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Everything posted by Diamond_Jim

  1. Thanks KC for a wonderful year of reporting. Let's hope the boys bring it home for you in the last quarter !!
  2. Noticed that as well. You knew something was "off" when the WCE crowd sounded almost as loud as the GWS crowd. The capacity of the ground is 24,000 To say it was half full is being generous.... (AFL response...of course you cannot see the numbers in the corporate boxes and at the hospitality tents out back !)
  3. Off to watch qualifying for the Singas Grand Prix Can't be more boring,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, at least they will have a crowd
  4. it's like being asked to pick from the chocolate box........so many........so good.............I don't know
  5. it was a hypothetical... when Bartlett did it... it was within the rules......they changed the rules because of his tactic
  6. Not sure what they said the "official crowd number" was but apparently the lowest finals crowd since WW1 (yes.........world war one). Given the ladder position of GWS for the last two years that is an absolute disgrace.
  7. Diving in soccer is one of the biggest blights on the game and it is now an art form. In AFL the act of "faking for the free" (not sure what to call it) is becoming an increasing issue. A few reports and suspensions would wipe it out ... much like the running into the umpire from 20 years ago. Bringing the game into disrepute is what I am thinking. As a hypothetical do demonlanders consider Bartlett's actions of bouncing the ball when tackled and thus drawing a free kick worthy of suspension if it were the modern game. I raise this because with all rules the question is where the line is drawn. PS: Dangerfield went down enormously in my opinion last night with that dive. He is a great player who does not need to resort to such tactics.
  8. Found a crowd of 25,000 in 1942 for the first semi between South Melbourne and Footscray at Princes Park....... Boy what a game that would have been with General MacArthur and the Yanks in town !! I am sure that there must be lower
  9. so does anyone know the record for the lowest crowd... I can recall some pretty low crowds for some North finals and then there was the famous Port game where the fans were saving their money for the prelim final and didn't attend the earlier semi final Not much love left for any of these finals teams by the looks of it....... Toiges by default perhaps
  10. Last year the Giants played a home final but it was against the Bulldogs with a number of Bulldogs fans making the trip. Not sure a similar number of Eagles fans will cross the continent for this game. Not sure what the lowest turn out for a finals match is but this game will close to breaking that record. My guess is around 12,000 ,, what's your's?
  11. an MFC win by a blow out is a different thing ... sublime almost.......... to sleep perchance to dream
  12. Was expecting a closer game tonight Other than the Port v WCE game last week the finals have been a bit of a yawn fest
  13. Still asking myself how we lost that one ... not to mention the Carlton game in 2016 When is this club going to get it all together On Lewis ... we got value ... would have been nice to get some more but very happy with that pick up. Would love to see someone pushing for his spot next year. PS... and how did we lose to the 16/17th ranked club.. North... TWICE
  14. Sounds believable AF....... if GWS don't win next year I do see some of their players leaving. There is just so long that you can ignore the money that will be thrown at some of them
  15. Nah... I want a player that every supporter of every club knows about......... Not sure I could put up with Bruce calling him "speccccccccial" though Petracca could be the one
  16. Found this article which is very apposite to this thread. It tells the story of a former EPL player who has set up a website to help players adjust to life after football. Perhaps there is an opening for such a service in AFL. "LAPS is an online tool available to former athletes who are searching for a career after the final whistle has blown on their careers. It contains a job board, networking opportunities, advice and case studies of former athletes who have moved into different lines of work. Simpson has spoken to hundreds of athletes since setting up LAPS. Many of them mental health issues and financial concerns and he wants to empower them. " https://www.theguardian.com/football/behind-the-lines/2017/sep/01/robbie-simpson-sport-careers-service-professional-footballer
  17. I agree... We often see stories about the players helping out sick children and well done to them for that. This story is about the two young boys and how one went that special distance for his mate. As you say it is the essence of sport and is inspiring to everyone. Did you happen to notice the following : "Although Mark cannot see anymore, his passion for the Swans has not ebbed. Armed with his cane, which he calls “Michael” – his favourite film is the Italian Job – he goes to the stadium and normally listens to streamed radio commentary that complements the roar of the crowd." Priceless ... for those who don't get the reference I'm sure others will assist
  18. Just read this article in the Guardian and found it really moving: The boy whose commentary for his blind friend inspired his sporting heroes When Sydney Swans players heard a 12-year-old boy had been commentating for his mate at one of their matches, they wanted to meet the two youngsters .................." I barely looked at Buddy as I was focusing on Jarryd and Mark behind me. “What’s happening, mate?” Mark implored as Buddy strutted around the 50-metre line looking for the ball searching for his tenth goal. “Don’t worry Mark. I’ve got this,” replied Jarryd calmly. “OK. Buddy’s got it. He’s quite far out. Will he go for it? He’s going for it. It’s good and it’s his tenth goal! Buddy is on fire.” Mark hugged his football on his knees, feeling the defined stitching and laces with fingers, lost in the magic of Australian football brought to life by his friend. " https://www.theguardian.com/sport/behind-the-lines/2017/sep/13/boy-commentate-blind-friend-inspired-sydney-swans
  19. First saw Fritsch play in the opening round this year at Williamstown. Early in the first quarter someone took a strong pack mark. From the pack emerged this young beanpole. When he did it again shortly thereafter I looked up my trusty guernsey numbers as provided by KC to find out that the guy was called Fritsch. Watched him at four or five other games and while mainly hoping for a break out game by the Weed I could not help but notice that this guy was always a chance for a mark and good goal. Would be interesting to hear from others how he does tackle wise and when the ball is on the ground. There seems to be little doubt that he is the top pick from the VFL for the coming draft. The only question is which club will blink first in fear that he may not get to their pick in the next round. My guess is a late second rounder and if not he will be gone by the time our third round comes around.
  20. second all of that Good luck Jack ... if he can give us 17 or so good games next year including finals I will be very happy. Playing him on the ball is a great idea... wouldn't mind him being trialled in the pre-season as a relieving outside mid given the accuracy of his disposal
  21. you sure know how to depress a poor MFC supporter OD but your points have validity based on the last season's performance. I do hope however that you are wrong about Gawn. I see him and Hogan (in a CHF role) as two players that could take us all the way. Getting back onto the topic of Depth .. the disappointing thing about the VFL players is that hardly any performed when they came into the senior team to the extent that they were dropped back to the VFL because a regular was returning and not on form alone. That is how I measure depth and this year we did not have it. One lives in hope but 2017 was in the end a real downer of a season.
  22. Harsh ... but not too far off the mark. My reservation is that there is enormous upside and players with his potential (that horrible word) are not that plentiful. On a positive note you have to admit that this has been his best season... just not as good as many of us had hoped
  23. I stand corrected.. used to have a friend whose son played for Port and at that time their players were spread through the SANFL. As you say when there are no injuries it gives them a rather strong side in the local comp which is perhaps why in the earlier years they were spread around. Out of interest who usually wins the games when the VFL state side play their other state equivalents. One small way of gauging the relative strengths of the various comps.
  24. Just watch out for Professor Moriarty and that damned waterfall
  25. Good point BB. Although I like following Casey (it is like "bruise free supporting") I was having a similar thought today. None of the interstate teams* have a "reserves team" and they do very well as a group by comparison to the Melbourne teams. *Not sure if Port AFL players play for Port SANFL these days...
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