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Don't wait for the Ball!!

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On at least two occasions on Friday night, I saw Melbourne players stand still, waiting for an accurate pass to hit them on the chest.

It was obvious to observers in the stands that an Ess. opponent was closing in. If our player took just 2 steps forward, a clear mark would have resulted, rather than the effective spoil.

It's probably a result of a lack of confidence, like the hesitancy to play on after a mark, or to take a quick kick-in.

Did any other Demonlanders notice these incidents?


Yes, and don't handball/kick the ball at a player flat footed.

Most of essendon's movement and pace was created because they kicked to allow the recieving player to run onto it, too often our players look like they are ust trying to get rid of the ball without any consideration to how it will be recieved.

On at least two occasions on Friday night, I saw Melbourne players stand still, waiting for an accurate pass to hit them on the chest.

It was obvious to observers in the stands that an Ess. opponent was closing in. If our player took just 2 steps forward, a clear mark would have resulted, rather than the effective spoil.

It's probably a result of a lack of confidence, like the hesitancy to play on after a mark, or to take a quick kick-in.

Did any other Demonlanders notice these incidents?

Yes. A couple were also caused by the teammate who was kicking the ball. It's a team game, things can also be attributed to the ball carrier 'telegraphing' the pass (ie. taking too many steps before kicking, and allowing the opposition to read the play and engage in intercept) or not kicking it to the advantage of his teammate. ie. The fat side; or in front where his teammate would prefer it.

I'm tipping no footballer wants it kicked straight to him by a teammate with the ball given 'airtime' or no penetration, leaving him to be a sitting duck for the opposition to pounce and/or hurt him in the process. In the end, it could well hurt the team just by the turnover itself. As it did on Friday night.


Cam Bruce was interviewed on Radio on the weekend. To me he made two startling statements, in response to questions about the team's performance on Friday night.

Firstly, he was asked about the apparent 3rd quarter fade outs. Admittedly, I am am paraphrasing him, but the gist of his answer was like this. We just don't seem to come out after the main break with focus and the right level of intensity To which I ask, why is that so?'

The second issue focussed on the turnovers from Melbourne kick-outs. Cam said we don't provide moving targets and therefore don't break up the opposition zone. Fletcher was then able to set up the "wall" and we just couldn't get through . To which I ask, why is that so? CB is a senior player (albeit on the decline), but he has some mates around him who are also senior and should bloody well know better. Accept for Greeny's gutsy effort (yet again) running back with the flight of the ball, I saw nothing like it from the other "senior" players. Why?

Once again, I accept we are re-building, I accept we have a lot of inexperience with the new guys, but to me, there is no excuse, for any footy club, to not have a red hot go, when the game is on the line

We are better than what we are showing and I'm sick of being the laughing stock. Things will not get better before the year is out, unless something changes, within.

Cam Bruce was interviewed on Radio on the weekend. To me he made two startling statements, in response to questions about the team's performance on Friday night.

Firstly, he was asked about the apparent 3rd quarter fade outs. Admittedly, I am am paraphrasing him, but the gist of his answer was like this. We just don't seem to come out after the main break with focus and the right level of intensity To which I ask, why is that so?'

The second issue focussed on the turnovers from Melbourne kick-outs. Cam said we don't provide moving targets and therefore don't break up the opposition zone. Fletcher was then able to set up the "wall" and we just couldn't get through . To which I ask, why is that so? CB is a senior player (albeit on the decline), but he has some mates around him who are also senior and should bloody well know better. Accept for Greeny's gutsy effort (yet again) running back with the flight of the ball, I saw nothing like it from the other "senior" players. Why?

The first point is a matter for the coaching staff in a big way. It is an issue that needs to be addressed urgently!

2nd point, we have been doing that for 2 or 3 seasons. You see it every week where we can work the ball to certain spots on the ground but then we have no movement fwd of the ball. Maybe it is to do with the zones and players just seem to stand in "holes" in the zones and want the ball delivered to them but I would have thought as I was taught you lead up through the zone and try and create space behind you for another fwd if you don't get the ball.


Flat-footedness is a huge problem at this club. Too often the player waits for the ball to come to them. And we all know of our problems when kicking out.

Winning mightn't be the highest priority for the next 10 weeks, but those 10 matches should be used to practice simple things like providing moving targets and working on a way to move the ball from full back to full forward.

We just love kicking and handballing to stationary targets.

It all relates to confidence. The hesitancy has its roots in the fear of making an error and guess what, if you think you might, frequently the outcome is that you do. This fear infects the way the whole team plays.

