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Lucifers Hero

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Everything posted by Lucifers Hero

  1. The most important position I guess means the one that is integral to the game and to winning. Many coaches hold the view to win a GF you need to have an excellent ruckman. So on the basis of the most 'important position' (rather than the 'best player' ala GA in Lynch's article...best players change over time) I go with ruckman.
  2. 1. Are you implying the tribunal of Chairman Mr David Jones, a former County Court Judge, Mr John Nixon, a former County Court Judge and Mr Wayne Henwood, a barrister and former VFL player are AFL stooges? I would hope these learned gentleman would put a higher value on their personal and professional integrity. 2. A 'reprimand' implies a penalty for 'guilty' to charges. So, surely they can't just say: 'yes, based on 'comfortable satisfaction' you took the illegal gear (ie guilty) but we will let you off with a slap over the wrist (a reprimand).' Its either 'Guilty': penalise according to ASADA/WADA rules; or 'Innocent': let them go. 3. A 'reprimand' looks like a 50/50 each way bet.
  3. Except the map is of 'Casey Fields'! Might be a case of: 'watch this space' as it might get updated again before Monday.
  4. Love your training reports Saty but the sarcasm is wearing a bit thin...just put Moonie and other detractors on 'ignore'. Or follow 'Bruisers' example - do your reports the let others have their say and leave it at that. That should help stop the sparring that goes on in training reports.
  5. They don't have to: Several footy fields and sporting facilities surrounded by acres of parkland...enough to keep all but the most ardent fan at a safe distance!
  6. Last year's leadership group was: Jones, Grimes, Dawes, Dunn, Garland, Cross and Frawley. For the sake of stability I would like to see minimal changes: we now have a stable off-field, stable coaching so I would like a stable LG. Would also like the same 'rules' to players getting a game apply to LG. ie you need to earn your spot and do so well enough to dislodge an incumbent. While there are other players I would like in LG and there are plenty of potential leaders among the young brigade for mine no-one has really stood out and 'passed' this 'test'. Lets give the young guys a year or two to just enjoy their footy. Their day will come. I'm not sure we need 7 in the LG so Frawley going leaves 6. Garland may opt to drop out as this is free agent year and concentrate on his game.
  7. Jack took captaincy very seriously and there is every chance that he took the loses and set-backs of the last few years personally...not it being his fault but that he couldn't lead his team our of the mire, either by his own performance or motivating his team. I would like to see him in the LG. Different times and people, I know but I didn't like it when Green went from captain to no-where. I just feel we need to give the right message through behaviour and treating our ex-captains with more respect is one such way. We didn't do it with Junior and Green; we are somewhat doing it with Trengove and I hope we do so with Grimes. So hope to see him in the LG.
  8. 'Constellation'...this gave me a good ole laugh...I was imagining him seeing stars!
  9. Hang in there Bruiser. In the home stretch now. We really enjoy your work.
  10. From the outside Mick seems to have favourites ala Daisy and outsiders ala Garlett. Roos on the other hand seems to not let his personal feelings affect his assessment of a player and will work hard to get the best out of them. Having said that I would bet Roos told Garlett to pull his head in or he will be in the VFL again and may have put some 'behaviour' clauses in his contract.
  11. To Roosy's Bruisers, Deemfc, Mega Watts and Demon Ox. Thanks for really informative and entertaining reports! Really insightful as well...just telling it as you see it without any humbug. Like it! Live bayside so will try to get to Casey when we start training there...hope I can do half as good a report as you guys have.
  12. If that poster on big footy is right it explains why Ess are looking to appoint another 'development' coach. A bit late to suddenly decide another coach is needed you would think. Oh, we suddenly want to use all the football budget, they say!! More likely preparing for Hird's departure! If players take the wrap the whole thing will be over. At Last!!
  13. I googled 'moron' and this is what I got (as well as BB0's avatar): Do you think they are referring to us! Will probably incur the wrath of 'keep to the thread title' posters but it is pretty quiet atmo so figure a bit of frivolity won't go astray!
  14. Can't see others. Because its a secret between a poster and the moderators!
  15. Welcome to DL and welcome as a new Demon supporter, Bells. Any snippets from the family member in the team also welcome...no names of course! As a new supporter you may not know of the NSC or the MFCSS that have befallen us. You will see those a lot on DL. They refer to 'Norm Smith's Curse' and 'Melbourne Football Club Supporter Syndrome". Both are obsessive and depressive afflictions that have proven very difficult to shake off. However, most on DL are beginning to believe those malaises are behind us. Anyway, hope the Dees deliver for you or at least hope your family member player excels to his best.
  16. A great report from Matt. Liked the non-training info. Have to admire Trengove's positive attitude and I love that the club has taken him to Maroochydore (he was left at home for the Darwin camp in 2012) As an aside does anyone know of 'First XV111' supporters that Burgan talks about...not who they are personally...just where they fit into the membership/coterie/supporter setup.
  17. At the time Goodwin was appointed Roos said that Goodwin had been very open and honest with him, PJ and the Board about the Essendon supplements and his role. I would be surprised if the club didn't put and 'out' clause into Goodwin's contract to cover any surprises. But Goodwin seems pretty smart so I doubt he would have held back telling about any nasties that could implicate him. No need for us to worry.
  18. I get a bit of pleasure knowing that neither Essendon nor Carlton have made it!!
  19. By TDI's reasoning, no player would ever be delisted and all 40 would be top 22 players.
  20. Maybe a better question is: 'how to attract more female members/supporters' to this forum!! After 3 years of reading I can count about 6 brave souls: Sweet Dee, Jaded, Jane02, Demondame and Demons4flag...food for thought there guys...
  21. Just goes to show...all in the eye-of-the-beholder! If we had more than a handful of female contributors on DL I would ask RR (or RR sub) to do a survey of the sexiest Dee's player!! In the meantime, I will keep Dom as my fave but adore any player in the red and blue!
  22. From this female's view Dom beats Bernie by a country mile... ...judging by the number of posters who have had 'man crushes' on Dom they might share this view
  23. Here''s my answer via Bernie Vince interview: “There was a lot [of PBs] in that group. It was pretty impressive the way they’ve come back, but we expected nothing less,” he said. Sounds like the players got the message before the break about doing PB's" “Everyone was pretty good [due to] the pressure of not performing when coming back – I think a lot of people had this date scratched into their diary [because] I certainly did.” “Every time I ate something or drank something, I was thinking of this day.” Bodes well! Not just for PB's but also for discipline!
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