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Everything posted by Bigred

  1. Enjoyed the game. Not a fan of the conferences but the format will evolve. A 50 m penalty is a huge deal in the game go dees
  2. From one BigRed to another Gingers rule!
  3. I was surprised. Fall on the outreached hand and pain+++ in the wrist like that is a scaphoid fracture until proven otherwise... Saving grace was he really didn't seem to us that hand much when he went back out... he couldn't.
  4. The Clash hat! Brilliant! I give it 2 rounds before the AFL says.... you can’t wear those colours. It clashes with Phil Narkle’s!
  5. Do we bother playing a 4th quarter?
  6. If I was picked for aflx i would do a hamstring
  7. I completely get this THIS is a thread... Irony, humour, a little touch af anxiety as we open the thread and then a silly red and blue mess of a cake from one of our favourites.... We laugh and relax ..... and its back to the serious business of life! I could not be more confident about this year But that cake is [censored] and obviously his heart is not in it..... He’s gone !!!! Sydney can have him!
  8. Why not.........'KocKa' Yes, ....No, ....Dust?
  9. Spot on Mr Hood ‘Chaos’ is an oversimplifiction of course, but skilled players down the spine are critical whatever you call you game plan.. We are not far off. Maturity, some improved strength, height and marking in the back half and we will be there. Anything can happen, but I reckon we are 2 key players and 1 to 2 years maturity away from being in a position to winning this. Good game today, well done Eagles. But the King is dead. Long live the King. Ie us,.
  10. Go go Texas Who would have thought
  11. That was marvellous I agree. Certainly worth a listen The lead up to the interview and the list of departed demons was very moving.
  12. Rational explanation and calm reasoning such as this is simply unacceptable at Finals time! My son got 4 good tickets at 9.15. I wonder if there is an advantage in going straight in to premierticketek.com.au and not going via the club or afl site?? Not sure what made it so straight forward for him
  13. Of course you are right. An overreaction on my part.
  14. Mixed messages That was a careless and dangerous bump. Talk is about did his head hit the shoulder or did the head hit the ground. Irrelevant. The bump caused the hit. That was as dangerous as a punch but I doubt will get the same press, revulsion, or weeks. And not even a free kick. StK gets the free kick and a goal. That was poor all around. Protect the head?.... an empty commitment.
  15. Unfortunately its 14 wins against us, 0 losses Amazing and time to stop
  16. John Townsend. My PE teacher at a private school in Heyington that rhymes with St Kevin’s. Nice bloke. If I’d known how famous he was at the time I would have climbed that damn rope! Bloke called Morewood in my year, I wander what he went on to do? Good player at school
  17. Much worse than Bugg. Six weeks for Bugg always seemed harsh. This has to be more ... 8weeks. In suburban footy it would be a season or worse
  18. I must respond The question is a tautology Redheads ARE the best players for Melbourne and the best redhead will be Clayton Oliver
  19. Not a bad argument. Certainly makes us all feel better!
  20. Neeld asked Wines who would you take if you were us and Wines said toumpas Yes folks it is that sad!
  21. I have it on very reliable authority he has decided to re-sign with Port Adelaide. We got the decision wrong, move on. Gee he would have been good for us .... shame
  22. Watching him up close (from behind the goals, not on the ground!) on Saturday, Jetta's ability to 'out manoeuvre' his opponent at the point of the ball arrival is outstanding. And all without getting a free against him. I thought he was BOG. His team mates must love him. What a star.
  23. Find that bloke, take him to the GF this year and repeat the following words ”we need to win this one!” and thank you in advance.
  24. Now that is what I call a helpful Demonland response! Enjoy the game Deemania
  25. Is there a word for, ....that feeling you have, .....when you have your own opinion on team selection, But you hold back on speaking up, ....because you trust the selectors, ........ and your angst is replaced .....with a new found faith in the team. Ill call it .... 'Ohmmmmm' (a throbbing chant in the tantric cross-legged position). And so I say. 'Ohmmmmmmmm' Translates as .... 'Do what you want my wonderful coaching panel , ....we trust in you!'
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