsquare moving towards the near goalpost. Frankly, it was a remarkable display of his agility that he even managed to get hands to it.

I 100% agree with your recollection of this passage of play. I remember thinking at the time,"Come on Jamie kick the freaking thing to Jack....Kick it now....Kick it now.... Bloody kick it to him!". And then he shanked the shot at goal which just happened to go in Jack's area.

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these commentators (Matthews, Parkin etc) are paid to fill gaps by talking continuously across a broad range of (sometimes loosely) AFL related topics. Whilst they may put some reasonable level of research into some of it, they can't possibly be across all of it, so a lot of what comes out of their mouths is going to be S^%&t.

Probably more just waffling crap than a conspiracy.

You're probably right.

I'm confident that Watts will be very good player for us. I also can't wait for Matthews viewpoint to change week by week, month by month, year by year. Sure, he is doing his job and part of that job is to make interesting objective comments that spark interest. However, he is on record as an "expert commentator" and this one IMO stinks. Over time he'll change his mind, thanks to Jack.

Remember Dermie's comment on Hird when he was on the comeback from his foot injury. Whilst Dermott is considered an A class a-hole by many, his job was to make comment. He made an observation on Hird at a time when Hird was progressing back from an inconsistent time through injury (serious foot injury), lack of fitness; consistent footy. He even did his hamstring if I recall correctly not long after Dermott's observation, and was distressed at Dermott's comments at the time. Not alot agreed with Dermott's assessment at the time and in due course, Hird proved him wrong with consistent high level footy once injury free. Why did Dermott make that comment ? Was it his massive dislike for Essendon ? Some may have thought that at the time. Perhaps it's a Hawthorn trait, like Matthews, they see things differently ? Who knows ?! Different scenario though, in that Hird was already an established player, whereas Watts is just starting out, but you get the gist of what a commentators job is...to provide insightful opinions which invariably sometimes makes headlines and plenty of discussion.

J.Watts will be fine. The support of his teammates and the more games he will get under his belt, his confidence will grow. It will be fantastic to see both he and Jurrah roaming the forward line. Keen supporters will have plenty to see. So too, will Mr.L.Matthews. I can already hear Matthews now...."I'm vewy vewy sowwy Hannabal."

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Eight hundred and forty posts!!!!!! FFS! Havent we all said enough already?

i want to see it get to a thousand! he's played four games and has 840 post's on him. just based on that alone he must be going to be a superstar! lol

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i want to see it get to a thousand! he's played four games and has 840 post's on him. just based on that alone he must be going to be a superstar! lol

No... based on that alone he is going to be the most talked about player on our list.

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Eight hundred and forty posts!!!!!! FFS! Havent we all said enough already?

I feel compelled to reply to this type of post. Clearly we HAVEN't said enough yet, because IF we had then people WOULD stop writing about him. So if you have no interest go elsewhere on this site. There are plenty of other interesting topics to read about such as the re-signing of a few of our young indigenous stars or the unfortunate injury to Brock etc.

So many people have commented in this thread about how unnecessarily long it is, yet so many people seem to want to read and post more. So how are all these people not justified in commenting on Jack Watts? He is newsworthy. He just made his 2010 debut. People are talking about him in the media. Commentators are split in their opinions...

So once again, NO, WE HAVEN'T YET SAID ENOUGH AND WE WILL CONTINUE THIS THREAD UNTIL PEOPLE LOSE INTEREST AND STOP POSTING!!! Because that is what this forum is here for. When you want to contribute to a debate, we will be happy to hear your thoughts on Jack Watts or any other topic in this forum.

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Guest Rojik of the Arctic

Who is this Jack Watts you are all talking about? They need to put him in the papers so he can get some more exposure.

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I feel compelled to reply to this type of post. Clearly we HAVEN't said enough yet, because IF we had then people WOULD stop writing about him. So if you have no interest go elsewhere on this site. There are plenty of other interesting topics to read about such as the re-signing of a few of our young indigenous stars or the unfortunate injury to Brock etc.

So many people have commented in this thread about how unnecessarily long it is, yet so many people seem to want to read and post more. So how are all these people not justified in commenting on Jack Watts? He is newsworthy. He just made his 2010 debut. People are talking about him in the media. Commentators are split in their opinions...

So once again, NO, WE HAVEN'T YET SAID ENOUGH AND WE WILL CONTINUE THIS THREAD UNTIL PEOPLE LOSE INTEREST AND STOP POSTING!!! Because that is what this forum is here for. When you want to contribute to a debate, we will be happy to hear your thoughts on Jack Watts or any other topic in this forum.

Now now pringle, no need to shout. I think you might need a little lie down. The JW hysteria is starting to get to you.

Please forgive me for not looking at all 23 pages to see whether anyone else had made note of the 'broken record' thread that this is.

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well by geez, this kid must be important to the club ? Get a load of the size of this thread, hey Arthur Dent ?

Never doubted this kid. If he was drafted after pick 20, we would all be beside ourselves.

james Hird never faced such scrutiny when he started to perform after a couple of years. Probably had something to do with him being picked up so late in the draft.

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