Luckily confidence, when it comes, is similarly infectious.


anyone at the game would have seen how early the melbourne side came out before 3 quarter time. they were made to do some run throughs and warm up drills for 4-5 minutes before essendon ran out.

the coaching staff were trying to get the boys back and ready to hit the quarter, to get the first 5 minutes over and done with in the warm ups.

it didn't work.

I am starting to suspect that the 3rd quarter is a player mentality. they expect to get smashed in the third quarter, and therefore it happens. it has come a habbit that they can't break.

I'm tipping no footballer wants it kicked straight to him by a teammate with the ball given 'airtime' or no penetration, leaving him to be a sitting duck for the opposition to pounce and/or hurt him in the process. In the end, it could well hurt the team just by the turnover itself. As it did on Friday night.

The occassions I can remember were all times where the Melbourne player could have pushed towards the ball while it was in flight, but instead they stood and waited for the ball. Regardless of whether the kick was telegraphed, there was ample opportunity for the receiver to move towards the ball and thus ensure it would not get cut off.



Things Are Nearly Kosher ;)

If that is indeed the case, it is a sad day for the MFC. Bailey would deny the assertion.

Of course he would...and so he should.

In reality it was more a jibe at the clubs ability than any actual directive.

There are certain reailites, some call them "elephants' etc that cant be ignored. We NEED those two picks..and we need then as 1 and 2 to get best effect for US !! Scwabby knows it, Cuddles knows it, Jimma knows it , just about every journo knows it..and we know it...so Id probaly bet the house it hasnt escaped Bailey either. Thing is he cant come right out and say it. His job is to coach and portray a positive demeanor whilst rallying the team to higher climes etc. but he know it as well as anyone.

Is he telling anyone to tank...(hmm whats left )..will bet the car he isnt. However you can pickj and choose your team for effect and give some "constraints" to on field roles etc.

The other reality is at present in the grand scheme of things we arent that flash either.

Bailey constantly refers to poor decisions etc. We make a lot of them . Not leading properly might well be one. Not kicking to the right 'spots' might be another .

In a nutshell we are simply far from polished !!!

Of course he would...and so he should.

In reality it was more a jibe at the clubs ability than any actual directive.

There are certain reailites, some call them "elephants' etc that cant be ignored. We NEED those two picks..and we need then as 1 and 2 to get best effect for US !! Scwabby knows it, Cuddles knows it, Jimma knows it , just about every journo knows it..and we know it...so Id probaly bet the house it hasnt escaped Bailey either. Thing is he cant come right out and say it. His job is to coach and portray a positive demeanor whilst rallying the team to higher climes etc. but he know it as well as anyone.

Is he telling anyone to tank...(hmm whats left )..will bet the car he isnt. However you can pickj and choose your team for effect and give some "constraints" to on field roles etc.

The other reality is at present in the grand scheme of things we arent that flash either.

Bailey constantly refers to poor decisions etc. We make a lot of them . Not leading properly might well be one. Not kicking to the right 'spots' might be another .

In a nutshell we are simply far from polished !!!

We lack a far more important things than those. You can't see it, you can't touch it and you can't smell it, but it is just as important as top draft picks. It's called spirit ---------- team spirit.

Are we the only bloody young side in the league that has had major playing list deficiencies in the last 5 years? Despite the beltings that Hawthorn and Carlton were copping, it was clear that the fabric of the clubs remained strong. Clarkson for instance was ready for the heave ho in some peoples' eyes, but he was passionate and the supporters could see the passion. Where's our passion?

Are we the only bloody young side in the league that has had major playing list deficiencies in the last 5 years? Despite the beltings that Hawthorn and Carlton were copping, it was clear that the fabric of the clubs remained strong.

Yes. Well nbot true actually. We are closer to Carlton than Hawthorn, who had a group of senior players to help the youngsters on. croad, dew, guarerra, mitchell, osbourne, williams, and craw last year. a few other continued playing while the list was developing (vandenberg). We don't have any senior players playing with leadership and experience.

Carlton had the same hole we have. They recruited Judd and Stevens, houlihan and waite have come on.

We lack a far more important things than those. You can't see it, you can't touch it and you can't smell it, but it is just as important as top draft picks. It's called spirit ---------- team spirit.

Are we the only bloody young side in the league that has had major playing list deficiencies in the last 5 years? Despite the beltings that Hawthorn and Carlton were copping, it was clear that the fabric of the clubs remained strong. Clarkson for instance was ready for the heave ho in some peoples' eyes, but he was passionate and the supporters could see the passion. Where's our passion?

A few facts Iva.

Hawthorn did not have the passion for Clarkson as they only gave him two years after making a meal of the recruitment process which left them behind the 8ball at the time where it was Clarkson and very little else. They had missed out on Wallet and got Clarko. Fate is wonderful.

