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Everything posted by Diamond_Jim

  1. was thinking the same fascinating that the commentators made no comment
  2. Tex could go for that deliberate bump of player causing a collision with the goal post will be interesting
  3. the post is referring to a post that is in turn mentioning replacements for Tyson and Viney
  4. Let's face it we are looking at the bottom of the proverbial barrel and none of these players would have been given a look in had we not had the injuries. Hopefully they get us past the Blues and then we can slowly reset
  5. Viney and Tyson out and you replace them with Kent and Joel Smith ... fascinating selections ??
  6. Might get along if the day is sunny. A 1pm start makes that last quarter a little warmer. Did have a look at the place on Google maps. It makes Dandenong look like an inner suburb but that's Melbourne these days. Go dees PS Just looked at the weather... Cloudy. Medium (60%) chance of showers, most likely in the late afternoon and evening. Winds north to northwesterly 15 to 25 km/h tending west to northwesterly 20 to 25 km/h in the middle of the day then tending north to northwesterly 15 to 25 km/h at night
  7. You are right in the sense that there is an annual fee. You then pay an additional fee for "opening" the box plus a per head catering fee. The match day extras are no small amount as I recall from my days of corporate box attending many years ago. Doubt that we see much of the corporate box money. I was mentioning it to underline that in the corporate world we are not seen as much of a drawcard at present. Hopefully it will change.
  8. Got excited last night about a possible Trenners return but alas it increasingly sounds like that it is not to be.
  9. Crowd numbers are relevant to supporters and make us feel good but it is revenue per game which will become increasingly important. Geelong could get more revenue by playing more games at the MCG but it makes more per game from playing at Kardinia Park. I sit in the AFL section and the corporate boxes are often sparsely occupied for our games. As mentioned the new stadium deal between the AFL and say the Bulldogs will be a big issue. Our stadium deal with the MCG is a case in point also. I assume it is similar to those offered to all the other tenants which means we are at an immediate short term disadvantage. Nothing that a 20 year period including 8 flags won't fix !!
  10. Time to erase the memories of that game against Carlton last year. Good teams win these games. Cannot see the weed playing but by being named he is being sent the message that he is on track. Would not be surprised to see him play in Darwin. Trenners will play.. what position he will play is the question. Go Jack. This really is a season defining game
  11. Was surprised by the venue so I looked up the fixture and found that Richmond (VFL) play a few games here during the winter months before returning to Punt Road. Are they doing works or something at Punt Road? Pity as it such a great venue for a game.
  12. I know that Tom Scully is not loved on this board but when watching GWS in recent weeks I could not help but think of him and Trenners and then think to myself that Tom did the right thing by himself and good luck to him. They owe us nothing save doing their best each week and if they play well we as supporters are the winners. Go Dees
  13. But it was public.... the decision was on the internet since day 1
  14. Is that a typo It was made public and they were held to be wrong by the subsequent appeal court PS: No it wasn't a typo because he is quoted later int he article as saying the following: "It's frustrating for me having been involved in the Essendon case. That decision has never been publicly released. I would welcome that ever happening for people to look at both the tribunal decision and the court of appeal and make their own mind up."
  15. Interesting article in that it gives a very brief comment on the apparent rookie strategy of each club. One element that stood out was the use by a couple of clubs to "park" older players that just might be needed if injuries occur. Drew Petrie is a case in point. Perhaps it is a spot for Garland next year? I cannot see the logic of putting Trenners on the list if he cannot get a game with the long injury list we have at present. Smart use of the rookie list is another edge for some clubs. http://www.afl.com.au/news/2017-07-05/rookie-watch-whos-burning-and-whos-still-learning
  16. lot of sense in that post Even Tom Boyd put in one cruical performance Stringer (if he goes) will go for much more than we should be willing to give. Brisbane or the Suns beckons perhaps or even Freo.
  17. If Hogan doesn't play it is time to play the Weed. While not setting the world on fire he has been around about and with decent delivery he might fire. We have to get a four or five goal game out of a player and I just cannot see it coming from the present players notwithstanding Tom Mc's heroics against West Coast. Weed has been playing up the ground and can also provide the link mark which is so important in today's football. Then again I just noticed that the forecast for Sunday is possible showers ... so who knows This season is becoming so depressing so quickly. Go dees
  18. Must say ... the exact same thought struck me ... straight out of a Renaissance painting
  19. If Weed had a good game against Port then there might be a chance but he had about 4 kicks in the VFL with two marks. Sure delivery was not stellar but he needs time.
  20. why is it dumb... EPL teams do it all the time It is part of list management. If it makes sense from a physiological viewpoint let's do it
  21. Big call but I see where you are coming from. Assuming (big assumption) that we beat Carlton I agree. If not we need to snag a win against one of GWS, Port or Adelaide and therefore the Darwin game becomes more important. #let's dump Darwin
  22. Perhaps we could hope for a formula 1 type penalty: The FIA will take no further action against Sebastian Vettel after investigating the incident in which he drove into Lewis Hamilton at the Azerbaijan Grand Prix. The Ferrari driver appeared at a meeting on Monday and offered a full apology for his actions, which was accepted by the FIA, alongside a commitment from the Ferrari driver to undertake educational activities across a variety of racing championships over the next 12 months. https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2017/jul/03/sebastian-vettel-lewis-hamilton-f1
  23. sounds good .. let's hope it is with our new found optimism I'm sick of losing !!
  24. I can understand the one week at a time line but if we can get beyond Carlton the weeks look brighter. Can feel the September grass growing ... August .... named after the great Augustus... first emperor of Rome and a very smart cookie ... will be our month !!
  25. As I just posted on another thread....Time for Melksham to show why we traded for him as well. Must be something there !!
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