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Everything posted by Diamond_Jim

  1. Scully seems to handball first rather than kick. Gets it a lot but is not damaging as his handballs tonight have not released players. Like him or not Heath Shaw is a big part of this team. He has been well held so far.
  2. Is this game on HD? Have tried 70 and it is showing no signal. Is it possible that my TV has lost the signal since I installed it. Thanks Have answered this one.... somehow my TV has lost all its HD signals ........
  3. If Bulldogs win the big one then guess which club has gone the longest without a premiership ?
  4. CEO of EFC just reported as saying that Watson's decision to return to the club "is as close as they have ever been to closure on this matter." They don't get it !!
  5. No Saty this topic needs to keep being discussed until those at its centre recognise their total abrogation of responsibility. When that occurs we can gather the lessons learnt and move on. We and certainly the EFC and the AFL are not there yet by a long margin.
  6. Not sure how many of you have been following the sporting protests relating to "Black Deaths Matter" initiated by Colin Kapaernik of the NFL and now followed by others but that is an example of how it should be done when it comes to changing social values. Below is a good article about how the NBA are considering how to embrace this movement. https://www.theguardian.com/sport/blog/2016/sep/22/nba-black-players-protests-adam-silver-lebron-james Perhaps what I like about these protests is that they are player lead and come without the feeling that the league is just trying to be PC which is what I feel when I see the AFL adopting some causes.
  7. It is interesting that the Bulldogs are ahead of us on the 'handout list" but they can afford to field a stand alone VFL side. Perhaps MFC spends its money on other things or perhaps it is as simple as the fact that the MFC has no ground of its own on which its VFL club could play. (Although one would think there are several grounds available for sharing.)
  8. Not an unreasonable response Stuie. I would just be happier if anyone at the EFC said "I was wrong." As you say we should all learn from this saga but the "old boys" network is hard at work to paint it as a one off that may never have even happened
  9. I would assume that a professional sportsperson can easily keep a spreadsheet of what they are taking. Hell they measure the spoons of pasta for the dietician. They have well paid managers that can easily run these supplements by a third party if there is any concern. Remember these guys were being injected almost every day with what they cannot or would not say. Conveniently left it off their "drug" returns when tested. It goes on and on ...... They weren't lily white children that's for sure.
  10. It's not the person.... it is the failure to take responsibility and the playing of the victim card. These guys are full time professional sportsmen. Moreover Jobe as captain was in a particular leadership role which makes the action more irresponsible. Anyway as I said about Melksham the guys have served their suspension and deserve to return if they wish. That does not mean we should fawn over them.
  11. Ever notice that some of your dishes, especially those plastic ones, still come out a little wet? That’s where JET-DRY® comes to the rescue. It's a remarkable drying aid with 5x POWER ACTIONS that provide drier dishes with less spots and film than detergent alone – even on your plastics!
  12. Interesting snippet from the MFC article on the upcoming final: Plapp said coaching an aligned side was a tough, but rewarding job. “The biggest challenge we have is trying to spend so much time together and we’ve been able to do that in the last three weeks,” he said. “The first week of the finals is nearly the first time we actually got to train together. That’s probably one thing a lot of people on the outside wouldn’t realise about our group. It’s been a massive positive.” Is anyone aware of whether teams such as Footscray and Collingwood with integrated VFL sides do train together. Must be very helpful for consistency in game plans etc.
  13. The idea of Etihad (Docklands) was a good one as was its location. The execution was terrible. How many mistakes can a stadium designer make not to mention the ground managers. Remember the guy that told us that it would revolutionise how we went to the footy and that we had better get used to buying tickets in advance.....no more just walking up to the gate. (I think he lasted about 6 weeks.) What I find amusing was that when the stadium was built the land was dirt cheap yet today the stadium is so built out by surrounding developments it is almost an afterthought. We were so lucky that the city fathers (and mothers) of the turn of the 20th century had the foresight to provide that magnificent precinct which is now the MCG and its surrounds.
  14. The AFL have an option to buy Etihad. it is exercisable next year I think. Forget what radio show I was listening to but they seemed to think it a foregone conclusion that the AFL would exercise the option. Whether it would be sold for development or kept as a football stadium was the issue. Different clubs have different deals at Etihad but the ones held by the Bulldogs and probably the Saints are particularly poor.
  15. Well said LH. Must say I watched Dunn closely last Sunday to see if he was exhibiting the 'run on" style that the MFC are now playing. Like others I did not see it. In another post someone mentioned that he was playing more of a "back stop role." Others more familiar with Casey may like to comment as to whether he has shown success at the current MFC style and if as I suspect that success is limited I see little value in retaining Dunn. The senior player one is looking for is a Heath Shaw type ie one who can take the ball, run and deliver to advantage. (Sounds a little like Lamumba but that is the land of dreams perhaps.)
  16. The Peter Jackson suit ads were almost as famous as the Kevin Dennis car ads not to mention the Franco Cozzo...... "norta melbourne and foot- is- cray"
  17. For all those who were concerned by the rapid rise of GWS.... Kevin Sheedy has given us all some advice...... "Get a Life !!" http://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-09-19/get-a-life-sheedy-has-a-message-for-the-gws-haters/7858472
  18. Yes ... you are correct. Missed what happened to him but I noticed he was absent in the second half and then they showed him during the final quarter in the track suit on the bench.
  19. Salem until injured, Oliver, Dunn and a pass to Trengrove Did I miss any well performed MFC players. Not a great game by the rest. The Casey boys were very good.
  20. Must agree on today's performance. Also his round the ground play has been almost non -existent.
  21. Trengrove played better that quarter but still not well enough to say he has recovered to near AFL standard let alone to that of a automatic selection.
  22. Thanks.... my TV came up with HD Melbourne but it was showing nothing. I will try 70 next time thanks again
  23. on that note why weren't the AFL finals on HD (or were they)? Thought Ch 7 agreed to use its HD channel under last year's TV rights deal.
  24. Well it has started Eagles declare interest in Hogan............ well send us your best and brightest Weagles.... Nic Nat and Gawn would make an interesting combo http://www.theage.com.au/wa-news/eagles-boss-declares-interest-in-demons-star-jesse-hogan-20160918-griupi.html
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