When the Hawks "bottomed out" they already had the largesse emerging in the 1999 and 2001 drafts. They had tradeable senior players who drew draft picks from other Clubs.... Hay, Thompson and Everitt to further sweeten the list and they also had a raft of selections in the top 10 of the 2004 draft.

Now Carlton....the fabric of that Club remained strong... Your kidding me???? Within and outside the Club, people recognised that Carlton were absolutely fvcked. They were only saved by Pratt's largesse and a blind eye from the AFL as they plotted to throw games to gain the priority pick to trade for the orchestra vaudeville called recruit Judd. Salary Cap questions, throwing games, having a Club President who due to an outrageous and illegal price fixing scandal was not of a good character for them to maintain a pokies licence. In a long lineage of CFC president who had criminal records, Pratt represented the grotty fabric of that Club. Oh yes...He did have money. No wonder they fawned in memory of him. Its a stand there that just wont fade.

And our legacy list deficiencies together with our parlous financial position and our lack of facilities (short a billionaire or two) puts us further behind the other Clubs you mention.

And our legacy list deficiencies together with our parlous financial position and our lack of facilities (short a billionaire or two) puts us further behind the other Clubs you mention.

Legacy list left by none other than Neale Daniher. He squeezed every last drop out of his list and went top heavy with older players such as Clint Bizzell, Byron Pickett, Ben Holland, Peter Vardy. Who did he deveop? It's no wonder Brett Ratten had disagreements with him.

Then he left a team mid season.....he knew where the team was headed with it's list and put it in the too hard basket when he realised redeveloping the list was the next move.

A few facts Iva.

Hawthorn did not have the passion for Clarkson as they only gave him two years after making a meal of the recruitment process which left them behind the 8ball at the time where it was Clarkson and very little else. They had missed out on Wallet and got Clarko. Fate is wonderful.

When the Hawks "bottomed out" they already had the largesse emerging in the 1999 and 2001 drafts. They had tradeable senior players who drew draft picks from other Clubs.... Hay, Thompson and Everitt to further sweeten the list and they also had a raft of selections in the top 10 of the 2004 draft.

Now Carlton....the fabric of that Club remained strong... Your kidding me???? Within and outside the Club, people recognised that Carlton were absolutely fvcked. They were only saved by Pratt's largesse and a blind eye from the AFL as they plotted to throw games to gain the priority pick to trade for the orchestra vaudeville called recruit Judd. Salary Cap questions, throwing games, having a Club President who due to an outrageous and illegal price fixing scandal was not of a good character for them to maintain a pokies licence. In a long lineage of CFC president who had criminal records, Pratt represented the grotty fabric of that Club. Oh yes...He did have money. No wonder they fawned in memory of him. Its a stand there that just wont fade.

And our legacy list deficiencies together with our parlous financial position and our lack of facilities (short a billionaire or two) puts us further behind the other Clubs you mention.

In terms of your points about Clarkson, that is precisely what I was saying. He was for the heave ho, but for whatever reason, stayed on, took the bit between the teeth, was passionate about the job and instilled it into his playing list.

In terms of Carlton, you are talking about "off field" stuff. I am talking about the "Navy Blue" player spirit. In my mind, despite the odd billionaire, the Carlton faithful, which are legion, would have rallied in any event. Your "editorial" on a man's character is mis-placed in the context I am speaking about.

What year was it again? Carlton were woeful and there was talk of us being a top 4 side. Carlton beat us twice that year. With all the off field crap, the Carlton players, even with the obvious list deficiencies played for the jumper.

Once again, it seems I have to repeat myself. I am under no illusion as to what is required to make the Dees successful on the field. But that acknowledgement does not diminish the gross lack of on field spirit we currently display. Read my previous post on Cam Bruce's radio interview on the weekend.

No more excuses.

In terms of your points about Clarkson, that is precisely what I was saying. He was for the heave ho, but for whatever reason, stayed on, took the bit between the teeth, was passionate about the job and instilled it into his playing list.

He was never going and it was obvious given the rebuild that 2 years was not enough. He knew like the Club knew they had a window of opportunity opening up and they got there 3 years early.

In terms of Carlton, you are talking about "off field" stuff. I am talking about the "Navy Blue" player spirit. In my mind, despite the odd billionaire, the Carlton faithful, which are legion, would have rallied in any event. Your "editorial" on a man's character is mis-placed in the context I am speaking about.

Wrong. Its both on and off field and you cant divorce it. Pull the other one sbout Navy Blue Player spirit. With Fevola, Angwin, O'Halpin. Carlton were stuffed. My assessment of Pratt was very relevant about the fabric of the Club. Elliott, Rice and Harris have all had very dodgy business records. Pratt resigned as President because his record did not stand in good stead to renew a gaming licence. It speaks very much to the fabric of the Club.

What year was it again? Carlton were woeful and there was talk of us being a top 4 side. Carlton beat us twice that year. With all the off field crap, the Carlton players, even with the obvious list deficiencies played for the jumper.

2006. MFC were never a top 4 side and that should highlight that at our best we were gap fillers in September. It should highlight the warning signs then for MFC. Carlton did not have to do much either game as they could have played for baked beans. They were our two worst performances for that year. Context and perspective are not your strong points.

Once again, it seems I have to repeat myself. I am under no illusion as to what is required to make the Dees successful on the field. But that acknowledgement does not diminish the gross lack of on field spirit we currently display. Read my previous post on Cam Bruce's radio interview on the weekend.

We have had leadership problem at this Club for the past 5 years or longer. And we are paying the price of the list issues made years ago. We have got kids out there who are busting a gut but without the guidance and assurance and experience of capable and reliable senior players. We need to mature these kids quick as best we can. Unfortunatley the culture base we had 2 to 3 years ago has made this process start at point zero. As for Cam Bruce. Not a leader on or off the field. Its a pity that we are reduced to media spokespersons for the players being either Bruce or Robbo

No more excuses.

RAH RAH RAH. That's the spirit!


RR, let's make you coach, footy manager and Prez. You know everything and won't tolerate a dissenting point of view.

I will always follow the Dees, but unlike you, I will not tolerate mediocrity and hide behind feeble excuses. Seems the bulk of the football world are mis-guided according to you. The heat will come on a lot more as we wearily approach the end of the season.

This is a bloody forum and I am entitled to my opinion, as you are entitled to disagree with it, but your condescending stand point is not edifying for anybody.

Despite all your excuses, my main point is that the situation the MFC currently finds itself in, is not unique and we all should stop trying to make it so.

RR, let's make you coach, footy manager and Prez. You know everything and won't tolerate a dissenting point of view.

Always like some facts Iva. Not your fiction and revisionism.

I will always follow the Dees, but unlike you, I will not tolerate mediocrity and hide behind feeble excuses. Seems the bulk of the football world are mis-guided according to you. The heat will come on a lot more as we wearily approach the end of the season.

When you dont have facts then rolling out a cliche does not hide. And I can assure you Iva I have less tolerance for mediocrity than you but I take the time to understand the issues behind the facade.

This is a bloody forum and I am entitled to my opinion, as you are entitled to disagree with it, but your condescending stand point is not edifying for anybody.

Sorry Iva. Your penchant for rattling cliches adds little of substance to debate.

Despite all your excuses, my main point is that the situation the MFC currently finds itself in, is not unique and we all should stop trying to make it so.

And as I have show you greatly mistaken in your main point on a number of fronts and you cant seem to work that out. But its good you dont tolerate mediocrity.

Always like some facts Iva. Not your fiction and revisionism.

When you dont have facts then rolling out a cliche does not hide. And I can assure you Iva I have less tolerance for mediocrity than you but I take the time to understand the issues behind the facade.

Sorry Iva. Your penchant for rattling cliches adds little of substance to debate.

And as I have show you greatly mistaken in your main point on a number of fronts and you cant seem to work that out. But its good you dont tolerate mediocrity.

1.Cliche!!!!!! Simply being dismissive.

2.Mate, I have been a member of this club for 39 years. I was there in '64. Believe me, I have taken plenty of "time to understand the issues".

3.Sorry RR, your holier than thou stance is the biggest cliche of all.

4.I stand by my original points. Our situation is not unique and your position only seeks to provide further excuses for failure.

We lack a far more important things than those. You can't see it, you can't touch it and you can't smell it, but it is just as important as top draft picks. It's called spirit ---------- team spirit.

Are we the only bloody young side in the league that has had major playing list deficiencies in the last 5 years? Despite the beltings that Hawthorn and Carlton were copping, it was clear that the fabric of the clubs remained strong. Clarkson for instance was ready for the heave ho in some peoples' eyes, but he was passionate and the supporters could see the passion. Where's our passion?

Under Daniher the team had spirit, but that didn't make them put the head over the ball nor demand themselves take another step up in all aspects of their game.

Under Bailey things have changed, Green, Moloney & to a lesser extent, Bruce have improved their games around physical commitment & leadership.

IMO the best force for improvement in a footy team is fighting for your position in the team. (Not the list, as this creates selfish survival mechanisms) Competition for your spot in the team creates higher efforts & rewards.

Keep recruiting early, DEES.


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